AmberCutie's Forum
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UFOs, ghosts, ESP, cryptids, etc...

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Aug 21, 2011
Let's talk about anything from ghosts, UFOs and aliens, cryptids (Loch Ness, Jersey Devil, chupacabra), astral projection, demons or poltergeist, clairvoyance, telepathy, and anything else you believe to fall under that category. Whether it be personal experiences or stories that you've heard or links to websites and Youtube videos or books you liked or images. :)

If you don't believe in anything like this, that's fine, but I'd rather share stories and have fun than debate over the existence of anything other worldly.

I'll go first. I have stories about being stalked by shadow men as a child and items that randomly started shaking back and forth rapidly out of nowhere, but this is something that I remember like it was yesterday and haven't tried it again in over eight years.


Astral projection has always fascinated me, around 8 years ago I studied up on it as much as I could and gave it a shot. Now, this very well could have been a trick of the mind while in some sort of meditative state, but this is what happened.

I laid down on the couch in a private room and did the breathing/visualizing exercises I read about. I felt myself relaxing and giving in after a while, concentrating on all of the things I remembered... then all of the sudden, I feel something real as day grab me by the arm out of nowhere. It felt like a large hand grabbing me briefly but firmly, but I jumped and got scared and ran out of the room before staying to figure it out. I had read about "spirit guides" helping your astral body leave you physical body, but I hadn't expected anything to feel that real, I assumed it would be more like a gentle push to help you out, not like a large hand grabbing you.

Anyway, I'm aware that the mind is a powerful thing and it may have just been a strong hallucination of sorts in a meditative state. People claim to walk the astral plane all the time, but it could all just be in the mind, I'd like to experiment with a friend and try to "meet up" and prove it in some way if I ever am able to try it again because the concept of the astral plane is absolutely fascinating to me and I think I'm ready to try again.

I wouldnt as go so far as to say I believe in ghosts etc. I believe a lot of it is the subconscious mind projecting onto the concious

However I wouldn't go as far as to say I don't either, if that makes sense. I have felt or experienced things i cannot explain, always comforting and linked to a loved one..

UFO's---Never, Its a crank, nothing out there tells us there is life out there in any kind of form that could do some of the things reported. Earth is a freak of science for supporting life, a billion to 1 shot with the right conditions and luck in the fact we can sustain life without the solar winds stripping the planet
sweetiebatman said:
UFO's---Never, Its a crank, nothing out there tells us there is life out there in any kind of form that could do some of the things reported. Earth is a freak of science for supporting life, a billion to 1 shot with the right conditions and luck in the fact we can sustain life without the solar winds stripping the planet

I know a lot of people don't believe in some things, but like I said, I don't really want to debate over the existence of anything. Not even Bigfoot. I'd rather not talk about things we don't believe in but things we find interesting.

I just want this to be a fun thread about strange occurrences whether they are real or not. : )
aaah, sorry, dunno why i kinda went off into the UFO bit haha, I DO however find people who believe in Aliens interesting because its clear some of them believe what has happened
sweetiebatman said:
aaah, sorry, dunno why i kinda went off into the UFO bit haha, I DO however find people who believe in Aliens interesting because its clear some of them believe what has happened

It's cool : ) I didn't want to sound rude about it or anything.

I have always liked the concept of multiple universes and the fact that our own universe is constantly expanding. There is so much out there that we haven't discovered even on our own Earth, the deep sea is like a completely different world and seems almost supernatural in its own way.
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Possible? Yes

Probable? No!
I'm replying to the above post, in order to have a balanced convo we have to include the non believes on a subject or I fear its going to be quite a short thread if we are just sharing stories about Aliens etc

Not trying to be rude I just think this could be an epic thread with a bit of debate!
sweetiebatman said:

I wouldnt as go so far as to say I believe in ghosts etc. I believe a lot of it is the subconscious mind projecting onto the concious

However I wouldn't go as far as to say I don't either, if that makes sense. I have felt or experienced things i cannot explain, always comforting and linked to a loved one..

