Hello cammers. I am building a very small streaming chat site project and I would like your help in understanding what would make it a goto site for models over other camming sites if possible. What I really need to know is what are your concerns as models as far as safety, copywrites if any, and legal issues. I know models are concerned with scammers recording shows. I think watermarking is used to fight this scam but are there any other suggestions that you would like to see as a model? I was thinking maybe of overlaying the lettering or words of the chat off to the side on the camming screen. This way if it is being recorded they will have to recored the chats also and this could ruin their scam plans.
I am running this stream project alone. I run the streaming server and website. I also manage the traffic to the site. I am not looking to make this a huge project. The business model of this project could be described as "quick and dirty". The basic idea is:
1. Traffic is pushed to the models stream page.
2. Model monitizes with tips, shows, selling pictures or items by BitCoin directly to models account.
3. Model pays me for web services.
Some pros about this project:
1. Bitcoin payments are transferred from client to model instantly. No waitng for payment. ( I am adding Paxum/PayPal to this but its more expensive )
2. Adult traffic is funneled to the models page at a high rate. (I could only do this with one or 2 models at a time.)
3. The site is new and small. It is low on scammers radar.
4. It offers almost unlimited flexibility to make stream model money.
5. The stream has 2 way streaming ability with clients. This offers more creative ways to intice clients.
6. The model can stream from any device with a browser. No OBS needed.
Some cons about this project:
1. The models will have to have a bitcoin account and will have to convert their bitcoins into the currency of their country.
2. The model has to cordinate with me to start traffic to their stream room.
I have helped a few chaturbate models by pushing traffic to their rooms using the promotion codes while they are performing. I do ask before pushing, some say yes some say no. I do understand their prefference to avoiding grays and more assholes to kickout, but I think there benefits also. When traffic is pushed, the number of users in the room start to rise and follower notices start to trail on the screen. This works better for some models than others and I cannot say that it is entirely because of looks and performance. I do think there is some computerized systematic bias happening.
I am doing my homework and researh on copywrites, legalities and model safety but I would to know if you the models had any input. I would love ot here your feedback, both positive and negative. Thanks.
I am running this stream project alone. I run the streaming server and website. I also manage the traffic to the site. I am not looking to make this a huge project. The business model of this project could be described as "quick and dirty". The basic idea is:
1. Traffic is pushed to the models stream page.
2. Model monitizes with tips, shows, selling pictures or items by BitCoin directly to models account.
3. Model pays me for web services.
Some pros about this project:
1. Bitcoin payments are transferred from client to model instantly. No waitng for payment. ( I am adding Paxum/PayPal to this but its more expensive )
2. Adult traffic is funneled to the models page at a high rate. (I could only do this with one or 2 models at a time.)
3. The site is new and small. It is low on scammers radar.
4. It offers almost unlimited flexibility to make stream model money.
5. The stream has 2 way streaming ability with clients. This offers more creative ways to intice clients.
6. The model can stream from any device with a browser. No OBS needed.
Some cons about this project:
1. The models will have to have a bitcoin account and will have to convert their bitcoins into the currency of their country.
2. The model has to cordinate with me to start traffic to their stream room.
I have helped a few chaturbate models by pushing traffic to their rooms using the promotion codes while they are performing. I do ask before pushing, some say yes some say no. I do understand their prefference to avoiding grays and more assholes to kickout, but I think there benefits also. When traffic is pushed, the number of users in the room start to rise and follower notices start to trail on the screen. This works better for some models than others and I cannot say that it is entirely because of looks and performance. I do think there is some computerized systematic bias happening.
I am doing my homework and researh on copywrites, legalities and model safety but I would to know if you the models had any input. I would love ot here your feedback, both positive and negative. Thanks.