AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!
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Or how about, instead of trying to meet a cam model in person, go on a dating site and meet/date a girl from there.

Honest to god, I think the reason why some dudes treat cam sites like their own personal dating catalogue or try to meet up/fuck models who live halfway across the world from them is because they have zero dating app/in person game and can't get a woman in their own area to want to be anywhere near them.
What she said ^^^
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He harvested my good kidney 🥵
make sure to keep the other one safe
happy joy GIF by South Park
Yeah. A model mate got a one-star rating for a pvt because “she wasn’t in xxxx country - lied”.

Like, wtf has a location got to do with anything unless you want a hook up? Boils my blood…
Cannot ejaculate properly without knowing the correct country/state/city of origin. Fucking geoguesser cam edition.
Honest to god, I think the reason why some dudes treat cam sites like their own personal dating catalogue or try to meet up/fuck models who live halfway across the world from them is because they have zero dating app/in person game and can't get a woman in their own area to want to be anywhere near them.
I think this is true! I once asked a model friend how often she encounters clients who make a serious press about meeting in person. She figured it came out to something like 1 in every 100 customers she interacts with (a lot more make jokes about meeting or dating; this was her guess about how many are serious about it and press it).

As for the guys with no game, I think the financial leverage built into the "relationship" is the unspoken factor. I am gleaning that this is why they are often making these advances towards models in certain parts of the world, where there is a lot more inequity. So even though the guy is coming across as so nice and all about wanting a relationship with this perfect soulmate he's magically found on a cam site, there's a power disparity already in the equation. Maybe this provides a bit of insurance against the potential rejection that they would face in an in-person, real world environment - especially with women in his own country?

I think there is also a different type who is trying to meet up for casual fun (not looking for a relationship). Not sure it's very common, but I've gotten some sense of this from a model I know, and she describes them as using the sites as a catalogue for escorts. There's actually a member I know of on SC who somewhat routinely asks models (after some expected build-up and throwing a lot of money) about going on vacations with him. Maybe it's just easier, if the model is willing to give her contact info and entertain the possibility of "outside work," than it is to go to an escort agency (where you don't get to develop rapport ahead of time )? I think this is something different than the dude who thinks he's found love on the cam site.

But as far as getting to truly know people on the sites, I think it's pretty much impossible without being in their world (rather than only on a screen).
I don't think most guys on the sites know (or want to believe) this. I think people in general want to believe that if they're talking with someone for long periods of time, everyone is sincerely opening up and getting closer. It might just be human nature. I read recently that one of the sites did a big survery of its users a few years ago, and they found that the "relationship" part is a big draw of these sites for a certain segment of the market. If mostly everyone thought that they are getting only a persona or an act, it might take away some of the appeal.
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I think this is true! I once asked a model friend how often she encounters clients who make a serious press about meeting in person. She figured it came out to something like 1 in every 100 customers she interacts with
Not sure if this is just a me thing or a guy's thing in general but I would say my number is closer to 1 in 5, TBH I am sick of having to explain the difference between cam sites and grinder.
Not sure if this is just a me thing or a guy's thing in general but I would say my number is closer to 1 in 5, TBH I am sick of having to explain the difference between cam sites and grinder.
same, I thought maybe he might be talking to someone new or something lol
but since you said it first...
yeah 1 in 100 is a ridiculously huge underestimation
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same, I thought maybe he might be talking to someone new or something lol
but since you said it first...
yeah 1 in 100 is a ridiculously huge underestimation
It might have been the way I was asking the question, and she hadn't really tried to quantify this before. 😂 But what she was thinking about was including hundreds (maybe even into thousands?) of customers who come through each week, and of all of them where there's any interaction at all (even just briefly and nothing again), how many become someone who is seriously pressing for meeting up. (She noted that a lot of them make little jokes but she was not including those).

Maybe the better question would have been, of the clients you have some ongoing interaction with, what percentage...? Maybe then it would have been more like 1 in 5 or 1 in 10. I only remember her saying that a lot of guys ask and kind of frame it in a joking way, and she is able to shut it down quickly. But we were really talking about the ones that are clearly serious about it, start making proposals, even throw out proposed financial offers and arrangements.
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But we were really talking about the ones that are clearly serious about it, start making proposals, even throw out proposed financial offers and arrangements.
Oh gotcha.
Yes, maybe the way you asked the question, maybe a popular token site model, who doesn't do a ton of one on ones too?
It might have been the way I was asking the question, and she hadn't really tried to quantify this before. 😂 But what she was thinking about was including hundreds (maybe even into thousands?) of customers who come through each week, and of all of them where there's any interaction at all (even just briefly and nothing again), how many become someone who is seriously pressing for meeting up. (She noted that a lot of them make little jokes but she was not including those).

