Unique fetishists that frequent my room:
*zipper fetish, zipping my jeans up and down over my pussy while talking dirty. no nudity, just zipping
*foot stuff is common, but one unique one is "dangling", I put the cam under the table and dangle my feet off the side, while talking dirty. Another unique one is "crush" where I crush things with my feet (I emptied three perfectly good cans of gingerale one day to accomplish this)
*Many different flavors of smoking fetish (and by flavors I mean some peoples focus is my wet mouth, some people like the cigarette itself, some people like the smoke, every smoking fetishist is different)
*extreme whore make up fetishist, where the purpose is to put on as much eye makeup as possible and then cry (make eyes water) and have it run down my face
*queefing (apparently I'm a world class queefer lol)
*ear fetish (extreme closeup of ear tugging and self-wet-willying)
*eye ball fetish (extreme closeup of eye balls while I roll them around in my skull and beg the premium to fill my ocular cavity up with man chowder)
*baby fetish, where I'm the premiums mummy and repeatedly change his poopy diapers and rub his tum tum OR the premium asks me to distend my abdomen and rub my "pregnant" belly and talk about how much I liked him putting a baby in my belly
I'm like, flypaper for freaks

but it breaks up the monotony of vigorous anal banging shows lol