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Bruce Jenner transitioning to be a woman

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Jul 16, 2013
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Was wondering everyone's thoughts on the topic of transitioning... and well all opinions are welcome.
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I say good for her. It must be tough to have been once known as the greatest athlete in the world -- a title that has a lot of masculine associations -- to make this sort of decision, especially while living in such a public way. I often wonder whether she feels a bit held captive by Kardashian fame-seeking, and whether or not she might have done it much sooner if she'd been able to do it more privately.
Bravo to her for being who she feels is true to herself. People give so much crap to trans celebrities, like the tabloids that are accusing Angelina Jolie of "turning Shiloh into a boy". No, she's not, that's John's choice and his mother is supporting who he is.
Just my :twocents-02cents: : I don't think the topic of transitioning merits other people's opinions (though I guess that never stops anyone from having an opinion, lol). Any subject relating to other people's bodies, really - it's not my body, nor is is my life. Why would my opinion matter?

That being said, I wish anybody going through a transition the best of luck & health, celebrity or otherwise.
PicNic said:
Just my :twocents-02cents: : I don't think the topic of transitioning merits other people's opinions (though I guess that never stops anyone from having an opinion, lol). Any subject relating to other people's bodies, really - it's not my body, nor is is my life. Why would my opinion matter?

That being said, I wish anybody going through a transition the best of luck & health, celebrity or otherwise.

You make a beautiful, blistering, censure to the notion that formulating opinion/judgment, and if I hear you right, even making eye contact with/to such matters be somehow justifiable. Incorporating your closing thought, I feel like what you are saying is; any concern beyond a silent, loving, concern, is absolutely none of our concern, and to behave as if it is, is nothing short of crass, and perhaps even vulgar. If that is more, than less, what you are saying, you could not be more right (yea, one of those 50 shades of grayless, right or wrong universal principals), and, I've yet heard, or imagined any flawless contradiction.

In the neck deep sludge of, "what matters" being endlessly spewed at us from every angle, your post demonstrates the strength of, true matter's voice, to lift us out of the shit. At least for a short time until the next soiled wave washes us sludgeward again. Thank You. :clap:

This sort of pop ping in time I sometimes miss completely, or become aware of merely by chance, weeks, or months after most everyone else, as is the case here. Having made Bruce's casual acquaintance a couple of times 36 years ago, I was struck by now much it made perfect sense upon reading the thread title, though it had not occurred to me before. 36 years ago Bruce was in ways displaying dominant feminine sensibilities - may she know a happiness like never before.
RubyDimples said:
Was wondering everyone's thoughts on the topic of transitioning... and well all opinions are welcome.
Thoughts? Good luck to them. They'll need it. Some folks must think they need to do it, but it's not something I'd wish for anyone to have to go through.
Didn't mean to offend anyone with this thread or come off like I was judging. I'm for people leading their lives however they deem acceptable. I was just trying to spark a topic of discussion and obviously didn't do that effectively.

I'm going to hide now... :woops:
Tried to get back in time to edit my post here, but did not. I had meant to say also that, though I know what PicNic said to be as right as anything can be, just knowing such things to be correct does not always stop me from being thoughtlessly crass and/or vulgar. I'm trying to do a better job of considering if I have any right to spew my BS before I actually do. But I don't always do a good job of that. I hope my praise of her post did not sound as if I might dislocate my own virtuous shoulder. My intent was to highlight the undeniable truth in her words - a truth I am as likely to miss in wisdom's absents at times as anyone.
I feel I need to apologize yet again, - talk about unseemly habitual behavior. I'll post the PM I sent just a short while ago to/about the OP. (I'll try to pay better attention to detail in the future.)

camstory said:
Just read the OP again, and I do not think there is anything wrong with a conversation about the subject of transitioning. In fact I think it is very healthy as a topic in general. (had I been exposed to such discussion 30 years ago, I am sure I would have much earlier figured out my own sexuality. If I had known myself better as a young man, there is a strong possibility I would now be a woman.

