AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What is life without a little bit of magic?

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Sep 30, 2013
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For those of you who are somehow passionate about more than physical life, starting July 26th, up to August 12, Lion's Gate Portal

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a spiritual and astrological event that occurs annually around August 8th. The name is derived from the fact that the event takes place under the zodiac sign of Leo, when the Sun is in the constellation of Leo.

Key Dates for the Lion’s Gate Portal 2024:
  • Beginning: July 26, 2024
  • Peak: August 8, 2024
  • End: August 12, 2024
This portal, this particular alignment is representative of a powerful energetic opening, facilitating spiritual transformations and the manifestation of intentions.

Alignment with Sirius
The Lion’s Gate Portal is associated with the alignment of the star Sirius with Earth. Sirius is considered the second brightest star in the sky and is often associated with spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. During this period, the energy of Sirius can be channeled, focused to be very influential on Earth.
For example, August 8th is significant in numerology, being associated with the power of infinity, manifestation, and abundance. On this day, energies are amplified, allowing for greater clarity and spiritual vision.
The sign of Leo, a fire sign, is linked to the heart, courage, and personal power. This portal is seen as an opportune time for personal growth, following one’s passion, and expressing authenticity.
Try to connect with Leo’s energy via whatever meditative method you can and there will be a few key points, key energies you will feel.
Boldness, courage, a sense of shining from within, a sense of power emanating from within, a golden light with a strong sense of courage, a sense of momentum yet with calm and control…

The Sigil

The Lion’s Gate sigil can be used to activate desired energies, for abundance, self-empowerment, connection with higher dimension entities.
The following material is optional as it includes the instructions for meditative state, how to connect with energies and ritual for self-empowerment.

For the ritual you will need a candle a reproduction of the sigil on a piece of paper and a bowl of water.
Use the appropriate image for visualisation purpose, it is designed to trigger and empower the connection with your own energy, the state of awareness.

I don't know how this particular post will be received so I will not add the full material on this board, it kind of exceeds the objective of ACF as the subjects don't fully align themselves.

Symbolic and Astrological Associations of the Lion’s Gate Portal
Although the name suggests a direct connection with the constellation of Leo, the Lion’s Gate Portal has a deeper and more complex significance in symbolic and astrological terms. Here are some clarifications and additional details:

Symbolism and Astrological Significance

Alignment of Sirius with the Sun. During the Lion’s Gate Portal, the star Sirius aligns with the Sun in the constellation of Leo, creating a powerful energy. Sirius, also known as the “Spiritual Sun,” symbolizes enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

Leo Zodiac Period

The Lion’s Gate Portal occurs when the Sun transits the sign of Leo (July 23 – August 22). Leo, a fire sign, is associated with the heart, courage, self-expression, and inner strength. These characteristics are amplified during this portal.

Connection with Sirius

Although Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, its importance during this period comes from the fact that, in ancient Egypt, the alignment of Sirius with the Sun marked the new year and was associated with prosperity and abundance due to the flooding of the Nile. This star was seen as a gateway to divine realms.


I've learned not to judge and not to project so, if you are a spiritual individual and use meditative state as a method of self-introspection and self-empowering, feel free to use the following graphic visualisation with your process if you think it helps.

I love this, thanks for posting! I had forgotten about Lions Gate! Time to make some magick!

Wizard Of Oz Dorothy GIF
I love this, thanks for posting! I had forgotten about Lions Gate! Time to make some magick!
You are welcome.
if you feel .... hmmm, bold enough there's also a ritual available here

From the start I want to mention that I am not into worshiping anything external to human... I'm all in for self-empowerment.
Felt the need to mention this so I don't get mislabeled...

And because it is a topic about magic... I will continue with an entity signature sigil made to represent the father of macabre poetry Edgar Allan Poe
Entity signature sigil - I will not dive more into the explanations and definitions of this but I will mention the fact that we, humans, are the most powerful entities in the reality we choose to experience therefore we too should have our own sigils, energetic signatures....
There are demons sigils, angelic sigils... and we (humans) give away our power to all these aspects...
This does not... we are more than a bag of bones, flesh and blood and that is what I am focusing on... the self-empowerment from the individual to collective.


