There are many websites that don't abide by DMCA takedown requests that are sent to them. These websites may have a page that lie stating they abide by DMCA and will take down anything upon requests. Most times the sites are based in other foreign countries where DMCA does not exists. My question is, has anyone ever tried to take legal action and sue any of these sites, and actually been successful in shutting the site down from the internet?
Considering they steal thousands of cam recordings from thousands of camgirls, I think it would be a pretty big case with enough supporting evidence from each cam model to get these sites taken down. How complicated and hard would it be to shut down a DMCA violating site from the web? I dont care about dealing with complicated filings and the little fine details in filing out forms and etc. I just want to know how to do it and not have to spend millions of money. Surely it doesnt take a fortune to shut down one copyright infringing site that everyone already wants out.
My question is, if this is possible, how would I go about doing it successfully? If this has already been done I would like some tips/legal filing advice, etc if anyone has ever been successful in doing this. I know there are many cam models here who would help and support shutting these sites down if I start something like this. I for one am sick and tired of seeing my stolen content online!!!
Considering they steal thousands of cam recordings from thousands of camgirls, I think it would be a pretty big case with enough supporting evidence from each cam model to get these sites taken down. How complicated and hard would it be to shut down a DMCA violating site from the web? I dont care about dealing with complicated filings and the little fine details in filing out forms and etc. I just want to know how to do it and not have to spend millions of money. Surely it doesnt take a fortune to shut down one copyright infringing site that everyone already wants out.
My question is, if this is possible, how would I go about doing it successfully? If this has already been done I would like some tips/legal filing advice, etc if anyone has ever been successful in doing this. I know there are many cam models here who would help and support shutting these sites down if I start something like this. I for one am sick and tired of seeing my stolen content online!!!