Hello greetings @punker barbie I'm sorry to take a little of your time but you are my only hope, I have seen that you help many people and I would like to ask for a little of your help,Almost two months ago I had a problem with my account and since then I have not been able to transmit and I have not been able to find a job and the worst of all is that both I and my family depend on me and what I earn to survive...
I have written several emails to support explaining the misunderstanding and asking for my kind apologies and promising that I will never fail you again, I want to continue working for you and learn more of their rules.. but I haven't gotten a response from support since they told me why I was suspended, and I understand their reasons, they answered me very clearly, but today I come to ask you to please review my case and read my emails where I explain everything. As I said before i depends on my job to survive and help my family, I wish to continue working for Chaturbate and contribute to the platform.. please help
Request number #22185293
I have written several emails to support explaining the misunderstanding and asking for my kind apologies and promising that I will never fail you again, I want to continue working for you and learn more of their rules.. but I haven't gotten a response from support since they told me why I was suspended, and I understand their reasons, they answered me very clearly, but today I come to ask you to please review my case and read my emails where I explain everything. As I said before i depends on my job to survive and help my family, I wish to continue working for Chaturbate and contribute to the platform.. please help
Request number #22185293