The "cross" is infact a sword, representative to Justice
- triangle pointing up is representative to masculine energy, direction, logical thinking, fire as element, courage, penetration, strong base
- sword - representative to justice when pointing down, defence.
- mercury, libra, pisces, virgo - all representative to various aspects and energy influences
- moon is representative to manifestation, intuition, abstract thinking, emotional intelligence, intuition, feminine energy
- water element, earth element, air element, fire element, leo and Sun symbol - all representative to specific energies and aspects.

These types of energetic signature sigils serve the purpose of bringing in one's awareness the idea of "we are not just this limited body" --- among other influences ... and of course, for Edgar Allan Poe this doesn't apply mostly because he doesn't have a phone :D

Who is interested to see how Beyoncé's signature looks like?
This looks strangely familiar. I was very into the Kabbalah for some time, reading a few books but still knowing next to nothing about it. So I can't say its similar but it is familiar. Maybe its because the origin of the Kabbalah is really old and many "systems" might be inspired by it. Symbols representing archetypes arranged in a Tree of life (wiki)
  1. Keter (crown)
  2. Hokhmah (wisdom)
  3. Binah (intelligence)
  4. Hesed (mercy)
  5. Gevurah (judgement)
  6. Tiferet (beauty)
  7. Netsah (lasting endurance)
  8. Hod (majesty)
  9. Yesod (foundation of the world)
  10. Malkuth (kingdom)
What makes it powerful for me is that I have to use my own imagination to connect these archetypes in order to find a path or solution. That means that I'm the one finding a solution and not some religious leader or book. Religion doesn't allow that, we have one path that is the right one and if you are lucky enough to be on that path when you die you're in heaven. In the Kabbalah there are many ways to find and its about your own interpretation of these symbols fueled by your own experiences which makes it much more relevant for individuals. For me imagination and creativity is vital in every second of every day for basic problem solving. Yes, we create laws and principles, but the real humanism comes from looking at each case individually.

What I find vital about these things is to understand that it is just a proposition. Some people are looking for spiritual guidance and they tend to get fanatic about it. If there is an incoherence in their belief they call it magic. So we are in the same ballpark as religion. Initially I didn't want to post in this Thread because I'm absolutely convinced that there is no magic, never was, never will be. But I guess if the word magic is used as a placeholder for "fantastic" or " incomprehensible" then I'm ok with it. There are many things that I could describe as "magical" but they always have to do with the parts of the brain we don't understand yet.
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The crazy thing is that scientific research suggests that religion and spirituality is a subroutine in our genetic code. In experiments measuring the electrical brain activity of monks who are meditating, ravers who are dancing or people using psychedelica always the same part of the brain was activated. This particular part of the brain as far as we know isn't used for anything else and as biological anthropologists suggest is one of the oldest parts in the evolution of the human brain.

This seems just a suggestion until now but I find it at least interesting. I'll try to find the sources. I just have a documentary about it in German language but it should include some sources.
This looks strangely familiar. I was very into the Kabbalah for some time, reading a few books but still knowing next to nothing about it. So I can't say its similar but it is familiar. Maybe its because the origin of the Kabbalah is really old and many "systems" might be inspired by it. Symbols representing archetypes arranged in a Tree of life (wiki)
  1. Keter (crown)
  2. Hokhmah (wisdom)
  3. Binah (intelligence)
  4. Hesed (mercy)
  5. Gevurah (judgement)
  6. Tiferet (beauty)
  7. Netsah (lasting endurance)
  8. Hod (majesty)
  9. Yesod (foundation of the world)
  10. Malkuth (kingdom)
What makes it powerful for me is that I have to use my own imagination to connect these archetypes in order to find a path or solution. That means that I'm the one finding a solution and not some religious leader or book. Religion doesn't allow that, we have one path that is the right one and if you are lucky enough to be on that path when you die you're in heaven. In the Kabbalah there are many ways to find and its about your own interpretation of these symbols fueled by your own experiences which makes it much more relevant for individuals. For me imagination and creativity is vital in every second of every day for basic problem solving. Yes, we create laws and principles, but the real humanism comes from looking at each case individually.

