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screen names!

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Jan 9, 2011
i've been pondering on this one for a while. everyone has a screen name of some kind... here, on mfc, on other forums, games etc...

so, why did you choose your screen name? does it mean anything other than the obvious?

mine is very obvious, but there's history behind it.
i am , of course, southern. born and raised in the piedmont region of north carolina. despite all teh bad things down here, its beautiful, the people can surprise you with their goodness, and the sub culture is fascinating.
the samurai thing: back in the day, before my back and knees and hands and... well everything gave up, broke down and went to shite i was serious about living that ideal. im trained, and pretty decent with the sword, "samurai" or the western types... except fencing... bad knees and fencing do not mix.
i trained in the main samurai unarmed style of ju-jutsu... and yes thats different form the MMA jiu jitsutu.
i delved as deeply as i could into the other samurai traditional weapons and arts. got passable enough with them i didnt injure myself while using them.
tea ceremony, poetry, writing, painting the whole idea of being a complete warrior was what i used to devote my free time to.
of course i did it with a southern twist. the formal manners are southern, not japanese. i added in modern weapons and combatives ( yay for rasslin' and guns!)

so in most places on the net i still use the moniker or its variants. i may not be able to fight like i used to, but in my heart, and in my mind, i still live the path as best i can manage with what ive got
For me screen names is something of an obsession, or it was anyway. I have a list of about 220 names that I started registering on MFC, but they have a limit to how many you can reg a day, 2 sometimes 3? Well of those 220 I registered maybe 40 before I got burned out on it. I have lost track of how many premium accounts I have, I think about 10. Some were created when I just had to have a personalized account for my current fav Model at the time. Maybe I will post a list of the best of the 220, if I get time.
kinda deep for a screen nic. but very cool you are that much of a devotee SS. Mine is painfully simple... I live in South Texas and the name really is Bob. :tongue3:
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Screen names aren't highly important to me. I browsed BehindTheName until I found something I liked. No real story there, I'm afraid.
I've never been great at coming up with screen/user names for things so i tend to either go with something random.
My name on here - I recently got into playing Sega MegaDrive/Genesis and SNES games on an emulator. They're both 16 bit systems so i thought why not, don't have anything better.
My name on mfc - I took that name from a computer game character i had. Where i got that from, i have no idea really, it just popped into my mind and stuck.
I used to be foollike, it was inspired by a fool and his money. Most of the models refused to use it, they said I was not a fool. I ended up being called foollike, fool, like, and Shaun. I decided to change to Shaun__ to simplify my life. Both Shaun and Shaun_ were already taken.
My screen name on here. and MFC are the same, it's simply the non-character from LA Confidential, used by Ed Exley to typify the man who gets away with it; apparently it's also the name of a band I discovered when people started telling me they were awesome, or shit depending on their opinion. The only reason I used it is that my preferred name is one letter too long for MFC, shame really cos it's not very common around the net.
I like to do silly things with screen names. Obviously for camming I use AllisonWilder or some variation, but I have goofy screen names elsewhere. CuddleWhore is my favorite and also happens to be my MFC premium screen name. It's pretty self-explanatory, I think.
Mine is the same on MFC as well. Geen Acres is one of my all time favorite old sit-coms. It was a little before my time but I loved the re-runs and recently caught up with it again on Hulu. Funny stuff!
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Nick/Screen names, I did use to many of them. A normal one is RedHerby, a bit personal (colour of hair and my first name), I should just use this and don't try to be funny, unfortunately I think I'm so funny, so I did use a lot of other nicknames ...

HankTheWanker, I think it has some self-deprecating/ironing in it.
RedHairGreenEyes- technically correct nickname
HerbWantsKiss - When I do the 'next model, next model' game and a model give a big kiss when I enter the room, thats so good.
YourFutureLove - Western models are creeped out, eastern-europe models smile and start to talk.
LikeCurves - Does represent my sexual preferences, also fun to enter a room of a skinny flat model with it :)
ojadasawa - Sounds Japanise, but is not, my roots, search for it on Youtube :)
BornUgly - For a model that was named BornHottie
HappyBDxxx - used a few times, where XXX is a model's name.
HornyAndHungry - How many models ignore the first part and start talking about food ...

nick names, its not important, but if it triggers an other start of the conversation then "Hi, hru?, whats your age?, etc etc" then that's nice.

