AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Regarding members who can't currently tip...

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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Mar 26, 2010
Usually somewhere between flippant and glib.
Perhaps it might be a good idea to make a general thread (Maybe a sticky) for questions intended solely for models. Amber can lay the hammer down if she disagrees or adjust it to suit her preferences. This way, they can all be in one general area rather than scattered randomly to avoid repetitiveness, similar to a FAQ thread. (moved here and re-titled! - Amber)

My question is in regards to whether models would prefer a member that can't tip or spend view them from the lounge, or would they rather have them in their room participating in the conversations, etc.?
Re: Questions For Models

Cassidy Nicole said:
I dont mind if someone hangs out and doesnt tip as long as he/she is sitting and helping with the conversation :)

^^^ This ^^^
Re: Questions For Models

me, even if i am getting no money at all, id rather have a good conversation going... i could have 200 in my room and if only 3 are saying something its rather boring at times... as long as i am having a good time... tokens or no come on in... :) makes it more entertaining for us i think
oow i totally agree with all you girls... i dont mind the non paying costumers at all... as long as they dont begg order be rude or something...
there are some really friendly guys out there and i would trade the tokens from rude members right in to have only that kinda guys in my room...

damn at some days i have 3 members in my room and i keep talking to myself haha...

and sometimes everyone's talking... weird how it goes...
I totally agree, i hate it when its silent, and im chatting on to myself like a loon lol.

I dont mind people who cant tip, obviously not everyone can tip everyday of their lives, so joining in convo is good, i cant stand if non tippers beg or demand, or get annoyed when they see someone tip and i dont get my tits out, they dont see whats in the tip note, or what the tip is actually for lol.

So non tippers, dont be scared of us just coz u cant tip, just join in the convo, makes it much more fun and easier for us :D

jess xx
Non tippers are always welcome in my room so long as they aren't:
1)Distracting (members can be attention whores too, my banhammer falls on them after not too long)
2)Begging/demanding/whining about what I am or am not doing
3)Shit-talking my other regulars (who may or may not be tipping as well)
I annoys me too if some member is watching me for days and never says a word in my room or in pm. I,m actively working on encouraging members to speak to me, I have my pm open for everyone. I expect members to contact me first, but if somebody is constantly watching me and i pm him after some time and he doesn't respond, i may feel bad about it, but i choose to ban him for at least 6 hours. If i would have constantly 300 people in my room probably i wouldn't observe, but right now having between 10-80 people (thanks to my score) i pay close attention to everybody.
pyrite1965 said:
I tip when I can, but I always try to be part of the conversation.

Same here- Sometimes I feel bad that I can't tip when I have no tokens- but when I do, I generally save them for private shows- so it's kind of a catch-22 in my case.
I'm pretty much with everyone else, except I generally expect the same things of them as Amber listed with a few things of my own;

I don't care if it's a basic who can't tip. If that basic likes me and doesn't think that 20$ is worth hanging out in my room, then I think they're selfish wanting me to suffer all the asshole basics just so that they can talk to me! Fuck that.

I tell people all the time that there's more to add to my room than tokens, and that I'm on camera to have fun.
I feel really uncomfortable in a room if I have no tokens. If I am going to spend more than a few minutes in a model's room I want to be able to tip, even if it's only a few tokens. Interesting to hear the models thoughts on it though. Thanks girls.
There's a big difference between people who can't tip and people who won't.

If you can't tip it's because you're low on funds at the moment for whatever reason. If that's the case - don't feel bad! Models generally form friendships with people and they're the people who make a model love being a camwhore... even if they can't always tip her. Just because you can't tip doesn't mean you're insulting the model.

People who -won't- tip are guys who want stuff, have money, but sit there as a 20$ basic constantly begging for things.

Also any good model wouldn't want someone to tip them when they can't - ie, if any good hearted model found out that someone spent their last of the month's food money on them I'm sure she'd be sad, upset, or both.

That and if you want other people to tip her keep in mind that her having fun and chatting will lead to tips - even if she's chatting with people who are broke.
Guys keeping the room active are just as important as guys tipping.