What I find vital about these things is to understand that it is just a proposition. Some people are looking for spiritual guidance and they tend to get fanatic about it. If there is an incoherence in their belief they call it magic. So we are in the same ballpark as religion. Initially I didn't want to post in this Thread because I'm absolutely convinced that there is no magic, never was, never will be. But I guess if the word magic is used as a placeholder for "fantastic" or " incomprehensible" then I'm ok with it. There are many things that I could describe as "magical" but they always have to do with the parts of the brain we don't understand yet.
How exciting...
Personally I define "magic" as type of technology based on manipulation of energies, will and belief but we are still in a physical world and the language for physicals world is action, reaction and manifestation also known as consequence.

The system you are referring as Kabbalah is not foreign to me but I draw no inspiration from that... because it is something I do not understand but I do understand that in a cave there was a humanoid who squashed some prehistoric fruits to make some sort of paint and placed their palm in it and on the wall of the came and thought, "this is me" so what you see now as promoted and adopted by various systems is that idea, the symbol carries meaning, even your own legal signature on a piece of legal paper carries meaning, an identity, representative to a certain agreement and I don't have to use any system, religious, esoteric, occult to reinforce an idea.
The stop sign on the streat carries meaning, an information, so are the magic sigils...
The vibration of the stop sign is "hey, pay attention, you need to stop" ... and that's his magic meaning.

Signature sigils are the same, carry a meaning based on archetype "extracted" not from kabbalistic system but from a more simple one, the tarot major arcana from which even Carl Jung developed the psychological personalities and traits of these archetypes.

I was asked in a fb group to do an entity signature sigil for Kamala Harris in order to prove if the knowledge used is viable or a fake bs
I will not dive more into the process itself but I will show the "math" behind which leads to association of symbols used and their placement.
Above placement of the symbols are representative to what we define as "goals" the lesson we need to understand, to learn, the achievement, the Destiny....
The center symbols within the construction is representative to the personality, the traits, inclinations and affinities the entity has at their disposal in their life experience.

Kamala Harris
Numerology: 5
Freedom and Independence
The Fearless Explorer!

Associations for Number 5
Color: Blue - symbolizing freedom, communication, and expansion.
Element: Ether - associated with spiritual connection and the feeling of limitlessness.
Planet: Mercury (alternatively, Uranus) - the planet of communication and rapid changes, influencing adaptability and the desire for exploration.
Semi-Precious Gemstone: Topaz - Topaz is considered a stone of joy, creativity, and luck. Associated with adventure and exploration. The natural element associated with Number 5 is fire, which is an element of energy and creation.
Metal: Tin
Associated Day: Friday - associated with Number 5, representing freedom, change, and adventure. People born on Fridays are often curious, active, and impulsive. They enjoy experiencing new things and traveling.
Number 5 in numerology represents freedom, exploration, and adaptability. By cultivating these traits, individuals can expand their horizons and live a life full of adventure and continuous learning.

Personality: 20 Judgment
- personality is given from the day of the birth
Destiny: 5 The Hierophant
- destiny is given by the entire date of birth
2 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 23

Archetypal influences for 5 are:
2-The High Priestess
3-The Empress

The graphic process is a matter of adding the associated symbols in one of the two distinct zones and nothing more.

As for the religion, spirituality, dogma, ideology.... I'm way over that because in my book, each plays its own part, each serve their purpose but I am the one giving meaning when I choose to use all these aspects to serve me. All truths are true by definition, and all are part of All There Is.... therefore, I find no conflict in any religion, any system, any perspective because I can make use of them all if needed.

What can I say, I'm more focused on inclusion rather than segregation, exclusion.

What you call, know and learned to be Tree of Life I know as a crystal structure named Seed from a much older time, before the the descend from the Tree...

