Model is constantly complaining because she struggles to get 50-100 users in her room and most are greys or anonymous. (that's fair enough, anyone would be annoyed).
Model for the past 2 days has 900+ in her room but then she goes absent from her room regularly and for long periods, of say 10 or 15 minutes (to smoke, drink, pee or god knows what)..
My point is she is not trying to do anything to "take advantage" of this new situation.
In addition, she has appointed a new moderator (I think grey) who is just constantly spamming "tip guys" gifs. I was there for 5 minutes and he posted it 6 or 7 times. So, that's fun! haha
This guy is not speaking or doing anything else other than the tip gifs constantly... that is why I assume he is a grey, it's always them that do that nonsense.
When you're a model's moderator but then she has "inside jokes" with a lot of guys, from either social media, PM, or wherever (and they are not necessarily tippers, spenders), and they come in the chat and start saying things that are rude and insulting, and for anyone else, you would silence them, and the model would want you to... you don't know these other guys who she has secret inside jokes with, or what the joke is, al you see is the rudeness, so then you obviously silence them, then you get a stern telling off for not being a mind reader etc.
And she continues to let these guys be rude etc in public chat, yet still expects you to silence other guys that jump on the wagon and start saying/doing the same. Oh and, these guys are constantly changing their name too.
I think keep shit like this in PM or social media etc