So I have this trivia card set called shit for brains, it’s a lot of fun! I got it a an adult store, I’m thinking about doing a trivia night on Tuesday as a show. I just need help figuring out what’s a good reasonable min token entry/donation to reach a tip goal before I start the game.
I was gonna just have a tip goal achieved before I started but my BF made a good point, that if let’s say one person only tips 1 token and others tip more and for whatever reason the person who tipped one token wins the others will feel cheated.
I’m also going to have a 1st, 2and, & 3rd place prizes. What are y’all’s thoughts on that as well.
That’s the game and categories there are.
I was gonna just have a tip goal achieved before I started but my BF made a good point, that if let’s say one person only tips 1 token and others tip more and for whatever reason the person who tipped one token wins the others will feel cheated.
I’m also going to have a 1st, 2and, & 3rd place prizes. What are y’all’s thoughts on that as well.
That’s the game and categories there are.