Hello everyone!
I recently added a couple of nice additions to Synergy that help this app to stand apart from everything else currently available...

The /users? command which compiles information about your active chat participants was updated to include some new information. This command will now display the total earned from tips and the total earned while private. I'm unaware of any other app currently available that can calculate earnings while private. These earnings currently only affect stats, but could easily be applied towards the leaderbaord and goals. This updated display now includes the total number of privates and the elapsed time of the current private as well. Elapsed time is only visible while the private is active. The transmission elapsed time output was also updated. This output will now snap-shot when 'offline' and resume when you return, showing you the total time for your active transmission. This output was updated to address (and future proof) the recent CB server issue causing models to disappear from chat (making them appear 'offline').

* undocumented commands include /users? # (line wrap), /users t (tipper-only stats), /users s (1st line stats)
* spy-earnings are not (currently) calculated as CB does not provide the necessary data
A basic calculator was added for both the model and mod(s) in the form of the /math command. This command supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with order of operations. Type /math 3+3 or /math (3*10)/2. All output is sent privately to the user who typed the command. Usage examples include calculating the amount of time you were private (/math 1167/42), adding a bunch of tips (/math 333+111+1023+23+(1*302)), etc.

The whole idea behind these features is to provide even more tools to help you become a more efficient model. You can not identify areas for improvement without the data and tools for analysis.
Questions or comments:
SynergyChaturbate @ gmail
I recently added a couple of nice additions to Synergy that help this app to stand apart from everything else currently available...

The /users? command which compiles information about your active chat participants was updated to include some new information. This command will now display the total earned from tips and the total earned while private. I'm unaware of any other app currently available that can calculate earnings while private. These earnings currently only affect stats, but could easily be applied towards the leaderbaord and goals. This updated display now includes the total number of privates and the elapsed time of the current private as well. Elapsed time is only visible while the private is active. The transmission elapsed time output was also updated. This output will now snap-shot when 'offline' and resume when you return, showing you the total time for your active transmission. This output was updated to address (and future proof) the recent CB server issue causing models to disappear from chat (making them appear 'offline').

* undocumented commands include /users? # (line wrap), /users t (tipper-only stats), /users s (1st line stats)
* spy-earnings are not (currently) calculated as CB does not provide the necessary data
A basic calculator was added for both the model and mod(s) in the form of the /math command. This command supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with order of operations. Type /math 3+3 or /math (3*10)/2. All output is sent privately to the user who typed the command. Usage examples include calculating the amount of time you were private (/math 1167/42), adding a bunch of tips (/math 333+111+1023+23+(1*302)), etc.

The whole idea behind these features is to provide even more tools to help you become a more efficient model. You can not identify areas for improvement without the data and tools for analysis.
Questions or comments:

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