UFO's---Never, Its a crank, nothing out there tells us there is life out there in any kind of form that could do some of the things reported. Earth is a freak of science for supporting life, a billion to 1 shot with the right conditions and luck in the fact we can sustain life without the solar winds stripping the planet

You do not comprehend how truly huge the universe is and how statistics work. I do not blame you, it is hard to wrap our minds around sometimes. But thinking that we are a 1 billion shot, which could be close to a true statistic, and then not realizing that means there could be millions of other worlds like ours is the reason religion is still around. I do not believe we have ever been visited by UFO's (meaning alien races from other worlds) due to the vast distances involved and what we know of physics.

I know the op did not want a debate and in my opinion there is nothing to debate since there no such thing as the paranormal or the supernatural.
sweetiebatman said:
I'm replying to the above post, in order to have a balanced convo we have to include the non believes on a subject or I fear its going to be quite a short thread if we are just sharing stories about Aliens etc

Not trying to be rude I just think this could be an epic thread with a bit of debate!


Even though I have no control of this thread, it makes me a little sad that I've specifically asked more than once to please not debate whether things are real or not and you've continued to try to make it into a debate thread before anyone has even shared any stories. That seems a bit rude to me, honestly, and it kind of makes me sad that you wish to disregard what I originally intended this thread to be about even though this is the internetz and threads are derailed all of the time.

I do not think that the lack of debate would make this thread "short" if we are sharing stories as people can add their own stories and comment on other people's stories.

This is not even a specifically alien thread, I wish to include anything that one might consider supernatural or a little eerie meaning ghosts or even dreams that someone may have had that came true in some way. Considering this isn't tied to one particular subject, I don't see the need to debate over one single thing.
During the daytime I tell myself that I don't believe in this that or the other thing...

... but then as soon as night hits, and it's dark in my bedroom, and the TV has turned off... that's when I start questioning whether I believe myself or not.

I am completely fascinated with stories of supernatural and/or extraterrestrial experiences. I may never be sure if I believe them, but they sure do entertain me, as well as give me goosebumps and nightmares from time to time.

Also something I'll note: I can't tell you how many times I've caught an unexpected glimpse of my own shadow or reflection out of the corner of my eye, and for a split second I freak out thinking something is there. Of course I realize immediately what happened and calm down, but I wonder how often something like this happens to people who are already strong believers so they let their belief and imagination convince them that they saw something paranormal.

As for psychic ability, telekenesis and the like... I want to believe that it's real but I can't help thinking I'd be a skeptic if I was interacting with someone who was experiencing these things.

Regardless of any debate or arguing, I am looking forward to this thread. So please let's keep it going for entertainment and discussion's sake!!
AmberCutie said:
During the daytime I tell myself that I don't believe in this that or the other thing...

... but then as soon as night hits, and it's dark in my bedroom, and the TV has turned off... that's when I start questioning whether I believe myself or not.

I am completely fascinated with stories of supernatural and/or extraterrestrial experiences. I may never be sure if I believe them, but they sure do entertain me, as well as give me goosebumps and nightmares from time to time.

Also something I'll note: I can't tell you how many times I've caught an unexpected glimpse of my own shadow or reflection out of the corner of my eye, and for a split second I freak out thinking something is there. Of course I realize immediately what happened and calm down, but I wonder how often something like this happens to people who are already strong believers so they let their belief and imagination convince them that they saw something paranormal.

As for psychic ability, telekenesis and the like... I want to believe that it's real but I can't help thinking I'd be a skeptic if I was interacting with someone who was experiencing these things.

Regardless of any debate or arguing, I am looking forward to this thread. So please let's keep it going for entertainment and discussion's sake!!

If your mind tends to go in different directions with the setting of the sun, I'd say that's just your mind playing tricks on you. Sounds to me like you want to believe and actually do, IF you see it. In the dark, your imagination runs wild because of what you can't see. The unknown is by far the scariest.
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I always try to keep an open-mind but skeptically so. Even things I don't necessarily believe in I just find absolutely fascinating.

I'm sure the majority of ghost stories or paranormal things can be explained easily by a shadow or something else, but I'm sure there are some cases where things just cannot be explained. I love the concept of astral projection but I don't think I can truly believe it until I experience it myself, and even then I feel like I'd like to do it with a friend so I can have proof it's not just my mind making it up in some strange meditative trance.

On the note of Stonehenge and the Pyramids, I think that the Easter Island statues are pretty insane as well to think about how they got there.
I've got my own stories, and stories from my friends' first-hand experiences. I'll start with my own, and post my friends' experiences later.

