AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. TessaMoth


    I have a friend sleeping in my living room right now while we look for a 2 bedroom apartment. When I cam, they put their headphones on and watch TV or play video games with the volume up loud enough that they can't hear and aren't bothered by my camming. Hasn't been a problem.
  2. TessaMoth

    Any Mama's Out There??

    Please don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean to disrespect you or be rude, but I don't understand how you're achieving your goal of stopping people from knowing you're a mother when you keep posting about being a mother; and I don't understand how you can reasonably expect other cam models...
  3. TessaMoth

    MFC Camgirl Noob

    If you want to keep your child secret, I hope you're not planning on camming under the same name you registered on these forums to post this thread.
  4. TessaMoth

    Straight White Boys Texting

    This shit is why I still have a Fetlife account :> :> :>
  5. TessaMoth

    Pantyhose On Cam: What Do You Do With Your Underwear?

    I'm not quite at that point in my career yet, haha. (:
  6. TessaMoth

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Yeah, I like it when people fave tweets about logging in. Makes me feel like maybe a couple of the peeps who follow me on twitter actually do watch my shows. :)
  7. TessaMoth

    Thinking Out Loud About.. dun dun dun, Bitcoin

    Girls that use bitcoin, what sites are you using right now to convert your bitcoin into money you can use to pay your bills and such?
  8. TessaMoth

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Dudes telling me I should change my clothes for them. No tip. Total strangers. Show up in my room, be all, "damn I love everything you're wearing except for ___________, you should change into a different one." Um, what? Is this normal? I feel like this can't possibly be normal. I did my makeup...
  9. TessaMoth

    Pantyhose On Cam: What Do You Do With Your Underwear?

    JerryBoBerry, the linked post is fascinating. I feel that I should specify, however, that this question is not about situations involving garter belts or stockings.
  10. TessaMoth

    Pantyhose On Cam: What Do You Do With Your Underwear?

    Okay I am having a serious problem and I need advice. I have multiple pairs of coloured fishnet pantyhose that I have yet to wear on cam, even though I would really like to, because I cannot figure out what the best way to handle this is. Wearing Pantyhose On Cam: What Do You Do With Your...
  11. TessaMoth

    What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

    Yikes. Depending on how long you're on cam for, it gets difficult to go that whole time without eating. Five hours without food and I'm going to start having a hard time, especially if it was another hour or two between my last meal and when I started.
  12. TessaMoth

    How Did You Come Up With Your Cam/User Name?

    I am an admirer of the works of MC Escher. Escher is famous in part for his tessellations. Tessellation comes from the root word tessella, meaning small stone cube. Tessella is also a genus of moths; it has five species. Five is a holy number in the Discordian faith.