I think it is likely the use of B.J.'s example as a jumping off point, or actually just as a thread title, might have been what motivated PicNic's comment. It is for sure what motivated mine, but really nothing at all wrong IMO with the OP as posted.
RubyDimples said:
Didn't mean to offend anyone with this thread or come off like I was judging. I'm for people leading their lives however they deem acceptable. I was just trying to spark a topic of discussion and obviously didn't do that effectively.

I'm going to hide now... :woops:

Sorry if my post came off that way at all, was totally unintentional! Just stating my own belief, I'm not at all offended that you started the thread.
I almost feel the same regarding the Kardashian franchise...BUT on the other hand thier every move is documented and their celebrities. Celebrities have their issues just like everybody else...only difference they have more money and their famous.
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HiGirlsRHot said:
I could careless about anything related to the Khardarisian (including taking the time to spell their name right) clan.
Sounds like it might not be possible, but if it is, I may care less. In fact the only reason I have any notion of what a Kardasian is, is b/c about a year ago i was over at a buddies house and happened to glance up at the TV being watched by his GF, and seeing Bruce Jenner said something like, Hey that is Bruce Jenner huh? When his GF realized I had never even heard of a Kardasian before that, she had trouble believing I was telling her the truth. :lol: I really might as well be living in a cave when it comes to some things.

But I think this thread may have got :text-threadjacked: right from the start if it was the OP's intent to start a conversation about the implications of the huge choice that is made when anyone decided transitioning is the right choice for them. To that vein i would be very interested to hear others thoughts, and don't see anything wrong with such a conversation in general, but only when that conversation becomes specifically about, "some one person" or, where bigoted biases are introduced to lump ppl making such a choice into a group. If ever there was a subject that spans such a scope of varied complexities as to truly be homoginist, this is it, IMho.

I'll start, and see if maybe others have interest enough to follow up.

The idea that there are many ppl who feel as if their physical gender, gender at birth, does not match their mental/emotional gender, I think makes the case very well, that nature is neither cruel nor compassionate, but in fact is wholly indifferent, and imperfect in how physical gender assignment effects our emotional well being. I further think that is something that can be very hard to keep in mind when realizing that you embody the wrong body. That realization can, and prolly does most often feel very unfair and cruel.

On a personal note, I still wonder if I really am a lesbian, (something I hate to say b/c of the less than serious popularity of guys joking that they are lesbians) in a mans body, as it has for many years felt to me. Or is my love of woman as sexually desirable just a product of years of programming? If I had been born physically female, would cock be my genitalia of choice? I'll never really know, but suspect my sexual preference would have been for other females to some degree if Bi at all. Being drawn to females for me started in early grade school. When the other boys were running around girls spraying them with imaginary kooty spray, I was trying to score a GF. And, later my sexual desire of females never felt forced. In fact I think my strong sex drive has come at the cost of other things, as it has consumed so much of my attention and time since before puberty.

If anyone else has similar feelings one way or the other, or feels they have any input at all, it would be nice if I didn't feel like the only one exposed here. On the other hand no one forced me to expose myself.
camstory said:
I was born a cisgendered, heterosexual male who finds women sexually desirable, but think too much about these sorts of things and now wonder if I might be a lesbian in an alternate universe, because pussy is awesome and I don't think I could like cock regardless of my gender.

FTFY. :thumbleft:
GemmaMoore said:
camstory said:
I was born a cisgendered, heterosexual male who finds women sexually desirable, but think too much about these sorts of things and now wonder if I might be a lesbian in an alternate universe, because pussy is awesome and I don't think I could like cock regardless of my gender.

FTFY. :thumbleft:
Sometimes I don't even realize how amazing my self expression can be until i read it back later. Thanks for reposting my awesomeness Gemma. Doing so makes your post one of my Favorite Things From You as well! :thumbleft:

P.S. I actually think I'm a venusian living in a homeless shelter on Mars.
camstory said:
GemmaMoore said:
camstory said:
I was born a cisgendered, heterosexual male who finds women sexually desirable, but think too much about these sorts of things and now wonder if I might be a lesbian in an alternate universe, because pussy is awesome and I don't think I could like cock regardless of my gender.