1. I was 9, it was early in the school year. Unbeknownst to me, the foster family I was staying with had started to debate adopting a child. It was early morning, or late night. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink. I had to stop at the entrance though, because in the shadow was the shadow of a little girl, probably about 5 years old. That December, they adopted a young girl, who could've fit that shadow perfectly, and she was moved into my room.

2. I was a Sophomore in college. My "sister" (program through the school intended to help freshmen acclimate, get a sister from two years ahead of you. As a Junior, you can choose to have a little sister or not.) was trying to break her tie to a very evil ex boyfriend. We (her older "sister", older "sister" 's husband, and I) had a ceremony that broke the tie. When she went to sleep, she was attacked by him through the astral plane, so we had to defend her. She woke with no memory of the attack. I'm still not entirely convinced it was real, but am willing to not push the point with them.

I do know that she was really asleep, and that what she was doing was really not her conscious mind doing it. I know that I felt it when he shifted from attacking her to attacking me, and that I felt the protection of the shields when they sent me to the other room so he couldn't get me.

3. As a Senior in college, I believe I received a miracle when I crashed my car. I was on the highway, when I found myself in the median. Trying to correct sent me back across both lanes into the trees. Somehow, I didn't hit a car, and I didn't hit a tree, either of which occurance would kill me. The whole time, I was praying "I know I don't care about living anymore, but my parents won't survive my death. Please don't let me die."

When my car stood still, I cried, and asked why can't I die. I was told "not till 2020". I got out of the car through the passenger door, and looked back to try to see the road. I was so far into the forest, that I couldn't even see the cars on the highway moving. My glasses were nowhere to be found. I knew that if I couldn't see the moving on the highway, no one on the highway would be able to see me. Realizing the car was not about to blow up, I got back in to look for cell phone or glasses, figuring with glasses I could get out of the forest and with cell phone I could call for help.

After a bit of frantic searching, I noticed movement outside the car, and I got out of it. There were four people, and one approached. They said they were emt's and saw me go into the woods. I was asked who was driving, if anyone else was in the car, how did I get out of the car. I answered their questions and kept repeating that I couldn't find my glasses or cell phone, and asked them to help me. They said they would get me to the road and look for me. I looked at the guy standing a couple feet away from me and said "I can't see your face right now, I need my glasses." That helped them understand just how helpless I was to get out of the woods. They guided me out, and found my phone. They never found my glasses.

Miracle 1: no cars hit me as I crossed the road
Miracle 2: I didn't hit any trees as my car went through the forest
Miracle 3: emt's actually saw me go in, without that, I never would've been found

4. After graduating college, I got a job at a gas station. I was cleaning the soda fountain when someone walked into the store and I was hit with a moment of Deja Vu, except I knew that the moment I was "remembering" hadn't happened yet.

About a month, month and a half later, I go to help a customer with the kerosene pump, except I've never paid attention to that pump before and needed to get a regular customer to help me. Bam! I knew that was the scene I had "remembered" earlier. Weirdest thing ever!
In the immortal words of Karl Sagan, Billions and billions of stars and beyond that we cant even imagine"... Its extremely conceited and/or small minded to think we are the only life forms with an IQ within the cosmos. IMO.. I'd be surprised if we were even as "advanced" as we think we are.

As a kid, I was at Granddads farm in Missouri for the summer.. He was situated on a hill and you could see forever since it was fairly flat farmland as far as the eye could see. There had been buzz down at the store about some folks seeing the proverbial "lights in the sky" for the last week or so. It was fairly common to see meteors and we figured that was all it was. Around midnight next night, we were all still sitting outside relaxing and chatting watching the night sky for the random streak of celestial rock burning up. There they came.. one bright one then several smaller streaks, few more brighter ones, couple of big ones.... You'd have thought it was 4th of July from the ohhhs and ahhs.
G-dad stood up to go get more tea and stopped dead in his tracks. He said 'come look'... off to the horizon to the side of us was a triangular pattern of ~10 bright objects. Indistinguishable from the distance but just sitting there in a rough triangular pattern. There were more tiny meteor streaks heading the same general direction that quickly vaporized into the darkness. The clincher was that the complete pattern moved in unison... off to the left then up in altitude, back to the right and stationary for about 10 minutes. Phone rang with neighbors asking if we were seeing anything. After the stationary time they seemed to group tighter, gain altitude and then all depart in opposite directions and were gone in the blink of an eye.
Meteors of course were part of the show that night. They were fairly common in the blackness of the Midwest country sky. What was the hovering and the pattern stuff tho? We still don't have the technology [silent or otherwise] to cross the entire horizon in the blink of an eye as they did that night. That was the summer I accepted the real probability we aren't alone.

