AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Soooo... Los Angeles....

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Oct 8, 2015
Sooo, sorry I can't do this in cam girl chat, I don't have identifying photos on my webcam profiles so I can't verify, but message me and we can start a group email/messenger, I'm pretty quick to give out my IG/FB etc.

So I'm sure there's more than a few of us around Los Angeles? I'm in Long Beach personally, so the Valley would be too far for me, but... I was looking at summer sublets and thought, geez, why don't us girls rent a nice house and make some bank together?
If we had 4+ girls, or a rotating 8 or so, IDDKKKK there are possibilities.

Obviously there's plenty of work opportunities with us all teaming up, feel free to message me with any ideas/dreams/criticisms.

;) :h:
Sooo, sorry I can't do this in cam girl chat, I don't have identifying photos on my webcam profiles so I can't verify, but message me and we can start a group email/messenger, I'm pretty quick to give out my IG/FB etc.

OMG. You seem legit. You will probably have a lot of success here. Way to go and good luck! :) (non sarcastically, you might have become verified as a model before asking such things and hopefully in the model section where people like me can't comment).
Oh you don't need to do that, I will sponsor you completely! I just need you to fill out a few forms, business related of course. I will expect to see a return on investment while you are out in Long Beach at one of my timeshares. So send me a private message and we can get started on the paperwork and get you to Long Beach already at a resort!
They do have a point though. You've been a member of this forum since October of 2015 yet have zero links to cam profiles, no avatar and not taken the time to get verified. Then you mention being quick to hand out Facebook of all things.

There isn't a single thing about your account here or your post that ISN'T a red flag in conjunction with this thread. Now, you may be totally genuine and just unaware of how all of those points add up to seem crazy creepy, so you may consider taking some of those steps to legitimize yourself so that people will feel comfortable even discussing the idea with you.
Honestly, I don't really participate in the paranoia games of the online world. Again, we can easily identify ourselves. I could send all my profiles. It's really not that hard.

I'm sorry with this cam life we have to live like this, but I personally refuse to participate. A great reason I don't have paranoia is because I protect my identity from douchebags like the ones in this thread. I mean, how great would it be if they had access to my cam rooms? No thank you.

I try to respect how everyone else does their camming, and do request a level of respect for making my own decisions about how I conduct myself and privacy.

I'm a very normal person, my mom's on my Facebook lol. Paranoia is your issue, I will not make it mine.
If you're not interested or it's too scary, cool. I kinda don't blame you, I've been a cam girl for much longer than 2015, more like 2012, so I know how it goes. Not my first rodeo. That's why I offered my social media right away.

For the record, I did message Amber from my cam girl name on MFC, with years of experience on there and thousands of ratings, but she doesn't verify without face pics ON the MFC profile. I don't do that.

Closed mouth never gets fed, I tried.
Have a great weekend.
I didn't have a face pic on my MFC profile and I got verified. I just had to post in the additional verification area. Is that what you mean? I didn't have a face pic on my profile until this weekend and I've been verified since like November, I think.
I didn't have a face pic on my MFC profile and I got verified. I just had to post in the additional verification area. Is that what you mean? I didn't have a face pic on my profile until this weekend and I've been verified since like November, I think.

... Did you have a face pic on here. Definitely not doing that.
Here is Amber's exact response: "I don't think I'll be able to verify you with no identifying pictures on your MFC profile. I'd ask for additional verification on the forum but then I have nothing to match up.
Let me know if you decide to add better/more photos to your profile and I'll see what I can do then. "

Which I have no problem with. It's really rad that Amber made this forum for us and she has the right to run it as she chooses.
The same way I have the right to run my life the way I want to.

Again, I don't participate in this shit. I have better things to do. I'll delete the thread if it's really that big of a deal.

Any cam girls are welcome to message me for my cam sites, or social media, but now I am a little paranoid at this point and would need to trust you would not share it, since it appears respect for different people is a bit low.

I'll probably delete the thread pretty quick here.
If I'm going to deal with paranoia, I'm at least going to get paid for it. lol. Peace.
I like how everyone talking shit is a DUDE.
We call this mansplaining, sharing your bullshit information as if it's more legit or helpful than mine.

If you have to explain mansplaining, you're now guilty of womensplaining!

Edit to add: Just waiting to see how long it takes to realize you can't delete this thread.
Also let me be clear, for the new girls, anyone who says you "have to" do things a certain way, is extraordinarily wrong.
Every person is different, every client is looking for something different.
Am I the most popular or rich cam model in the world? No. But I am content, secure, and have great clients and I think good and fulfilling relationships that do not drain me at the end of the day. There is a lot of abuse cam girls put up with, and that is simply not necessary.

Do what you want, be yourself.
Guys love that shit.