This perspective might be useful for sooo many.... especially when you (as a webcam performer) feel drained , chronically exhausted and don't know why ...
I will skip the details where I explain what energetic cords mean, how thought forms are created, how powerful is the projection when is reinforced by an sexual act (masturbation included).... yup skipping all the good stuff :)

This is a Let Go, cutting cords sigil
This is a suggestion on how to use this symbol
Works with ex, abusive relationships, toxic individuals, stalkers, abusive parents, emotional abuse, psihic and mental stress generated by another individual.
Again I will skip the info about energetic "vampires" and energetic parasites.
Can be used as it is or in combination with a ritual.
Feel free to add your own spin to it, your own empowerment, emotions, affirmations….no strings attached.

Note: If you decide to reproduce this symbol, follow this:
First is the top circle which is representing your energy, draw the line from below the circle down. It represents your energy which is “drained” because it is in descending path.
Now, draw the line in ascending path which is representative with the energy you should charge the sigil with or simply understand that you need a high vibration energy and not a fearful one.

Basically you need to be in a good mood, you cut cords because you helped them understand a lesson and they did their best to help you understand your lesson, your message, so use compassion as your state of being.

You are not cutting cords because of fear, discussed , betrayal … So, your energy should rise up and from that state you should activate this sigil.

Now, from the top of ascended line, go with a semicircle and kind of inclosed the second smaller circle.
This line represents the idea of your energy is drained and the “energy vampire” feels protected by your energy, feels comfortable within the situation and will do whatever he/she (all prons) can to keep this “arrangement” going.

When all this is done, draw the line to represent the severed energy. Draw the line to “cut” your ascention line because you will let them go from a place of love and compassion and not hate, fear or other low vibe emotions.
O|/)o /
That’s it, that’s the construction and that’s the distilled (but entire) concept behind the sigil.
Some noticeable effects? Yes of course, instant ones too... like a call, a message, an argument because they no longer "have access" to your energy...
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I don't know about others but I am a fan of Keanu Reeves, the man and the actor.
So, because next month is his b-day ...

.... is knowledge...
Keanu Charles Reeves
Numerology: 4
Sign: Virgo
Personality: 2 The High Priestess
Destiny: 4 The Emperor
0+2+0+9+1+9+6+4 = 31
3 + 1 = 4
3 - The Empress
1 - The Magician

It makes a lot of sense to be a symbol of masculinity (The Emperor) yet the grace and emotional intelligence of the feminine energies (The High Priestess and The Empress)
Protective, wise, stands straight in his energy also accepting the divine feminine energy through the use of intuition, emotions, highly empathic and empathetic.
The traits of the Magician (for those who are not familiar with this archetype or with tarot card) is that he is capable to use all elements from different dimensions... with other word, is both spiritual and grounded, magical and physical, emotional and logical.

Do you have a fav?
Who knows, maybe I will take the time and surprise you with their entity signature sigil if you are curious enough to let me know.
I don't know about others but I am a fan of Keanu Reeves, the man and the actor.
So, because next month is his b-day ...

View attachment 100904
.... is knowledge...
Keanu Charles Reeves
Numerology: 4
Sign: Virgo
Personality: 2 The High Priestess
Destiny: 4 The Emperor
0+2+0+9+1+9+6+4 = 31
3 + 1 = 4
3 - The Empress
1 - The Magician

It makes a lot of sense to be a symbol of masculinity (The Emperor) yet the grace and emotional intelligence of the feminine energies (The High Priestess and The Empress)
Protective, wise, stands straight in his energy also accepting the divine feminine energy through the use of intuition, emotions, highly empathic and empathetic.
The traits of the Magician (for those who are not familiar with this archetype or with tarot card) is that he is capable to use all elements from different dimensions... with other word, is both spiritual and grounded, magical and physical, emotional and logical.