I definitly believe in aliens, I don't know if there is intelligent enough life to come to earth or just like single celled things out there but there is something. I don't want to believe in ghosts. I don't believe in god, religion, or anything of that nature but about 10 years ago I took this picture of it snowing in my back yard. When I looked at the pic on the computer it looks like some sort of beings or something in there. Religious people tell me its the father, son and holy ghost trying to convince me of their existence. I don't know but I do know that if ghosts were real they would creep me the fuck out! lol


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I feel guilty that my third post on the forum is such a long rambling one but here goes:

I am someone who is ambivalent as to the possibilities of ghosts, or other supernatural manifestations.

On the one hand, as an atheist I am dismissive of the hagiographical literature that surrounds most religious figureheads, describing their experiences of spiritual manifestations. By extension, I have tended to view most people who then claim to have seen ghosts/spirits/ghouls etc as also the sort of people who manifest some sort of religious or spiritual belief. So they reflect their inner beliefs onto the external world, which always struck me as no different to other mental illnesses .i.e. it is delusional.

But there is a part of me that tries to stay open. Not because I want to believe that ghosts etc do exist, but because I am much more of a sceptic of the claims that science can or has answered all the questions. For example, I am able to open minded to the possibility that there are examples of energy that we do not yet understand. Maybe they manifest themselves in ways that humans perceive as ghosts. After all, the First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Its form merely changes. Considering that the human body is run by electrical impulses, when humans die, some of that energy must go somewhere.

But just because I do not personally believe in ghosts does not mean that I have the right to dismiss someone else’s beliefs. The legitimacy of their belief (in my eyes) is not the same as the legitimacy of their right to believe what they want (as long as it doesn’t infringe on life).

The last point leads me to a personal experience/example. A few years ago I had a GF who had expressed some beliefs in things like ghosts and also held other spiritual beliefs. As she knew I was an ardent atheistic materialist, it wasn’t a topic that often came up in conversation. Her mother, however, was several degrees worse. She was also into things like fortune telling, clairvoyance, and séances (she claimed to be able to communicate with the dead herself). I always laughed it off, and occasionally teased my Ex (who I will call Alice just to make the narrative easier).

However, my own beliefs were tested when my Ex asked me for some help. At this point I should explain that one of my hobbies is WW2 history, and often assist people on genealogy sites with research into ancestors who served/died during the war. Anyway, it started with Alice telling me that her mother was having some disturbing *visions* at work. She was hearing voices and noticing things, that she couldn’t pinpoint. As she frequently worked late, often when no one else was in the building, she knew that it wasn’t one of her colleagues. Over the period of a few weeks, Alice came back with small incidents that I never really paid much attention to. Then she came back with the bombshell, which lead to my direct involvement. Alice’s mother had felt that her own abilities were not enough and so had called in a *medium* with stronger powers. This *medium* did her thing in front of Alice’s mother, who made notes of the *communication*. What she wrote looked like gibberish, until she examined it later and found it be POLISH. And the occasional word that translated as HEAT, CRASH, CONTROL, CANNOT SEE etc. The medium also claimed that she saw the figure was wearing some sort of uniform. And looked agitated. There were other details too, which will come clear below.

It was when Alice told me that this *individual* was wearing a uniform, that my ears pricked up. Only because I am interested in anything military. Alice asked me to help in establishing whether there was a possibility that there was a military death in the vicinity of her mother’s work building. Now,where she worked is quite a remote area so I couldn’t imagine there to be too many. After a little digging, the only possibility seemed to be an aircraft crash. I reiterate that, at this stage, my only interest was just in doing a bit of WW2 research. Though there were many air force bases in the wider area, there were very few plane crashes in that specific area. But I did discover one that was a few miles away. At first they dismissed this one, despite the pilot having been Polish, as too far away and they claimed that spirits didn’t travel far from where they died. It was only after his records and crash report were obtained that we discovered that after the crash, air force investigators had gathered together the remains of the aircraft, and the body of the pilot, and transported them to directly in front of the building in question. It was here that the body was removed. We also discovered that a possible reason for the crash was the sudden onset of fog (CAN NOT SEE?), resulting in the pilot flying directly into the side of a hill.

