Its a long article and talks about it a lot throughout the whole thing, so quoting is hard, but it was the talk of separating issues (identity politics) vs. protesting for universal justice for all people victimized by our system in any way.
I assume you mean bits like this:
Does it take much for one of these would be social justice warriors to speak of justice sans partisan blinders and tribal grievances? Why can’t we have one who has enough courage to connect the struggles of families broken in Chicago to the strife faced by families in the Appalachians?
Kapernick means nothing to me. I don't care about his pig socks, his Che t-shirts, the fact that his display supposedly started a trend that is fouling the circuses for those who would rather pretend everything is just fine, or any of that garbage. Kapernick is nothing more than a dog-whistle incarnate for the extremes on both sides of this issue imo.
Colin was born in 1987. This is right around the time I had my first heated political debate about what has led to Kapernick's moment in the cultural spotlight; ramping up of the prison-industrial complex, courtesy of the War on Drugs. It was remarkable (and revolting) to hear voices who had terrorized me throughout the 70s and 80s with visions of a coming oppressive police state suddenly turn on a dime, and applaud it's creation as a necessity.
Michael Wood Jr, USMC veteran and former Baltimore police officer was interviewed by Joe Rogan a couple of years ago. He talked about the systemic racism, and also how the situation breeds racism in individual officers. One of the first things he said when Joe asked him about how to fix this mess was "we've got to end the War on Drugs". Race is being used as a distraction from this. No small wonder, considering the profits involved.
With the wealth of documentation that exists to show that non-POC individuals have suffered as well, why does the narrative need to be focused on race? Because that is how you enslave people, black and white alike. Brother against brother, as the saying goes.
But I digress. TPTB want the focus either on Kapernick and the shameless un-Americanism he has supposedly spawned, or those poor poor black people, so I suppose I better acquiesce if I know what's good for me. Here goes nothing...
(ahem) Colin needs to step up his game if you ask me; he's got a long way to go to catch up to this guy:
"Individuals and organizations who wave Nazi flags, and who use the First Amendment as both shield and sword, must be rooted out of our society and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for fueling hate. There is no place in any civilized society for their ilk.” — VFW National Commander Keith Harman
(translation: Fuck you and your First Amendment, Americans. Now have some more beer and nachos, you stupid fuckers.)