30 minutes from pajamas to broadcast.For me almost 2 hour , make up , choose outfit , test my cam, set my room. How about you ?
I FEEL THIS! There have definitely been times I am all ready to get on but my mood won't allow it. Almost feels impossible. Other days, I hit the broadcast button without a thought and just do it. I don't really have anxiety as much as PMS.sometimes i get ready for cam and not get online at all if it's a super bad day.
anywhere from 20 minutes to 4 hours if I'm having a bad anxiety day. sometimes i get ready for cam and not get online at all if it's a super bad day.
i have been trying to get online and do my makeup while streaming. no fucks. it makes me be quick and not take forever. the only negative thing is it does attract the "y O u D o N t N e E d M a K e U p" white knights that cause me to have irrational internal rage.
Depends on my mood and if I’ve already had makeup on when I get ready to cam. Schedule now is wake up, protein bar and coffee then work out for an hour, shower and I always wear full face makeup except in the summer. If my hair is already dry, i usually use a halo extension and braid it with my hair. That takes the longest. About 20 min to touch up makeup and do hair. Set up cams, fart around on my phone and start streaming is another 20. If I have to start from a shower it’s about an hour from start to finish.
I bought wigs today so I don’t have to worry about hair- just pop a fun wig on. Also bought another dozen outfits to wear on cam and I have a designated dresser for naughty clothes.
I’ve found I tend to make less overall if I spend more time on makeup. Either I suck or they like the natural look which is a crap ton of war paint anyway.
Setting a schedule does help for sure! I actually try to keep my day on a routine schedule to help keep me on track and consistent. I can relate to the getting down on yourself when your anxiety prevents you from doing things that seem so easy. The best advice is don't punish yourself, pick yourself up, light a candle, and go from there.I appreciate this bc I suffer from anxiety as well ... how do you make sure you stay consistent with camming at set hours ??? I end up getting so down on myself for not logging on.