Need some opinions. If you could go anywhere/do anything for a vacation, what would be your first choice? Summer is quickly coming to a close and I feel I haven't accomplished enough yet. Help me remedy this feeling that ails me.
Need some opinions. If you could go anywhere/do anything for a vacation, what would be your first choice? Summer is quickly coming to a close and I feel I haven't accomplished enough yet. Help me remedy this feeling that ails me.
3 years ago - 3 month RV trip to Alaska. Drove the entire Alaska Highway
Last year was nearly 2 months on a self-driving camping/hotelling safari in southern Africa.
This September - 3 week driving/train tour of England
Need some opinions. If you could go anywhere/do anything for a vacation, what would be your first choice? Summer is quickly coming to a close and I feel I haven't accomplished enough yet. Help me remedy this feeling that ails me.
The Alaska trip sounds epic. What were the highlights?
2 Weeks in the Denali area. The mountain came out for 3 days.
Wolves fishing in a salmon stream with grizzlies. Standing on the walkway over a grizzly eating a fish. So close you could hear it crunch at Hyder AK.
Drove to the Arctic Circle - nearly carried away by mosquitoes.
Sunset at 12:40 am, sunrise at 2:30 am outside Fairbanks in late June.
Miles and miles of wilderness. Wildlife and epic scenery at every turn.
Not so good - 5 flat tires.
Do you want beautiful vistas? Do you want physical activity? Do you want to live in luxury and have people attending to your every need?
The Alaska idea sounds fucking awesome but I can't see the person I'm going with being down with that at all unfortunately. Definitely something I would love to do at some point even if solo.
Was thinking along the lines of a cruise or some island getaway type shit. Not against physical activities but wouldn't say they are necessary. Similarly, wouldn't mind being waited on but wouldn't consider it a necessity for enjoyment.
Seems perfect. Any similar places you can think of with a golf course nearby?
Need some opinions. If you could go anywhere/do anything for a vacation, what would be your first choice? Summer is quickly coming to a close and I feel I haven't accomplished enough yet. Help me remedy this feeling that ails me.