Ditto to everything
@Ann_Sulu said. Apparently, sex ed in the UK is extremely similar to how it is in the Bible Belt of KY. In school, we didn't even have "sex ed" or any form of it until highschool. We had half a year of gym and half a year of "health." In health, we learned how to do the Heimlich, that drugs are bad, and sex is bad. Our sex portion was literally just learning the names of diseases (Basically, just "Gonorrhea is called 'the clap."). To give an idea of how bad it was, I just had to google that, cause at first I wrote Chlamydia is the clap. See, no idea. *facepalm*
Anyway, they didn't teach us anything. Not even how to put a condom on a cucumber. Luckily, my older sister was sexually active and answered my questions. But I would love for schools to teach proper answers and ways to practice safe sex. There's a reason that nearly 1/4 of my graduating class females were pregnant. But what can we do about it???