AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!
    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Jul 27, 2024
welp! it happened, and only on my third stream. got scammed lol. had a grey guy ask for a telegram and not knowing a real difference between name colors i added him, he offered an exorbitant amount of money for something i wasn't comfortable with, i politely declined and he simply goes 'interesting' and blocks me. a day later im streaming and i start getting all these users in chat with my real name as the username and these awful insults. so i privated everything. figured out he found my email through my phone number and got my name from there. (which isn't even my actual name, but still unnerving.) i've since changed my passwords on everything, deleted telegram and added two step auth to EVERYTHING. any other tips would be appreciated.

sorry that happened to you. You are right, its a rite of passage, happened to us all in one way or another. Well done for changing the passwords and adding 2fa on where you could, it is a good thing to do periodically anyway.

When you say that he had your real name in the chats, was it your actual legal name or just the name from your email, the one you say is not your real name?

For now, I would also change the settings to stop grey users chatting altogether. You can do that on the settings tab , thats next to the users list and PM tab when you are broadcasting. Then you can just occasioanlly glance the usernames and ban anything suspicious looking grey colored...Once he realises he cant do much he will probably give up and leave you alone.

As for telegram, if you want to keep using it, that is... It is not advised nor allowed, keep all interactions within the site and paid for in tokens for your own safety.

But, if you do want to use it, check the settings, hide your phone number and make sure your contacts are not synced and all the other relevant settings are changed to be as private as possible.

For extra safety, I have also cleaned up all my non-cam socials so that the emails are all different, and the profiles are all very private and that my profile pictures wont come up in any reverse engine searches, aka they do not have my face in them.

There are a lot more safety tips here on the forum and lots of very helpful models, but I will leave you with just one top tip that should avoid the biggest scams;

Never do anything, show anything or ship anything before you have the tokens in your balance.
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All of what @CallMeMaria said...And I would like to add that in your chat settings, at the bottom, you can also add your own banned terms, like the name he was using or anything that might reveal location, or just phrases you don't want in your chat
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