You can block whoever you want.
You are under no obligation to perform sexually with anyone you don't like, and you are not an employee, you are a 1099 worker.
The only things I've ever heard of models being banned or getting warnings for are; talking about their socials or offsite forms of payment. Doing ageplay. Doing pee shows and stuff, which are against the rules.
And fraud. Knowingly participating in financial fraud on the site.
There's a warning system for minor infarctions.
Things like ageplay are more serious though, or having an unverified person on your stream.
Some infarctions go straight to account suspension/ closure.
ETA; Other models will sometimes express disapproval and judgement of blocking for reasons they don't like, or understand (lol Oh well Karen
hehe), but na - never be scared to block.
I have thousands blocked too, always have, past year 1, and I make good money. There are more guys using the site than some people realize.
And frequently people will join just for you.
There's something about you physically or socially that they like, and they'll join just to spend time with you. It's