Do you have a fav?
Who knows, maybe I will take the time and surprise you with their entity signature sigil if you are curious enough to let me know.
Gordon Ramsay 🔥🔥

Keanu Reeves appeared on SpongBob, it was really funny. Wasn't sure is you saw that, but if not, worth a watch.
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Gordon Ramsay 🔥🔥

Keanu Reeves appeared on SpongBob, it was really funny. Wasn't sure is you saw that, but if not, worth a watch.
Nope I was not aware about Keanu's appearance in SpongeBob, thus I know the cartoon...
One Gordon James Ramsay OBE signature sigil


Gordon Ramsay
Numerology: 5
Sign: Scorpio
Personality: 8 Strength
Destiny: 5 The Hierophant
0+8+1+1+1+9+6+6 = 32
Influenced by secondary potentials of the archetypes:
3 - The Empress
2 - The High Priestess


What does "Personality" represent?
Personality, from the point of view of the archetypal structure, represents the main traits that help you manage your daily life, relationships and events that lead you to fulfill your mission.
It is these traits that will create the right environment for you to learn the necessary lessons and with their help you will relate to the life you incarnated in such a way that you can align more and more with your essence day by day.

What does "Soul Path or Destiny" stands for?
The Path of Destiny means what you have to do, your "soul's mission", includes the lessons and experiences you should be heading towards.

What does "Secondary potential" stands for?
Secondary potential is the term that refers to the influence of other archetypes that appear in the construction of the main archetype.

Now makes sense why in some of his shows it was simply "the knife turned in flesh" ... ruthless, powerful, intimidating, a bully so to speak... 8 Strength (and severity of the High Priestess) served him well.

The symbols used for this signature sigil are representative for the archetypes:
- so the Hierophant has that triple cross positioned above the central section which represents the Destiny, goal to reach.
- triangle pointing up, (already mentioned in previous posts) is representative to masculine energy, fire, solid base, penetration, logic thinking. Placed in the center of the construction is representative to the Personality section.
- various symbols from astrology, alchemy and zodiac signs
- crown is representative to royalty and in this particular construction, moon and crown are associated with the divine feminine from the secondary potential, the Empress and the High Priestess.
- pentagon 5 sides, 8 stars, Scorpio symbol and constellation
That's it for now... he has a complex yet clean personality as it is not composed by any other archetypes so that's a good one.
And if you know his activity in tv shows or in the restaurant you know he asks, demands and offer the best... even if that touch of "strength" seems a bit abusive.... it comes from a very emotional place run by two "ladie" archetypes .
Empress is "see me", "praise me", "I'm here for you and I will do best to raise, multiply and help you grow", the Priestess is "listen to what I have to say and you will do good" kind of energy... both are nurturing energies with an eye on physicality and one in spirituality.

It was a wonderful opportunity for me to connect in this way.... wonderful construction... Thank you.
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Nope I was not aware about Keanu's appearance in SpongeBob, thus I know the cartoon...
One Gordon James Ramsay OBE signature sigil

View attachment 100906

Gordon Ramsay
Numerology: 5
Sign: Scorpio
Personality: 8 Strength
Destiny: 5 The Hierophant
0+8+1+1+1+9+6+6 = 32
Influenced by secondary potentials of the archetypes:
3 - The Empress
2 - The High Priestess


What does "Personality" represent?
Personality, from the point of view of the archetypal structure, represents the main traits that help you manage your daily life, relationships and events that lead you to fulfill your mission.
It is these traits that will create the right environment for you to learn the necessary lessons and with their help you will relate to the life you incarnated in such a way that you can align more and more with your essence day by day.

What does "Soul Path or Destiny" stands for?
The Path of Destiny means what you have to do, your "soul's mission", includes the lessons and experiences you should be heading towards.

What does "Secondary potential" stands for?
Secondary potential is the term that refers to the influence of other archetypes that appear in the construction of the main archetype.

Now makes sense why in some of his shows it was simply "the knife turned in flesh" ... ruthless, powerful, intimidating, a bully so to speak... 8 Strength (and severity of the High Priestess) served him well.

