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What's your astrology?

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Cam Model
Nov 3, 2022
I know that at least 5 of us are Leos. What's your astrology sign? Are you fire, water, earth, or air? Do you know your moon sign and what your 12 houses hold? Ever had a natal chart reading?
I know that at least 5 of us are Leos. What's your astrology sign? Are you fire, water, earth, or air? Do you know your moon sign and what your 12 houses hold? Ever had a natal chart reading?
Yes. I am Aquarius Pisces csp. Gemini rising. Leo moon. Mars in Pisces. Mercury Aquarius. Venus Aquarius. Lilith Scorpio (which is pretty pertinent to sex work, and a powerful placement). I forgot all the other stuff. But I do have a Mercury cazimi which is pretty cool.

Leo placements in general are also pretty good for working in entertainment. Where your Mars is, is important for motivation, sex drive and just general drive to succeed and compete w others. Mars in Pisces is a super weak placement for that, and it's funny, because I'm one of the only models who can't be assed with the competitions and contests, in general. I am as uncompetitive a person, as people come, which isn't always a good thing.

I'm so jealous of people with Mars in Scorpio or Aries.

Sorry to ramble.
Love the topic! Especially, specifically, placements and how they affect career and work. But if course, Gemini risings are known for being work obsessed.
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All I know about this is I'm Leo.. I had NO clue about all the other stuff... I know my Chinese Zodiac sign is Dragon also.. that's about how far my knowledge on these things stretch :p

Is there a place to calculate all the other things, or look them up?
I don’t know about anything aside from my basic zodiac sign, which is Gemini. The rest sounds interesting, though. Maybe I’ll look it up.
I'm a Pisces Virgo and now I have to find out where my Mars is. I always wanted to know more about my astrology but didn't find someone I trusted to tell me more.
And learning on my own seems overwhelming.
Maybe someone has pointers?
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This site will give you your full chart for free but if you don't trust links from strangers, which I wouldn't blame you for, you can also Google the term; "free birth chart". You need to know what time and where you were born, for the full picture.
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@MarieElise thank you and I trust your links!
I'm foreign, and sometimes my English isn't as clear.
I meant I'd like to pay someone to read my natal chart but I didn't find someone I trust.

And I found out my Mars is in Taurus, now I need to find out what any of that means. :D
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I'm an aries rising leo. :)
I'm Leo, rising Sagittarius with Libra in 9 of my 12 houses, the other 3 are dominated by Leo. For grins I'll use Marie's link later today to compare my original chart reading. It's been 30 or so years since it was last done.

You'll hear the story about how a professor gave his class a horoscope and asked them how accurate it was for them and they said almost a perfect match and they all had the exact same text. Still, I fit the Leo traits to a T, except for my intense dislike for yellow gold jewelry on me.
Not shocked at all the Leo's since we do love the camera, don't we? I'm a Leo too.

Sag Moon/Virgo Rising...too much fire in my chart (5) and being around Air signs can really mess up my focus and totally throw me off center. And for those of you proficient in astrology, my Jupiter is in 8th house.. so yeah... i should be making bank at this gig... still waiting for that Jupiter energy to kick in. LOL
I'm a Scorpio, Cancer rising.
I haven't looked into it in much depth but keen to do so.
All I know is that my feelings run very deep and passionate, and I have a very high sexual energy.
I'm slow to trust but once there, you have my unwavering loyalty and support for life, and I would do anything and go anywhere for you.
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I'm a Scorpio, Cancer rising.
I haven't looked into it in much depth but keen to do so.
All I know is that my feelings run very deep and passionate, and I have a very high sexual energy.
I'm slow to trust but once there, you have my unwavering loyalty and support for life, and I would do anything and go anywhere for you.
Scorps are notorious horn dogs. :D That tracks.
Good to know!
I'll just add that the loyalty characteristic also applies to horniness, I have never cheated IRL and even in cam world, I don't roam around.
Damn ... You're good 🥵
Oh and I keep forgetting to mention, I misspoke. I was thinking about the chart my husband and I had created for our compatibility chances. The numbers I mentioned originally are a combination of both our charts.

Leo Sun, Ascendent Sagittarius, Moon in Pisces for me.

My Sun Square is Uranus. LOLOL But I found this to be terrifyingly accurate from Marie's link:

"You are dynamic, and you question tradition and authority. At the same time, you can be quite set in your own ways. This means that while you're open to new ideas and ways of doing things, you also have your own established methods and beliefs that you stick to."
Does Astrology also relate to Human Design? It's not something I know much about, but a model I have been a regular of for many years is very interested in this area.
She once asked me to provide all those details (date, time and location of birth etc) and sent me a whole bunch of charts and descriptions about my character that were surprisingly very accurate.
Does anybone know about cancers
Cancers are highly emotional, make good friends and good partners. They value family and traditional values, generally. But they can get a bit possessive of their friends and partners if misaligned. Physically, cancers tend to be rounder, fuller, full lips, round cheeks, think 'fertility'. it's a feminine sign. They are also sensitive and can be easily hurt by others.
Does Astrology also relate to Human Design? It's not something I know much about, but a model I have been a regular of for many years is very interested in this area.
She once asked me to provide all those details (date, time and location of birth etc) and sent me a whole bunch of charts and descriptions about my character that were surprisingly very accurate.
Astrology is much older than the theory of human design and human design incorporates religions where astrology is purely based on alignments of stars and planets and how those alignments make or break your situations in life.

This is my horoscope for today:

Find empowerment by gently letting go of what does not serve you, dearest Leo, as the Pisces moon aligns with Mars before entering Aries. Your luck increases under these cosmic conditions, especially when you embrace optimism. Strengthen romantic and spiritual bonds by connecting with those you love most when Pluto activates, helping you travel beneath the surface. Chance encounters could lead to important new connections when the sun, moon, and Mars align, so be sure to keep an open heart and mind. You'll crave sensory experiences once Mercury enters Virgo later today. Watch for lucky breaks tonight when the Nodes of Fate activate.

Because my moon is in Pisces there's a greater chance (supposedly) of me being able to handle this transition better than a Leo that has a Cancer moon.
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