Have fun talking shit and laughing at me y'all.
... Did you have a face pic on here. Definitely not doing that.
Here is Amber's exact response: "I don't think I'll be able to verify you with no identifying pictures on your MFC profile. I'd ask for additional verification on the forum but then I have nothing to match up.
Let me know if you decide to add better/more photos to your profile and I'll see what I can do then. "

Which I have no problem with. It's really rad that Amber made this forum for us and she has the right to run it as she chooses.
The same way I have the right to run my life the way I want to.

Again, I don't participate in this shit. I have better things to do. I'll delete the thread if it's really that big of a deal.

Any cam girls are welcome to message me for my cam sites, or social media, but now I am a little paranoid at this point and would need to trust you would not share it, since it appears respect for different people is a bit low.

I'll probably delete the thread pretty quick here.
If I'm going to deal with paranoia, I'm at least going to get paid for it. lol. Peace.
Dude, I was being nice to you and asking a simple question. Geez.
Dude, I was being nice to you and asking a simple question. Geez.

I don't feel I was being mean, I was just making very clear I will not bend over backwards to satisfy the paranoid needs of people online.
And now that it is clear and this conversation is counterproductive, I am going to go and let you giggle amongst yourselves.
I don't feel I was being mean, I was just making very clear I will not bend over backwards to satisfy the paranoid needs of people online.
And now that it is clear and this conversation is counterproductive, I am going to go and let you giggle amongst yourselves.
Paranoid? Really? Alright, here's where I really don't think you're a woman. This stripper here went missing in January. They just pulled her car out of the river with a female body in it yesterday. A cam girl wasattacked in her own home when someone attempted to abduct her a few months ago. I saw on twitter a few weeks ago and escort that was stabbed while her house was robbed. Get the fuck outta here with that paranoid shit. Get verified. Prove you are who you say you are. Then invite people to hang out with you. Right now you sound like a creep. A manipulative one who's trying to make it seem like we're the ones being unreasonable by asking you to get verified.
Have fun talking shit and laughing at me y'all.

I apologize. I don't know why I commented. I shouldn't have said anything. There are way more legit people than me here that could have said the same thing I was saying but in a nicer way (plus it is ask a model and for some reason I sometimes wander in here and comment). My bad. Seriously though, good luck.
'm sorry with this cam life we have to live like this, but I personally refuse to participate. A great reason I don't have paranoia is because I protect my identity from douchebags like the ones in this thread. I mean, how great would it be if they had access to my cam rooms? No thank you.

I know @n_i_c_u from MFC, he stopped in a room a few times that I was a regular in and he was nothing but nice... your loss.
I don't feel I was being mean, I was just making very clear I will not bend over backwards to satisfy the paranoid needs of people online.
And now that it is clear and this conversation is counterproductive, I am going to go and let you giggle amongst yourselves.
You need to understand there have been guys pretend to be camgirls to get info they shouldn't get.
If you have a problem with models being cautious, that's your problem.
The more rude you are about it makes you look more like an impostor.
And how can you just assume what I say is bullshit? You got access to my bank accounts and assets? Least there's a pic of me out there.

Nah I don't harass cam girls. I pay them for their services and if I like them a little more, then perhaps their purses get a little heavier and receive nice shiny things to show off.

There's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism, keeps things in perspective. Especially if your request is something as personal as living together and working together. Then I would think some credentials should be shown ;) . But what do I know, I'm just some silly guy who came to rain on your parade
I guess I can't delete the thread.

Sorry y'all, I honestly had no idea this was the response I would get.
Good to know. I'll find another forum.

Good thing most of us are TOTALLY NOT members on other camgirl/sexworker forums. :angelic:
Just the fact that you are responding so negatively and are calling us all paranoid for not trusting a faceless person who wants our Facebooks not only hints you're probably a psychotic member but if you were a woman I would NEVER want to be near you. I need people around me who respect me and respect my values. Been friends with those "you're just paranoid" people and nty there are plenty other cam girls to be friends with.
To put it in perspective, @lovergirl, what would you do if someone claimed to be a model and wanted to meet up with you? What if she asked for your Facebook profile (since you offered it), and you notice that she just made her FB yesterday? With no real pictures of herself on it? Wouldn't that be a red flag for you? 'She' could easily be a random person just trying to get your info and out you to your whole friends list. Or physically go to your school or work to try to find you in person. THIS HAS HAPPENED TO MODELS BEFORE. Like @CharlieCharma said, there are creeps out there. And they would like nothing more than to hurt you just for their own pleasure. This is not us being overly-paranoid; this is a fact of the dangers of sexwork. It's not IF it will happen, it's WHEN. So protect yourself, and don't be so quick to judge others for doing the same.
Im genuinely confused here, if you don't buy into the whole paranoia thing, what do you have against having a picture here and/or wherever you need one to become verified here?

Don't you know, you should just trust strangers on the internet to be who they say they are! After all, there's nothing to gain by lying about your identity.
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