hapa74 said:
SophiaLocke said:
lilithxlove said:
This is a kinda weird one..maybe...is my stretch marks. They are horrible and look hideous but I love them. Yeah they may not be pretty but they brought me my babies and it took me a long time to accept my stretch marks and not think they were the end of the world....so yeah....I am weird...besides that I would have to say my lips and my eyes....
I was just thinking about this the other day! I now have a few on my side, and they're from losing weight over the last 2 years. I worked really hard to get where I am, so there's a feeling of "I earned these" when it came to them. I was wondering if some people who had children feel that way, too. So cool that you do!! It's incredible what kind of changes our bodies can withstand. I think you're a badass for seeing it that way.
I totally have a thing for stretch marks, seriously. *swoon* :-D I just find them incredibly sexy
I was actually going to say the same thing earlier, but I ended up not pulling the trigger on the reply.
There is something about the extra "imperfections" about people that I always find the sexiest about them. These imperfections end up being the opposite, so it's not the correct word to use. I suppose "differences". Things like an awkward laugh, an imperfect smile, an imperfect nose, stretch marks, scars, etc.
In my ex-girlfriends I even often find myself missing the things that most people would find negatives in their personality as well. I'm not just talking about personality querks either (albeit those too).
I feel like these add a certain level of character, humanness and depth to a person. I know this isn't the case and it's a silly way of thinking, but for some reason it's a feeling that has stuck with me.
It might be a sign of low self-esteem, that I find "imperfections" attractive because it reminds me to accept my own? I don't feel like this is it.
Maybe it is simply a matter of "glass half empty" vs "glass half full", seeing flaws as accentuating the beauty of someone, rather then marring it. I don't think this is it either.
I'm not sure what it is, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that feels that stretch marks are sexy as hell regardless!