Some are to long for MFC and are used in the past on LJ
My name on MFC was part my name on a different forum, part the initials of said forum. I have always been called Big Dog, Great Dane, Dingo Grande or some similar name. comes from my height 6'-8" tall (2.03 meters) and my parents naming me, it was almost like they knew I was going to be tall.
I chose Mirra as a bastardization of the Spanish word mirar. It is meant to hint at my voyeuristic tendencies. I avoided Mirro despite it sounding less feminine because I felt like it also sounded stupid. I thought I could get away with it because there are a couple famous males with the last name Mirra. >_>

I have 2 other primary handles on the web. One is inspired by my initials and favorite number. The other is Orionis which is celestial in origin. :p
When I first signed up to MFC, I knew I wanted the Luna part of my name. I've always been fascinated with that name, and identify with the moon- something that changes in a cyclical way, which many people find fascinating and alluring with a hint of mystery (makes more sense to those who like fantasy novels). Plus, the romantic setting with moonlight usually involves a lot of touching, which is my favorite part of romance, or being serenaded, which is my second favorite part. (I'll admit it, a man whose voice makes me wince when he sings is an instant turn-off for me... one of the few shallow bits of my preferences. Luckily for you gentlemen, that only applies to real-life desires ^_^)

So I tried Luna, and it was taken. So was LunaLove, and LovelyLuna. I thought for awhile, and remembered how often I've been called a lady by others, and threw that in the front. Lo and behold, it was NOT taken! Many huzzahs were cried as I finished the sign-up process, and my nickname was born amid weird looks from my partner. ("Did you really just huzzah?" "Yes, yes I did.")

I chose Jupiter551 in honour of Mozart's 41st and final symphony, "Jupiter" K. 551.
Woody Allen once said that Mozart's Symphony 41 proved the existence of God. Certainly, a symphony of such grandness and scale had, until the summer of 1788, never before been seen in the musical universe. Its implications for the direction of music in the future, and its influence on future composers is immeasurable. What makes Mozart's Jupiter symphony worthy to share the name of the most powerful god of the Roman world?

The answer to this question comes in the Molto Allegro, and more specifically in its coda, (8:09-8:36). In the coda, Mozart takes the five musical themes or melodies that had been developed throughout the final movement, and does something that no one has ever achieved to the extent that he did, not even the illustrious Beethoven.

What Mozart does is take these five themes and combines them to create a fugato in five-part counterpoint. That is, he takes the five melodies and simultaneously plays them in a variety of combinations and permutations. Imagine five separate melodies, all with their own notes, being played simultaneously, but each constantly changing. It's impossible for the human ear to focus on the enormous amount of notes that this simultaneous playing and constant changing entails. The effect is that the music seems to encompass an infinite amount of sound. With lesser two or three-part fugues, it is occasionally possible to sense everything that is going on. Once you get to four voices, it's nearly impossible to detect all of the nuances of the melodies. With five, well, only God could completely grasp its profundity.
I got mine from a punk song from the band "Fucked Up": the lyrics being: "Hello my name is David, your name's Veronica..." and the female part "Hello you must be David, my name's Veronica..." the Chaos part of my name comes from the fact that the members of Fucked Up became chaos magicians after reading The Invisibles, and I aspire to practice chaos magic (sometimes I do). And, also, I like chaos. But it's mostly a magic reference.
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Sweep The Leg. It's simply a way of life.