The symbols used for this signature sigil are representative for the archetypes:
- so the Hierophant has that triple cross positioned above the central section which represents the Destiny, goal to reach.
- triangle pointing up, (already mentioned in previous posts) is representative to masculine energy, fire, solid base, penetration, logic thinking. Placed in the center of the construction is representative to the Personality section.
- various symbols from astrology, alchemy and zodiac signs
- crown is representative to royalty and in this particular construction, moon and crown are associated with the divine feminine from the secondary potential, the Empress and the High Priestess.
- pentagon 5 sides, 8 stars, Scorpio symbol and constellation
That's it for now... he has a complex yet clean personality as it is not composed by any other archetypes so that's a good one.
And if you know his activity in tv shows or in the restaurant you know he asks, demands and offer the best... even if that touch of "strength" seems a bit abusive.... it comes from a very emotional place run by two "ladie" archetypes .
Empress is "see me", "praise me", "I'm here for you and I will do best to raise, multiply and help you grow", the Priestess is "listen to what I have to say and you will do good" kind of energy... both are nurturing energies with an eye on physicality and one in spirituality.

It was a wonderful opportunity for me to connect in this way.... wonderful construction... Thank you.
Very interesting, thank you too.
Hate when I read people call him a bully. He was trained in an environment where people didn't have patience for anything less than the best. So in his young formative work years, he was treated that way himself. There's not a lot of time in a kitchen to be fucking things up, and fixing them, during meal time rushes. He also has Gemini rising (like me) and a Virgo Moon. He has high standards and he's pretty impatient about letting that be known. He's very soft and gentle with kids, and people who deserve it.

Plus most of the cleaning and storage errors he finds, are just gross and pure laziness.

A lot of the people he's stung out at in the media, stung out at him first.
I'm on team Gordon.

Lol sorry guys, I'll stop rambling on about my fave Chef. But I mean, how can anyone not love the guy? 💛 If a business is failing, there's no time for coddling.
Loved reading his vigil signature Dan.

Keanu Reeves was in the movie The Spongebob Movie; Sponge on the Run. Incase you ever want to see it.
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Keanu Reeves was in the movie The Spongebob Movie; Sponge on the Run. Incase you ever want to see it.
Not aware and thank you.

Regarding Gordon Ramsay, I'm no longer investing energy into judging individuals, I've worked with hundreds of webcam performers since 2016 via Camgirl.Cloud line of work and I've also done dozens of signature sigils for many and I did understood that each has its own path, its own lessons to learn, to experience, to overcome, limits to push, dreams to fulfill....
As I've mentioned, we are entities which exceed this limited experience and a physical body therefore I can no longer pass judgement... Yes I can observe, yes I can experience life through my own filters yet less judgmental.
Personality and Destiny archetypes are as they are, Carl Jung studied, refined and defined them, major arcana from tarot is depicting them, as a collective consciousness we've decided to experience all of them.
I was laughing at these guru and monks with their annoying calm and lack of imediate reaction... but I get it now :D

And I will take the opportunity to change the subject by adding another sigil, this time is not a signature sigil but visual one.
I do understand that some individuals have difficulties in using their imagination, in meditative state imagination is a powerful tool to rely on so I did a

Prosperity Protection and Abundance - Sigil​

(with visual support)
About the construction for the Magic Sigil for Prosperity, Protection and Abundance.

The image is depicting the magic sigil for Prosperity, Protection and Abundance.

Here are a few symbols.

The square is a symbol for protection, same as the circle of protection or the Sacred Space, the square means walls, the Tower.

Four daggers in the 4 cardinal directions is representative to archangel Michael protections from all directions.

The characters used from the outer circle are Dascentian characters and reads in plain english:
Up – Under the law of Grace
Down – For the greater good of all

Symbols for the 4 primordial elements Fire, Water, Earth and Wind
Symbol for the Sun (prosperity and life) and Moon for manifestation
The center infinity symbol is representative to abundance and power


Two versions. The animated one is for those who use the meditative state and have difficulties with creative process within the imaginative state (which by the way it is a micro dimension we create).
And the png static image which can be used for print or reproduction/draw on paper, engraved or whatever
The image depicts a Dascentian Sigil designed for Prosperity, Protection, and Abundance.
Here’s a detailed description and explanation of its elements:

Central Elements:

Infinity Symbol:

Location: Center of the sigil.
Meaning: Represents abundance and power, signifying limitless prosperity and continuous flow of energy.