From this information, Alice and her mother concluded that somehow the pilots spirit had been let out when his body had been taken out of the aircraft and somehow been left behind when his body was later buried many miles away.

Though I am still dismissive of their conclusions, I am, to this day, intrigued as to how this so called medium was able to *transmit* information that married up so closely to an actual crash (and details of the pilot). It seems unlikely that she knew about the actual incident. War time censors wouldn’t have allowed for any publication of details back then, so she couldn’t have read anything in old newspapers. As a training accident, it is not something that appears in the books (it took us access to official non-published papers to establish the facts in any detail). Was it something that some old locals remembered and mentioned in passing before? Was it just a fluke? Or did she know that Alice and her mother also had a passing interest in WW2 history and so fed them what she thought they wanted to hear (the way that *psychics* work on stage).

I still have no idea what was going on.
I find the whole idea of "ghosts" to be both horrifying and kinda comforting. One the one hand, if they exist then that speaks to there being some sort of plane of existence beyond death (I guess that's one of the reasons people choose to believe in ghosts, it's kinda reassuring). On the other hand, if I ever saw what I believed to be a ghost, I would absolutely shit my pants there and then :?

As for oofos (does anyone else pronounce 'UFOs' like that? just me?), I think it would be naive to assume that we're the only intelligent life-form floating around the unfathomable vastness of the universe. Whether or not any lifeform out there would be able to harness the technology required to galaxy-hop around said universe is probably less likely. But, much like Mulder, I want to believe, bbs :)
I just gonna leave a mark here so I can come back to this thread tomorrow. Not gonna write my post on a phone at 2am. Never written it in English before so it would probably take some time to write it down too.

But this is a subject close to my heart for various reasons. I'll be back.
You can think this weird or not, but it did happen to me:

One night several years ago, I was stirred from my sleep because I thought I heard something. With a distinct feeling I was being watched I opened my eyes to see a shadowy figure standing in the bedroom doorway. This startled me awake, eyes wide open. I reach over to my nightstand, keeping my eyes on the intruder in the doorway. The instant I switched on the light, the shadow vanished. I grabbed up a weapon, and headed out of the bedroom to do a check. The house was locked up tight. I went back to the room and shut the light, but the shadow did not return. It took a while before I could go back to sleep. I am unsure what caused the shadowy figure to appear but I decided then that I would no longer sleep with the bedroom door open. The next day I looked up the phenomenon online and discovered that there was something that was very similar to my experience:
Shadow People on Wikiedia

Finding this artist rendition creeped me out. I guess it's possible that I was sleep deprived, but regardless, the whole experience was quite unsettling.
Were do I start. When I was about 7 I was walking down the hall from my bedroom to the kitchen. I looked into the laundry as I went by and saw this demon watching my parents though the wall into the kitchen. It was big and green and had lots of teeth. I was a weird kid so I didn't think much of it at the time, but I remember seeing almost exactly the same thing in the window when watching the movie Poltergeist about a decade later.

In My 20s i started sharing a house with some friends. As I was meeting them for the first time I saw a black kitten walk along a mantelpiece and then disappear into the wall. Still being a weird kid i mentioned it to the girl who was living in the house, and she said "yeah, that is Stuart's ghost kitten, we have all seen it".

Some houses really do seem to be more prone to this sort of thing than others. I've not seen anything similar in the 30 years since then.

As for aliens, I'm with Carl Sagan. Statistically there should be aliens, but statistics can prove anything with enough fiddling. I like to think that other life out there, I just hope like fuck we never meet it.
I've been getting a lot of weird energies, and I'm wondering if I may have a little ghost friend.