Maybe the better question would have been, of the clients you have some ongoing interaction with, what percentage...? Maybe then it would have been more like 1 in 5 or 1 in 10. I only remember her saying that a lot of guys ask and kind of frame it in a joking way, and she is able to shut it down quickly. But we were really talking about the ones that are clearly serious about it, start making proposals, even throw out proposed financial offers and arrangements.
more often than not the "joking way" is a "I'm 100% joking unless you say yes then I'm 100% serious". Personally I dont get the joking kind anymore, I used to but the traffic has kind of changed and a lot of the guys I speak to now are trying to use chaturbate as a book an escort site...but judging by their tipping maybe book an escort is the wrong phrasing since that would indicate an intention to pay...which most of them defiantly dont have 😂
Honestly, yeah. You're going to have a much different experience in an Eastern European studio model's room than you will in an indie American model's room. EE studio models are often coached a certain way and also have certain rules that they have to follow that are put in place by their studios. The culture is also very different compared to American culture. My best friend was born and raised in Russia before moving to the US later on and we've talked about cultural differences at length and even though she's never done sex work, she's given me her opinion more than once on the way she's pretty sure studios there are ran based off how the culture with Russian women is when it comes to American men. I can also imagine there's been a lot of changes too with the war.
Been gone awhile but wanted to comment after reading this.

I've talked a lot with a couple of friends/models who became very candid about their work (both of whom I know outside of sites and don't interact with on sites, except on rare instances). It's only two people, so i don't want to generalize, but they are both in Russia (in very different regions), and both work in studios.

They both have a similar cutthroat attitude when it comes to the customers. By this I mean, for example, when either of them have a client who turns into a "regular" and especially if he's a big spender, they have zero qualms about going with the whole "implied girlfriend" thing - if that's what seems like a good angle. This includes very much suggesting willingness to meet and more (but never actually doing it). They are a bit careful in how they say things, but that seems to be more about avoiding trouble with sites.

To give a specific example, a model friend has had this ongoing situation with a big spending site for several months. This guy came in like gangbusters with 3 and 4 hour private chats every other day and big tips. There's a bunch of interesting stuff about it that the model has shared with me, and I've wanted to make a separate post about it, specifically regarding how models handle situations where a whale becomes 85% of your income but then it scares away other potential regulars. But that's for another time and I want to ask her what she would be okay with me saying about it. Or maybe she'll join and tell the story herself).

The relevant part here is: This customer is spending a lot of money and he is one who of those who seems to believe at some level that there is an actual relationship that is going to culminate in the model relocating to his area. I don't want to say too much, but he's got a history in real life of being very controlling and obsessive. But despite all this, the model has run with it. She has not overtly promised specifically what this customer is looking for, but she has said just about everything else, including stating that she has real feelings for him and so on. (Dude is also completely in the dark about her being engaged, not to mention he still thinks she's in a country near Russia, rather than in Russia).

So in conversations with her about this, I once asked something like, "Given everything you have said about this customer, how do you think he's going to react when he finally realizes that none of his plans with you are going to come true?" She was matter-of-fact: "That's just how it goes. He should know what kind of sites these are." Pretty cold! 😂 Which is strange because in real life, she is a kind person, really caring. Is this a cultural thing? Or studio training? Maybe both?

I will say that on another occasion, we were talking about this kind of stuff, and she said that if she thinks about it, she feels sorry for some of these guys, just that they are investing so much time and emotion. Said she isn't sure why they do it but thinks some are lonely; some have trouble making connections in real life. But as far as the actual tactics she uses, she has no hesitations at all to go with the love angle and say a lot of things that are on the edge of an outright "con." But she added, "This is my job. And they should know better." The idea that there could be some kind of ethical dilemma does not factor in AT ALL. I wonder if some of this is cultural, and they are just programmed to view these "Western" dudes as simply guys with money for the taking - nothing more.