Sun and Moon Symbols:
☉ ☽
Location Moons: Above-left and below the infinity symbol, respectively.
Location Sun: Above the infinity symbol.
Sun: Symbolizes prosperity and life, bringing energy and growth, masculine energy, fire.
Moon: Represents manifestation, aiding in bringing desires into reality, associated with water element, emotions, feminine energy.

Geometric Shapes:

Meaning: Symbolizes protection, representing walls and a fortified tower. It signifies a sacred, protected space.


Meaning: Also a symbol of protection, representing an all-encompassing sacred space. Protection Circle (wicca) and Sacred Space (within shamanic practice)

Four Daggers:

Location: Positioned in the four cardinal directions.
Meaning: Represent the protection of Archangel Michael, ensuring safety from all directions.

Primordial Elements:
Air 🜁 Earth 🜃 Fire 🜂 Water 🜄
Fire, Water, Earth, and Air:
Symbols: Represented by specific alchemical symbols within the sigil.
Meaning: These elements ensure a balanced and harmonious connection with nature and the universe, enhancing the effectiveness of the sigil.

Dascentian Characters:

Outer Circle Inscription:
Top: “Under the law of grace”
Bottom: “For the greater good of all”
Meaning: These phrases invoke a universal, benevolent force ensuring that the sigil’s power is directed towards positive and harmonious outcomes for everyone involved.

This sigil can be used in rituals, as a meditative focus to draw in prosperity, provide protection, and manifest abundance.

Can be engraved on various precious metals like gold, platinum or silver.
It acts as a powerful tool for aligning personal energies with the universal forces of nature, guided by grace and for the benefit of all.

If you are interested and the symbols show up as rectangle (missing characters) feel free to browse the source of this post

Magic works only if you allow it.
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Do you feel ready for another sigil...
No it is not an entity signature sigil but more of a tool to activate your own energy towards that idea.
What I mean by that is simple, where is your focus, that's the reality you create for yourself.

Manifestation Sigil

There are two versions, one of them is this one I just share right now.

Dascentian characters:
  • top - As Above
  • bottom - So below
  • left - Under Divine Grace
  • right - For the highest good

The Magician's power
The magic wand symbol representing the connection and invocation of the Divine energy
The infinity symbol also used for abundance
The masculine and feminine energies

Can be engraved on gold (silver or copper), santal or palo santo wood, orgone device, yellow minerals or stones.
Totally avoid black stones or minerals which are usually used to convert and engage with low vibe energies or entities .

To harness the energy, the power and even activate a similar energy you can use the Magician key from tarot deck ...

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy..."
Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, act 1, scene 5

For me this quote I've heard soooo many times has a new meaning, means to allow the magic to exist, to allow myself to feel more and analyze less, to stop trying to figure it all out... and when I do that.... I find myself understanding even more.

Enjoy the weekend :)
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Ok, I was asked and it is a valid question therefore I decided to add my perspective here too... so here we go...
"Why my magic doesn't work, what I am doing wrong?" or this statement "Magic is bs, a fantasy for stupid narrow minded individuals"....

Both are equally important and true.
I will try to share my own perspective from my own experience, no books, no simulating another individual's experience.
In response to the first question, "why my magic doesn't work, what I am doing wrong"...
My distilled version is that all magic works but not as we imagine in a hollywoodian manner but more subtle... yes Dr. Strange is cool, nice effects, cool lights and CGI and in another reality, in another universe that's totally possible, but we are not there yet.
How magic works (my perspective)...
First I regard magic as a less known piece of technology... not necessarily a full tangibile one to start with but more of an energetically based one... involving, thought, desire, emotion followed by a strong will and action to bring that vibration into manifestation... That's how I see and understand magic, knowledge to interact with energies.