The first thing that I noticed was a candle I had lit. We have many candles in the apartment. Most of them are in those little glass containers. One night, I was in bed and I had noticed the lights where brighter where I had lit the candles. I looked over to see that the glass of one of the candles was on fire. That's right! Glass! On fire!
I stared at it for a few minutes, and began to speak to it in hopes that it was a ghost. I've been having a blonde girl in my dreams a lot and I thought it was her. This girl in my dreams never speaks, but someone always introduces me to her and tells me that I should listen to her poem. I never get a chance to hear it because I run off to do other dream things, or I wake up. I asked the candle if it was her. Nothing happened when I spoke. I then asked "Is this the poem that you wanted me to hear?" and the fire from on the glass poofed up into a tiny fire ball above the glass and went out. There was just smoke after that. I don't know if it was a ghost, or if it was just science being awesome.

I've been hearing a lot of things lately as well. Little whispers here and there. No words. Just "shh".

I really hope that it is a ghost because I've always wanted a ghost friend.

On a weird note, am I the only one that wants to have surprise sex from a ghost? I think that would be friggen awesome.
This is gonna be long.
I've had a few encounters with different things, esp, ghosts, UFO's. I think Oregon is a hub for spooky shit, similar to some north eastern areas. If you've ever lived there you know what I'm talking about. I'll make a list of all of my experiences and those close to me whom I trust.

#1 When I was 6 years old we lived in an old farm house dating back to the 1800's. It still had the old wide set hardwood floors and at night everyone would hear foot steps. My mom blamed it on the house shifting back then but if you ask her now, it was terrifying.
Up on the hill there was an old tree swing and the original well pump for the old farm. Me and my siblings were playing up there there and my brother stopped and was just staring into the trees. We all looked up and what I saw is still as clear as day. It looked like someone had poured milk out in space. A very large, thick white apparition just floating high in the trees. That's the only time I've ever SEEN what I think was a spirit.

#2 Not my account. My mom is a very trustworthy person when it comes to things like these. She's pretty religious and if she could deny existence she would, I assure you. But she can't and here's why. When she was a kid, about 1973 I wanna say, her and a friend were outside playing just after dark. They both were dumbstruck by a very large object orbiting the moon. So large it cast a visible shadow on the face of the moon. For size reference she holds up one hand and makes a "c" shape and takes her other thumb and puts it in front. she says in comparison the object was like her thumb nail. When put into perspective, it was MASSIVE! Not something that could have been built on earth without being seen, especially in the 1970's. Size wise, it would have had to been built in the ocean and launched at night.
Anywho, her and her friend stood and watched it orbit the moon about 15 times, which only took about 1 minute per full circle. O_O. She called into Art Bell a few years back and the phones blew up with people who saw the same thing, and family members of people who can't talk about it. It was intense to listen to.

#3 and the most intense for me personally. This is two nights worth of incidents. When I was 15 years old I was listening to music in my room about an hour after my mom had gone to bed. We lived in a manufactured home so you could hear EVERY footstep! She's a light sleeper who get's up for snacks often so when I heard someone walking around in the kitchen I thought nothing of it. The light "thud thud" quickly turned into VERY loud heavy footsteps RUNNING towards my room and into the bathroom I shared a wall with and "BAM BAM BAM BAM" on the wall. My mom banged on the walls when my music was too loud all the time so I really wasn't startled. I immediately got up and opened the day while saying something snarky I'm sure only to be silenced at the pitch black, sleepy house. It had only been maybe 3 seconds. No one was out there. I asked my mom, just in case the next day and she never got up that night. Even if she had, between the banging and me opening the door, getting back to her room while turning off the lights and not making any noise would not have been even remotely possible.
The next night I awoke to a loud banging that had been working into my dream for at least 5 bangs, at the foot of my bed was a very short hall to my door, maybe 3 feet deep. When I opened my eyes I saw that the very heavy full body mirror that was hanging on my door was FLYING up and slamming back down. It did it once more and stopped.

#4 Not my account. Only maybe 2 or 3 years ago my mom was sleeping in a framed hammock in my old room due to back issues. Every night for a week straight she woke up to what she thought was an earthquake. She kept checking the internet but no earthquakes were showing up on any reports. She was waking up to heavy shaking though nothing was getting knocked off the nightstands or MANY bookshelves full of little knick knacks. In the second week they started getting more intense and one night her blankets got pulled off of her. She was pretty freaked but she doesn't like the idea of ghosts so she blames it on muscle spasms now, but if you ask her about it her eyes start welling up. She no longer sleeps in that room which we later learned the previous owners sister passed away in.