FTFY. :thumbleft:
Sometimes I don't even realize how amazing my self expression can be until i read it back later. Thanks for reposting my awesomeness Gemma. Doing so makes your post one of my Favorite Things From You as well! :thumbleft:

P.S. I actually think I'm a venusian living in a homeless shelter on Mars.

RubyDimples said:
Didn't mean to offend anyone with this thread or come off like I was judging. I'm for people leading their lives however they deem acceptable. I was just trying to spark a topic of discussion and obviously didn't do that effectively.

I'm going to hide now... :woops:

I didn't find it offensive, I just also "thanked" PicNic's point because I so very rarely hear from trans-positive people IRL. No worries. :)
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Is it bad to say that I couldn't care less?

I mean, if that's what she wants to do, then fine.

I heard the news and literally just shrugged my shoulders. I just don't care. Although I feel like more people should react that way with stuff like this. Like "Okay, cool. Good for you." and that's the end of it.

It would be awesome if people reacted that way to gay people getting married. "Oh, you two are getting married? Okay, cool. Good for you."

But that's just my :twocents-02cents:
Bruce making news again. This time a car accident that kills someone.

Bruce Jenner was involved in a horrific car accident on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu at around noon Saturday, one person is dead, and it looks like Bruce caused the accident ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell us ... there were 4 vehicles involved in the crash. We're told there were 8 people involved and all sustained some sort of injury ... but one person died at the scene.
Eyewitnesses say Bruce rear ended the white car and that car went into oncoming traffic and was struck by the Hummer. You can see the impact in the pics below. The woman driving the white car died.

The site itself has the pictures. I'll let people click the link if they want to see them.
JerryBoBerry said:
Bruce making news again. This time a car accident that kills someone.

Bruce Jenner was involved in a horrific car accident on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu at around noon Saturday, one person is dead, and it looks like Bruce caused the accident ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell us ... there were 4 vehicles involved in the crash. We're told there were 8 people involved and all sustained some sort of injury ... but one person died at the scene.
Eyewitnesses say Bruce rear ended the white car and that car went into oncoming traffic and was struck by the Hummer. You can see the impact in the pics below. The woman driving the white car died.

The site itself has the pictures. I'll let people click the link if they want to see them.

Typical woman drivers...
I can't believe he is doing this, he was so cool back in the 1970's when he was on wheaties and winning gold medals.
mynameisbob84 said:
PRISM said:
I can't believe he is doing this, he was so cool back in the 1970's when he was on wheaties and winning gold medals.

Prism, mate... are you a troll?

What am I trolling on? I personally believe its shocking that he would do this to himself when he is already like 65 years old. He had no problems having 2 marriages and 4 children.
PRISM said:
mynameisbob84 said:
PRISM said:
I can't believe he is doing this, he was so cool back in the 1970's when he was on wheaties and winning gold medals.

Prism, mate... are you a troll?

What am I trolling on? I personally believe its shocking that he would do this to himself when he is already like 65 years old. He had no problems having 2 marriages and 4 children.
How DARE he/she do this to you!
He needs more help instead of everyone around him encouraging him to make a decision that will alter his life forever.
PRISM said:
What am I trolling on? I personally believe its shocking that he would do this to himself when he is already like 65 years old. He had no problems having 2 marriages and 4 children.

Either you are trolling.. Or you are really judgemental and can't accept that people have the power to decide how to live their own lives and should instead live by your rules.. I'm guessing its' the latter, considering your replies on this thread and the other one about privacy.

You should go research a bit more, specially about how many gay and transgender folks have lived as society expected them to as cis-gendered just to avoid being judged/ostracised by people that act exactly like you.... Which is probably exactly why Bruce Jenner might have opted to wait this long to go ahead with her transition.
PRISM said:
He needs more help instead of everyone around him encouraging him to make a decision that will alter his life forever.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's 65 years old. At this point in his life I'm fairly certain he knows how his decisions will affect his life way better than you will. Hell, a 3 day old Peruvian Guinea pig probably has a better grasp of life decisions than you.
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