AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Recent content by SherryZ

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. SherryZ

    Permits required for Cam models in LA and Huston? is a chicken little site---"Oh the sky is falling" when it was only a light breeze shaking the leaves. LOL All of this legislation depends on filming permits being filed to produce the content. Do you file for a filming permit to cam? I doubt it. Every production company does...
  2. SherryZ

    Why is MFC sponsoring Suicide Girls's burlesque tour?

    MFC probably saw what has happened with the Inked awards and decided that the Suicide Girls "type" has a huge following among cam viewers. It seems to take these "programmer" types that are entering the adult industry through cams a while to catch on and catch up with the times. Buying traffic...
  3. SherryZ


    The sites don't allow it and I can see why other models are annoyed by it . . . but sleep voyeurism is a legitimate fetish. There are some people that will pay well, just to watch a pretty girl or guy sleep. Nothing wrong with that, in my book. ;)
  4. SherryZ

    How to avoid an ghost room?

    When you have no one in the room, try watching something on TV or on the web (don't show the screen on your cam to avoid TOS copyright issues) and "talk to" whatever you're watching. If it's a movie, cheer on the lead character, or shout warnings at the chick that's about to get whacked...
  5. SherryZ

    Critters Caught On Cam...2!

    Moni K's pussy looks like my Pixel. :D
  6. SherryZ

    Getting paid by Chaturbate - payoneer and paxum getting worse

    You might want to try contacting @punker barbie here on Ambercutie with your CB user name . . . .
  7. SherryZ

    Cam Vid Music?

    Any recorded music that is available by retail is copyrighted, so you can't use it in any video or audio production meant for sale without written (direct from label or musician) or purchased (ASCAP/paid stock music) permission. There are a few stock music outlets online and the prices aren't...
  8. SherryZ

    AVN 2017

    More like AVN moved the show to coincide with SHOT. ;) But in any case, it's better than AEE competing with CES for space and attendees.
  9. SherryZ

    AVN 2017

    It's been a few years since I've done AEE. So they stopped industry only days? Cool. It's about time AVN opened up the whole 4 day run to the public.
  10. SherryZ

    Chaturbate won't pay me

    Hey Christian, I am very sorry this happened with your account. Chaturbate is committed to providing the best customer service to their broadcasters and thank you for posting, so CB had the information to look into it further. You should be set now. ;)
  11. SherryZ

    Cannot get age verified by chaturbate

    It may well be the resolution of the image you are sending is causing problems in verifying it--I have this problem when I'm working with model releases for clients and the image hasn't been blown up to at least 200x size or set to a high DPI. Try scanning it at 300 DPI (or choose PHOTO quality...
  12. SherryZ

    Chaturbate and paypal, and model name help

    Pay Pal has a weird policy on adult content . . . You can use Pay Pal to sell any hard goods or digital downloads, as long as it is a one time transaction. This is why you can use Pay Pal on eBay for adult material. However, you can't use Pay Pal processing to sell "adult services" or...
  13. SherryZ

    Chaturbate Profile Bio and Stats Deleted :(

    I've heard that Chaturbate customer service is getting better at responding within a few hours, if you use the email. But one thing that helps speed it up is always making sure you include the broadcaster's profile name in customer service requests. ;)