And if followed on twitter- Cocchaos, it sparked from Tenacious D track 'Inward Singing' and in the course of the track Jack Black gets so upset at KG that he goes off on a rant and calls him "cock ass" but how it sounds is "cock chaos" which to me sounded like the best alias one could ever hope to have, but with online gaming and reporting and things it became cocchaos and to avoid the hassle I always kept it as such.
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I've always liked naming things. Since the internet requires so many nicknames, I usually just fish around for something that tickles me. This one comes from my favorite line from Caddyshack: (possibly a bit off, been years since I've seen it: "Just a harmless squirrel, not a plastic explosive or anything.") My MFC names was a compromise after having tried many things and found them all taken. I first tried some things with "penguin" in them, not knowing Aedan commanded a penguin horde.
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Being a, basically, life-long fan of comics and the creative type (however lazy I may be), I naturally wanted to create my own stories and characters. I hit on this guy that looks a lot like me and shares a passion for spandex who ultimately became my main villain and I named him Magellan. When I set up my first email account, everything involving any part of my given name was taken, so I would need a number to accompany it- and I hate that for some reason, so I tried "magellan." Didn't work. I had a running joke about my being god at the time so I tried "lordmagellan" and lo and behold it stuck.

Over the years I've come to value the "Magellan" part of the name as a symbol of exploration- sailing the interwebs and drifting along the currents of my and other's thoughts.

I've worried about misinterpretation, mostly on Fetlife, as anyone with "Lord" in their name typically identifies as a dom (or wants everyone to think so). But I certainly don't. That's too constricting to trap myself in a label. So I justify it to myself by saying I hardly, if ever, capitalize the name.

I've tried different names in the past, but this one is me. It's been my moniker since I first cast my sails on this ocean that is the internet and it's the only name I've been able to type in- pretty much- anywhere that is never taken.
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my ACF name and my MFC names are different because I can change my MFC nick at will.

Crumb - a long time ago a friend of mine started writing a text based comic on a mailing list that I was on. the comic took place in the daily bread office and yeah, the characters were crumbs. long story short, one day I made a guest appearance in the comic. pretty much since then for longer than a decade now, I've been using Crumb, and variations of it, as my online nicknames.

my current mfc nickname is GrishDaFish
one of my old mfc nicknames is Munterfish - a character reference from a NZ tv show
Grisha being the russianized version of my real name, Greg (i visit a lot of russian models :p )
I just put them together... plus fish rhymes with grish, and I thought it sounded fun.
on mfc i went from spicykitten :? to TashaMaddison to TashaTypical and ended with TashaDutch
a friend came up with spicykitten.. but i used it like 2 weeks haha.. saw the name maddison somewhere.. and just looked for what came closest to my real name.. so i dont get all confused
and after that i thought typical sounded nice behind tasha.. but figured out i'm far from typical so went really easy and just added dutch.. well because i'm dutch

i use the nick mafmeissie on everything else.. means crazygirl in dutch.. when i deleted my old mfc account, i couldn't get it back.. so on mfc my premium name is thatcrzygirl rough translation of the first one
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No real story behind RogueWarrior. Just always thought it sounded cool. Maybe a play on Road Warrior. Maybe something to do with Rogue from the X-Men When I used to play fantasy baseball and football the name of my teams was always Rogue Warriors. And I also love how many people misspell it Rouge.

My MFC name was slamtoast. That was always fun. Was asked what it meant several times. The truth is, I don't really know. A buddy of mine once had and email address Asked him what was up with that. Said it was a joke at work, never explained. When I signed up for MFC, that was the first thing that came to mind (after I found out RogueWarrior was taken). Been called slam, toasty, slammy by different models. Unique, memorable name with no personal meaning.
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I Nerdgasm and I have the girly bits. Enough said. :lol:

Actually though, most of my screenames have at least some meaning to me. I picked my MFC screename as a sort of warning to everyone. I'm not your average girl and I will not be talking about my nails or the salon. However, If you come into my room and flame old Marvel comics there will be a nerdy midget shitstorm of epic proportions and I don't just mean that my boobs bounce when I talk excitedly. They do but...not the point. A lot of my non-camming screenames are based on books.
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