AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

You're not the product and you don't get to tell us how we should feel

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Cam Model
Nov 3, 2022
I feel like there has been this nefarious influx of "you're a sex worker and I pay for your life" attitude infiltrating this site and quite frankly I'm really sick of it. We're the product and we get to set whatever prices and schemes we want. You're still here buying our services and if you're not well you weren't worth it any way.
I agree with you so much, it did feel wrong to say you're the product though, but yes you are the people who provide a service, which I guess is a product..

I'm really sorry you feel like this was even a thread that had to be made, not because I think it's wrong, but because it should not be necessary... A person should ALWAYS be able to price their service at whatever level they want, and then it's up to people to pay it or shut the hell up and move along..

I hope the forum starts to feel better again and this attitude will disappear, for you and anyone else that feels this way.. you're awesome, and so are the rest of the regular cam models visiting here, this should be a safe place for all of you IMO and not a place to bring any more bad vibes (I really don't know if "vibes" is the right word here, but I'll go with it)
It doesn’t matter whose fault it is… 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s still annoying. But we wade through.
It is annoying, but honestly? I blame the people reading the emails. It's quite clear that you are supposed to wait for a response and not jump all over a forum and demand to cut in line ahead of everyone else. Whichever admins are in charge of the PB account here have other responsibilities so things get answered in blocks instead of as they come through the queue. I can't blame a rep for doing their job.
It is annoying, but honestly? I blame the people reading the emails. It's quite clear that you are supposed to wait for a response and not jump all over a forum and demand to cut in line ahead of everyone else. Whichever admins are in charge of the PB account here have other responsibilities so things get answered in blocks instead of as they come through the queue. I can't blame a rep for doing their job.
I wasn’t blaming the reps; or anyone. It was just venting frustration over the amount of posts on this forum claiming banned status and how they take over the ‘What’s New’ section.
I wasn’t blaming the reps; or anyone. It was just venting frustration over the amount of posts on this forum claiming banned status and how they take over the ‘What’s New’ section.
I was just sharing my point of view of the situation as well.
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✌🏼 it’s not important it was just a vent. Sorry to hijack the thread.
This comment has been kind of stuck in my head for a minute. I don't think you were hijacking anything, I think I was trying to create the conversation you were saying was being suppressed by those threads. That may ultimately be my frustration with conversations on here lately. It always devolves into stuff like "well if the site would just do this then and it's not very fair. We work in spite of those restrictions to give the best we can. I feel shut down by your response, to be honest.
This comment has been kind of stuck in my head for a minute. I don't think you were hijacking anything, I think I was trying to create the conversation you were saying was being suppressed by those threads. That may ultimately be my frustration with conversations on here lately. It always devolves into stuff like "well if the site would just do this then and it's not very fair. We work in spite of those restrictions to give the best we can. I feel shut down by your response, to be honest.

Whoops. That was never my intention. I felt like I was hijacking this thread with my own frustrations when everyone’s frustrations are valid, certainly in a thread outlining frustrations.

Sometimes we get things wrong. My apologies.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, btw…
As I see it, we're entertainers.

The issue those people have is that they believe the fantasy that it's more than entertainment and more than hired time.

What I do is no different to a birthday clown or a busker.
We enjoy our gig, but all you get is the act.

You don't own a clown.

You just want to believe that this is more than entertainment and having to pay breaks your suspended disbelief so you're shitty at me for reminding you.

((I just feel bad for people who can't even enjoy porn and on demand sexual interactions, what a horrible bitter way to live))
Whoops. That was never my intention. I felt like I was hijacking this thread with my own frustrations when everyone’s frustrations are valid, certainly in a thread outlining frustrations.

Sometimes we get things wrong. My apologies.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, btw…
Awesome, I never mind if someone wants to get a bit off topic in a thread I start. Rolling conversations are interesting to me and keep my ADHD brain happy. :)
I agree with you so much, it did feel wrong to say you're the product though, but yes you are the people who provide a service, which I guess is a product..

I'm really sorry you feel like this was even a thread that had to be made, not because I think it's wrong, but because it should not be necessary... A person should ALWAYS be able to price their service at whatever level they want hentaiz, and then it's up to people to pay it or shut the hell up and move along..

I hope the forum starts to feel better again and this attitude will disappear, for you and anyone else that feels this way.. you're awesome, and so are the rest of the regular cam models visiting here, this should be a safe place for all of you IMO and not a place to bring any more bad vibes (I really don't know if "vibes" is the right word here, but I'll go with it)

I work in the hotel industry (not in a hotel) and we do a lot of training on sex trafficking (and labor trafficking) and prostitution because it impacts our business and our owners and our guests. Most women are not prostitutes because it was the first (or fifth) choice, they do it because they are desperate, and a HUGE portion of them are basically sex slaves. The women need to be protected and not have their lives ruined even more by giving them a criminal record for prostitution, but that's not the same as treating prostitution just like a job at Burger King.
I work in the hotel industry (not in a hotel) and we do a lot of training on sex trafficking (and labor trafficking) and prostitution because it impacts our business and our owners and our guests. Most women are not prostitutes because it was the first (or fifth) choice, they do it because they are desperate, and a HUGE portion of them are basically sex slaves. The women need to be protected and not have their lives ruined even more by giving them a criminal record for prostitution, but that's not the same as treating prostitution just like a job at Burger King.
Wow dude.
You really need to chill out on these fantasies and look up some statistics.
Because that's not factually even close to accurate.

It's also completely irrelevant to the subject of the thread.
I feel like there has been this nefarious influx of "you're a sex worker and I pay for your life" attitude infiltrating this site and quite frankly I'm really sick of it. We're the product and we get to set whatever prices and schemes we want. You're still here buying our services and if you're not well you weren't worth it any way.
Unfortunately the reality is not so black and white from a larger perspective.
Yes, some webcam performers have a pair and act accordingly but around 80% of webcam performers don't.
When a webcam performer is doing their thing and accepts to do a compromise for the love of tips, sends a signal to the tipper... which unlocks all sorts of ideas to push boundaries because the tipper has that sense of control.... "I tipped you to do that, you do that, I receive the feedback... so I push the limits"
(And I am referring to a certain category of individuals with some deep emotional unhealed wounds)

"Do that anime face... here's 5 tokens" - and 90% performers do the face with eyes crossed and tongue out because it is a trend, because that behavior generate tokens...
That's sold and bought... in that particular moment the webcam performer is perceived as a product and no longer as a full human entity because what is the ultimate arousal? To be able to command another human being, an exercises of power, control... "for tips she will do this and that" ... It is a psychological thing .. and omg there are so many individuals with a low self esteem who find a self-empowering energy in this type of "control" (domination is another expression for this behavior)
Indeed there are few webcam performers, usually older (after 10 years of camming yes you are older), wiser, experienced who know how to... basically run their room but there is this majority which push their limits for the bigger buck.

I do think that there should by some sort of counselling for webcam performers , teaching how to set healthy boundaries, how to overcome anxiety, depression, because this activity it is not void of all of that ... no matter if you work from the "comfort of your home" or not.

You might have a healthy activity or a line you don't cross no matter how much tokens are in play but there will be another webcam performer, pushed by a desperate context which is willing to do a compromise for that amount of tokens.
Yes you might have a standard but your experience is not valid for all therefore will always be some individuals ready to push buttons and limits of human condition to feed an aspect of their wounded self....

PS: sorry, my english is kind of rusty.... my grammar, syntax and spelling might be off, but the essence is there...
The performing as an activity is a service and not a product but for the most "weirdos" out there is confusing when they tip, they request and the webcam performer is "obedient" in that sense.