Following that idea which for me as an individual has become a fact, thoughts are energy, emotions are energy, ideas are energies composed from at least two other elements, vibration, frequency and magnetism.
Because I am a very stubborn individual I tried to reinvent the wheel (so to speak) choosing the difficult path because... I'm a male, designed for logic thinking searching for scientific facts so I used logic to define magic. Of course I am limited by my own experiences and knowledge but here's how I feel, I think, I believe and I see it works.

When we have desires, when we have things that we like, we enjoy we love, we generate a high vibrational frequency which places us (as an entity) in a certain vibrational state, I feel myself floating in cloud 9 so to speak, a high emotional and vibrational state, which is wonderful, amazing, a nice place to be and in that state I will for myself all kind of stuff like abundance, financial stability, all these material things which allows me more freedoms.
In that state I wish I have more money, more source of income, more revenue streams... but what happens? Here's the thing I have discovered for myself... I remember I don't have all those freedoms, all these money coming my way and I call that the reality check (cool name of a topic here on ACF) and when reality sets in and I acknowledge that previous uplifting state was just wishful thinking and I look at the bills piling up... all of a sudden the cloud 9 falls apart and I crush the pavement of low vibe frequency and low vibration energies generated by worries, fear I have difficulties of paying bills and all sorts of down the drain emotions, ideas, energies...
Using the same analogy I was in cloud 9 and I wanted to have all those $$$$$ flowing my way... now I'm waaay below that state... operating on another level, another energy field, another vibration, frequency much much lower... so here comes the magnetism law I was talking about...
If I was to keep my high vibes up, staying in cloud 9, I would of attracted all that energy to match the energy and feelings I was emanating... now that I focused back on the lack of money, lack of abundance, lack of what I want to enjoy, the magnetism works here too so I will receive more lack of... because that is what I emanate... what you put out is what you get, what you receive...
Law of attraction isn't it? For God's sake yes it is... also similar with 3 fold law, The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans, Neo-Pagans and occultists. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
Now, we understand the words.... but unless I didn't experienced for myself now I understand the meaning too, the mechanics, the sense, the logic behind... It simply clicked in an unexpected way... deeper meaning.

Now I understand, I've reached the conclusion that I need to be in cloud 9 so to speak when feeling good and resonate at higher vibration for both instances of the manifestation, when I state the will and to receive it, to witness the manifestation of my magic otherwise the magic will happen, will manifest itself exactly how I desire and even more but it is not in my awareness, I am not on that level to be able to enjoy it, see it, witness it, to consciously take benefit of it because... I am way below that state.

What I also observed is the energy from which one is doing magic.
This is very important because there's a detail many oversee ... the energy from which, one is making a wish for example.
"I wish to have more money so I can pay my bills" is not the same as "I have enough money to feel all these freedoms I enjoy"

One is based on fear. I need to pay the bills so I need to have money.
The other is based on "I already have enough" ... always when I feel I have enough I am in that superc cool position to offer the same energy to others.

For me makes so much sense even if my english is ducked up as it is and fluidity, syntax and grammar are off, I do believe some of you got a rough idea how .... hmmm, not magic but all reality works... because if I am to push the narrative a bit and expand the same ideas to the idea of building the reality we live in... all fits...
Yes, a few variables need to be taken into consideration like the colective agreements, the reality framework which has a set of physical rules we all need to obey so to speak, you know, time as a factor...

I don't pretend I fully understand how this reality works but dang for me it is so cool to figure this out for myself, see all these in action, real time discovery and that's the true magic I wish for everyone to experience.

It is a long text, a difficult one due to my lack of knowledge when expressing what I want to say in a foreign language but even so I do enjoy all these ideas, all these beliefs, all these experiences...

That's the main reason for which I chose magic sigils because they represent all these experiences, all these reminders which can be used to push ourselves in that cloud 9 I was mentioning before and allow us to receive and witness the manifestation of our own magic. Where the focus goes, the manifestation goes.

Magic is not bs if you understand your own magic, your own process which doesn't have to be similar with someone else's process.
You all have your own magic and some of you do know this as a fact.