AmberCutie's Forum
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  1. L

    What makes you RAGE!

    I totally agree. People don't realize how physically (not to mention MENTALLY) demanding this type of "work" is. Ignore that guy. He's not aware of the fact that what you're earning isn't "easy money" at all. Ignorance.
  2. L

    Camscore ???

    Yeah, I've heard that the first week you're a model is crucial to your camscore so if you start of with a bang, your camscore sky rockets. Alternatively, if you suck...yeah. Point of no return.
  3. L

    Non-Nude Models

    Haha, I feel you. I'm never like "My husband this, my husband that" in chat (I don't even wear my ring on camera), but if people ask about my marital status, I'm honest. A lot of guys DO act all hurt and discouraged about it when they find out. Kinda silly. Amber is actually why I decided not...
  4. L

    Non-Nude Models

    Brilliant analysis, Cherry. Although it did bring to mind that the fact that I don't lie about being attached is probably cockblocking a lot of my viewers. :think: :-D
  5. L

    Cervix porn

    :shock: WTF??? :puke:
  6. L


    I second the Old Spice/Freshly Showered smell...mmm. I also dig the scent of my man after he's worked out. :-D Freakin' yummy. Vanilla and Egyptian Musk do it for me too.
  7. L

    Camscore ???

    This. That's exactly what it is. Higher camscore = more visibility = more of a chance of getting people who WILL tip and make it so that the model/model's friends don't have to tip quite as much or at all. A tip war starting because of a fake tip I haven't seen yet...but there's a first time for...
  8. L

    Camscore ???

    On the subject of screen capping large tips as "thanks" I don't really care for it as it seems more like unnecessarily bragging than a token of gratitude (especially since some pics I've seen are either too small to read the amount or happen to have been tipped by an "anonymous" user). I...
  9. L

    Cervix porn

    :shock: bueno. This, along with fisting, shall go on my list of things I fail to see the appeal in.
  10. L

    Last day on the month

    Heh, I'll probably be taking it off in the future (been off line for the past week due to other issues) because it doesn't sound like fun, unless you already have a following. Rather curious as to why so many girls jump on. Last ditch attempt to boost their take home cut?
  11. L

    Good cam / shitty cam

    Nah, looked great (stumbled upon your room earlier). You just need more lighting.
  12. L

    What makes you RAGE!

    The fact that lag-spikes are going OFF tonight in a bad way (and no, it's not just me because I've seen other viewers comment on the frozen cams, etc.). Can't enjoy perving because everything is skipping like a scratched CD. ALSO, what's up with the fact that there's no scroll bar for the model...
  13. L

    What scares you?

    Invasions. Home, Country, Planetary (yeah, I said that last part, really). I don't know when I started freaking the hell out about the last one but that's been with me for a long time. I just can't shake it. Yet, my morbid curiosity attracts me to shows about UFOs and movies like "Fire In The...
  14. L

    Camscore ???

    Is camscore updated daily automatically, or do models have to go in manually and "refresh" their profile? That's what just happened to me. I woke up and was flabbergasted to still be stuck at 888.6 and started to panic. Then I saw something on my profile that needed to be fixed so I edited it...
  15. L

    Camscore ???

    Gah. I had a superstar in my room for like 4 hours and he didn't rate a single one of his tips or his private. Boo. :( Ah well. Better luck tomorrow.
  16. L

    Camscore ???

    :think: ratings and such update once daily the same as camscore? Because if not, I'm going to be a little crestfallen. Rating doesn't cost squat and I know I probably asked about a bajillion times for people to rate me if nothing else (and only one person rated their private/tip over 90 as...
  17. L

    Camscore ???

    That's a great approach. I wish I could adopt it. Kinda hard to keep gyrating for an hour and have have NO ONE show a little appreciation though. :| My camscore went up since I didn't log on yesterday.
  18. L

    Scary movies...

    Session 9 Shutter (the THAI version) And then there's this Masters of Horror episode called "Cigarette Burns". I don't know what it is about that episode, but it's creepy as hell. Jacob's Ladder always freaked me out a s kid too.
  19. L

    Unfinished games

    The Thing (video game continuation of the movie by the same title). Lost my memory card during a move, found it, got stuck in a room full of motion-sensitive guns and now I'm just bored with shooting little tiny head monsters. *sigh* Silent Hill 3 because the gaming mechanics are somehow more...
  20. L

    New Silent Hill

    :O :drool: NEED. I'm so excited for this. ^____^ I'm a huge SH fan too. My favorite in the series has been 2. Glossed over 3, didn't really get my hands on 4 after I heard all the weird reviews about (but the story seemed to be up my alley) and kinda forgot about 5. :doh: Let's not even...