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What do you do to keep yourself in good shape?

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Sasha Green
Industry Representative
Jul 28, 2014
As for me, I’ve chosen going to the Gym regularly.
The hardest thing for me is that I need to stay away from junk food. As far away as possible ☺ My diet is low calorie – a lot of vegetables, fruit and white meat. I’m trying to stay around about 1600 calories which makes me feel hungry all the time.

How do you keep fit? :glasses7:
My cam time is my work out. I dance a lot and really push my body during shows. I'm constantly moving and really only sit down to fill out raffle tickets on random occasion.
I try my best to work out on my exercise equipment 6 times a week, and I stopped eating free doughnuts when offered at work. Excuses are so easy to make, but I am doing good.

I am amazed at how far I have come since the middle of the year. I have gone from wheezing and wishing for it all to end on level 0 of my elliptical, to wheezing and wishing for it all to end on level 6 of my elliptical. I am doing less well with the weights, but I have still made progress and will continue to make more if I continue to work hard.
I chase a toddler from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed, I exercise at least 5 days a week, and I eat toddler portion sized meals. :lol:
Tons of yoga personally. I used to do cheerleading, dance team and gymnastics but those arent an option as an adult really. So yoga fits the bill. I dont diet as I dont wanna feel hungry or deprived. I just try to eat fruits and veggies and good for me things more than chips. I do plan on getting that Brazil Butt Lift workout sometime in the future as well since I hear good things about it. I love my ass now but it looks like a good workout and a bit fun.
Yoga mainly. I walk rather than taking a car whenever I can. I also started using to track myself. I used it a few years ago, and it worked rather nicely then.
Running, when I can push myself to do it. Otherwise, I use my Wii to work out! I have a Wii fit program, but my favorite is Just Dance. That's the least boring way for me to stay in shape.
PicNic said:
Running, when I can push myself to do it. Otherwise, I use my Wii to work out! I have a Wii fit program, but my favorite is Just Dance. That's the least boring way for me to stay in shape.

I have the Wii and the fit board too. Hula Hooping for days lol.
During the warm months I like to go hiking with my pup, I play drums (which is a hell of a full body workout when you play metal), but currently I mostly get my exercise from dancing on cam.

I also chain-smoke and drink a fuck ton of coffee. There's a lot of room for improvement.

One workout that I used to do every morning and am trying to get myself back in the habit of is one of the workouts from that a friend introduced me to. They're a bit goofy but they're fun, effective and quick workouts you can add to your schedule pretty easily with minimal to no equipment needed.
PlayboyMegan said:
I don't drive so I walk almost everywhere. I want one of those step counters because I'm sure I walk way more than the average person. Sometimes I buy a bunch of stuff at the mall or grocery store and walk a mile home carrying a ton of weight.

This is exactly what I do too. Walking up hills with a bunch of groceries will make you think twice about a) how much you buy and b) how much effort walking is. I'm always so tired after going to the grocery store.
I run everyday and try to eat healthy. Go to the gym about twice a week. Use to care more about muscle but that stopped once I realized how much it was fucking with my cardio. I liked the way I looked at 185 but feel so much better at 155. Was too much work and unhealthy for me to be trying to maintain that size.
Under normal circumstances I maintain a pretty traditional weight routine + cardio monday to friday and eat clean. I consider my time in the gym part of my work shift, since my appearance is a huge part of being a camgirl.

Ive had a hiatus the last couple months and its been hard to get back into it. But lately its been really grating on me how much I miss that lifestyle & the way I looked and felt. It also gave me goals, a sense of accomplishment, a hobby, and forces me out of the house around other people. I also do better on cam when Im in shape, I can't tell if its because Im hotter or because Im more confident.

I think Im a happier person in general when I have a lot of structure in my life as well.
Jessi said:
Under normal circumstances I maintain a pretty traditional weight routine + cardio monday to friday and eat clean. I consider my time in the gym part of my work shift, since my appearance is a huge part of being a camgirl.

What a great way to look at it!
curvyredhead said:
Jessi said:
Under normal circumstances I maintain a pretty traditional weight routine + cardio monday to friday and eat clean. I consider my time in the gym part of my work shift, since my appearance is a huge part of being a camgirl.

What a great way to look at it!

We always talk about the time we put in off cam, I definitely see my workouts as part of that

2-3 hours at the gym
1-2 hours getting myself and my work space ready
2-5 hours on cam
however much video/profile/MFC mail/networking/photo etc responsibilities I have

I just realized everything kind of ties together and takes up my whole day :shock:

I also remind myself that sticking to my meal plan is part of the bigger picture in achieving my cam goals and improving my life overall. Its easy to lose sight of that when I'm feeling discouraged.
One thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet that I do and helps me a lot - I keep track of everything I can:
- I have a Withings scale, so every time I weigh myself it uploads the data to their website;
- then an app on my phone (Libra) gets that data and gives me a ton of useful things: a graph of current weight, weight trend (loss/gain), calculates when I will reach my goal, how much I'm losing/gaining per week, etc
- I also use a Fitbit (plus a polar exercise watch when working out/walking long distances) to track all I do, so I know if/when I am slacking off and by how much. And with Fitbit there's a bit of a social aspect, since I have shared my data with coworkers and friends that also have Fitbits, so we 'compete' against each other and can lead to 'interesting' decisions (like me deciding to walk from the East side of Lake Zurich [in Switzerland, not the one in the US] to my home, which is on the west side.. A nice 3 hour walk :p )
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