I have many more but these are the big ones and I don't want to write a novel.
I'm fascinated with the unknown and although nothing has ever happened to me, I've seen some things that just can't be explained except by incredible coincidence.

The day after my father died I telephoned one of his closest friends, who wondered what time he died. He told me he had fallen asleep on the couch and had a dream about my dad. In the dream my father spoke to him about a plant he had given him, and said, "Don't worry, they always come back, every year." The friend awoke, and knowing my dad was in the hospital dying, looked at the clock and wondered if it had happened. I confirmed that it was indeed, that exact time. Somehow that was very comforting. What are the odds?

I think my husband has some psychic abilities that he doesn't know how to tap into. You know those weird moments when you've been thinking about someone and they suddenly call? Or you're humming a song and the next store you walk into, they're playing it? These things happen to him at an almost alarming frequency, lol. When his brother-in-law was diagnosed as terminally ill, a few years ago, in August my husband told me that his bnl would die between Christmas and New year. He died on Jan 31st.
JoleneJolene said:
This is gonna be long.

Okay, mine's a bit long, too! I'll try to keep it condensed and not get too technical. Mine involves ghost and/or guardian angel.

I spent 8 years as a volunteer firefighter/EMT in a small, rural Kansas town. About 20 miles outside of Kansas City, proper. Anywho, I'd joined when I was 19. Not much really happened, other than the occasional grass fire, barn fire, car accident. Most of what I ran were medical calls.

Anywho, my very first fire call. 19 year old kid, adrenaline pumping, trying not to puke while in the truck..etc. After all, I was "living the dream" right? The fire was actually a 1000 gallon, industrial propane tank. And it was sitting at the bottom of a downward sloping hill, in a ravine. And this all happened in the middle of the night. Science lesson...gas is heavier than air, so it's tends to sink to the ground when it leaks. See where being in a ravine can be a problem? LOL So...the tank is on fire. You don't want to put out the fire, only keep the tank cool enough so it doesn't explode. Long enough for the gas company to shut it off at a valve, a distance away. Dammit! I'm getting technical. Sorry.

Anyways, I'm on the front of hose, working the nozzle. There's a guy behind me, supporting the hose. Our Captain was at the top of the hill, about 300 feet away. We were a small department, so we only had three firefighters in a truck at any given time. The fire was getting worse, and we were waiting for a back up pumper truck to arrive (2nd alarm). The tank literally started to buckle and collapse from the heat. My captain screams over our handheld radios for us to, "Get the fuck outta there! Evac! Evac!" The guy behinds me smacks me on the back in a "I'm leaving" manner, turns and runs up the hill. Me? Well, I wait 3 seconds to "cover" my partner, until he's clear, drop the hose...and I start to run as fast my big football player ass will carry me. Keep in mind, bunker gear weighs about 30 pounds, and my air tank weighed about 15 pounds. Add that to my "fluffy" frame and the best way to describe it was...chugging up the hill.

I probably, got about 25 feet up the hill and I stepped in a rabbit hole or indentation, and turned my ankle. With big ass fireboots on, this is not an easy task, believe me! I start to fall to the ground and KA-BOOM! The tank explodes. Knocks me to the ground, face first, like a rag doll. It knocked my helmet off. In fact, the strap that held it on completely shredded. I'm laying face down on the hill. My bell's rung, my ears are ringing, and I literally think I'm dead. Then, I feel this hand grab my left arm. I shake the cobwebs loose and look over and see a firefighter, dressed in the same gear that my department has, same helmet, same air mask and everything...he struggles to help me up and get me moving. I look over at him and I can't really see his eyes because it's dark and smokey...and I'm still seeing stars from the blast concussion. He gives me a "Are you O.K.?" symbol. And a "thumbs up" I reply back with a thumbs up. I turn around to try and find my helmet (training taught us that) I looked around for the other firefighter that helped me up, he's gone. I'm saying to myself, "He's at the top, get your ass moving!" Then I hobble the rest of the way up the hill, swollen ankle and all.

So I get to the top, see my partner that was helping me on the hose, and my captain, getting up from the ground. Oh, buy the way, there was shrapnel from the tank, embedded in the side of our pumper truck. When I asked my if they were okay, they both looked at me and turned white. "Jack, we thought you'd bought it!" That seemed weird to me. I looked at them both and said, "Hey, I'm fine. I turned my ankle in a rabbit hole and started to fall when the tank blew. Where are the guys from the second alarm? I'd like to thank whoever it was that came in and got me? It wasn't Dean (the guy behind me) so where are they?" This is about the time when the 2nd pumper truck arrived!

Then comes the bombshell. Dean, was a lot skinnier and more athletic to me. When he'd smacked me on the back, he'd ran up the hill in about 10 seconds flat. About the time I turned around to run, he'd already made it to the top. When the tank blew, both my Captain and him, had already hit the deck. So I ask, "Well then who the hell helped me up on the hill?" Neither one of them could answer me. They said they saw me go down and thought I'd been killed when the tank blew up. My Captain started screaming for me over the radio, and both of them got up to look for me, down the hill. They saw me give the "thumbs up" to my nobody! After that, I pretty much vomited on the spot, and fainted, when I realized what had happened...finally "hit me."

All I can say is that someone, or something, was looking out for me that night! And to this day, I'm a FIRM believer in ghosts/guardian angels as a result!

P.S...the only injuries I had were a sprained ankle and one hell of a headache (minor concussion). I had two shrapnel holes that were in the cuff of my coat sleeve, that missed my wrist. And the back of my bunker coat and pants were charred from the flashover and flames that went up the hill. And remember the helmet that was knocked off of me? We went back the next day for clean up and I found it on the hill. It looked like a spaghetti strainer!
OK, my contribution here is regarding a cryptid. A creature known as the ropen, said to inhabit a couple of small uninhabited islands near New Guinea. Descriptions of this creature match that of Rhamphorynchus, a small pterosaur most well known from the Jurassic-period Solnhofen limestone deposits of Bavaria.

I actually think this MIGHT have a little merit. Rhamphorynchus was a fish eater, so a small island habitat would be a perfect place for a relic population to have survived.. The islands also have a fairly large population of large bats. While it's possible that the ropen sightings may merely be misidentified bats, the reverse could also be true. People might catch a glimpse of a ropen, and not look closely. They might just write it off as just another bat.
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I forgot to list one of my stories in my earlier post. I can't believe I forgot this one either, I refer to it all the time!

There's actually a few of these. The "moving items" stories.

1. Sophomore year of college. There was this necklace that I wore every day, and only ever took it off on certain Sundays so I could wear a different necklace to church. One Sunday which I took it off, I came back to the dormroom and I couldn't find the necklace. I searched the dresser where I kept my jewelry. I searched every jewelry box. I search the drawers in the dresser. I searched behind and under the dresser. No luck.

Tuesday, I went to take a shower, and as I stepped in I did my usual put my hand up to my neck. The charm wasn't there, I started to panic as I searched my neck for the chain, then remembered that it had been lost. Shower as usual, get back to my room, pull on a shirt. I feel something heavy against my chest. My necklace was back around my neck. This necklace didn't fit over my head even without glasses, and I was wearing my glasses. There was no way it just fell on with my shirt. My friends said it must've been taken and returned by fairies, who were curious because it was important to me.

2. Same year, when I moved into the dorm room, I couldn't find any of my three graphing calculators. I looked everywhere. I knew I had packed them, but I didn't remember unpacking them. About two months after the start of the year (after the unit on matrices, forcing me to use five times the amount paper I would've had to), I find one under my desk. This desk had not been moved since before the bags were even brought into the room. There was only one way out from under the desk, and the calculator was too big to fit through the hole.

3. Junior year. I had my own room, naturally it was a mess! I was used to things falling whenever I moved. So when a friend was with me, and I was looking for a paper on the bed full of papers, and I heard the macaroni fall, I didn't think anything of it. My friend mentioned it, and I pretty much dismissed it until she said "Look at where it moved to!" I looked and my heart stopped.
The macaroni had been sitting on top of a pile of papers. I had figured something from my bed fell and knocked it to the floor. Instead, it had moved to on top of a taller pile of books, closer to the bed. My friend was not close enough to have moved it on me without me noticing. (I can see movement even without my glasses, and have a wide field of vision, so you could say I have "good" peripheral vision, despite my shitty vision in general.)

Those are the "moving objects" stories. I haven't yet gotten to the stories of possession my friends told me about when they decided to use ouija boards...
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