I've had really fun nights where 2 hours went by and I barely noticed.

That said, I do agree that if the member is begging or insulting other members, I don't want them in my room. Unless I'm so damn bored that I'll start insulting them back :p

And I definitely would feel bad if someone spent their food or rent money on me.
SO the next Stage of this question becomes..
What if a non- tipping member is begging people to not beg OR
Insulting the people that are insulting you in your model room.

Generally members "policing" your room.

Noobs need to be told to stop being stupid and treat the model like they are in the same room.

Does this lower the models authority?
RufffRider said:
SO the next Stage of this question becomes..
What if a non- tipping member is begging people to not beg OR
Insulting the people that are insulting you in your model room.

Generally members "policing" your room.

Noobs need to be told to stop being stupid and treat the model like they are in the same room.

Does this lower the models authority?

1- there's a difference between asking/telling members not to beg, and begging members not to beg
2- insulting the people who are insulting me is only allowed if I'm insulting them too. Usually, it just ends up making my room feel like third grade. A simple pm to me "hey, Luna, this guy has been insulting you for the past x minutes" is usually good, cause I might not have noticed. (Really, it's happened before... *is generally clueless about social interaction, but is getting better*)
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LadyLuna said:
RufffRider said:
SO the next Stage of this question becomes..
What if a non- tipping member is begging people to not beg OR
Insulting the people that are insulting you in your model room.

Generally members "policing" your room.

Noobs need to be told to stop being stupid and treat the model like they are in the same room.

Does this lower the models authority?

1- there's a difference between asking/telling members not to beg, and begging members not to beg
2- insulting the people who are insulting me is only allowed if I'm insulting them too. Usually, it just ends up making my room feel like third grade. A simple pm to me "hey, Luna, this guy has been insulting you for the past x minutes" is usually good, cause I might not have noticed. (Really, it's happened before... *is generally clueless about social interaction, but is getting better*)

also. some trolls time comments for when your not able to see.Example: if you are getting in the shower..fake the start and check the chat.
RufffRider said:
SO the next Stage of this question becomes..
What if a non- tipping member is begging people to not beg OR
Insulting the people that are insulting you in your model room.
I think that depends on the member and the model in question. If a model wants a white knight to lay off, she can say something if she likes.

Besides, we don't know for sure who has been tipping and who hasn't. How do we know that the member hasn't been in the room for an hour already when we arrive and has tipped plenty, either on that day or in the past, or just spent time with the model in pvt. Consider also that not all members display all their tips to the room, either, especially with their favourites, whom they are most likely to want to "protect".

The only thing we *can* tell for sure is who's being a douche-bag in public chat.
well generally, i like to handle the people in my room, and i am more than capable of doing so.. but i do know also that some feel protective and try to do the hero thing...

I will allow it to a certian extent if they are defending me... but i have limits for it and they know when to shut the hell up and let me step in....

with that said... a few of my loyals i rely on to let me know things or sometimes i am like just ask micheal he has been here long enough to know what i like or dont and i am about to do a show....

mostly though... unless i directly ask someone to do something... they better just step down and let me handle it or even my most loyal will get kicked for a bit....

in my space, i dont allow people to insult, especially my loyals... but even noobs i protect because they are new... it is my space i speak for it and thats that
I used to put a douche or two on my Ignore list instead of banning them, so I had one of them talking shit about me saying I'd steal tips and not do what I promised, and a regular PMd me to let me know. I appreciate it when others step in to tell the jerks to fuck off also but usually if they do it too much, I'll tell them I appreciate it but I can take care of my room myself.

And yeah... Some of my basics are pretty awesome, and I'd take those over the douches who tip and order me around.
The only time I'm cool with members speaking for me is when it's to answer a question I get 800 times a day. I don't mind it and am actually flattered because it shows that they've been LISTENING and actually noting details about me that are somewhat important. A lot of people ask stupid questions about my age, location, ethnicity (?) and the like and then promptly discard whatever answer I give them...only to return the next day and ask again. -___-;;; (and all this info is listed on my profile...they don't even have to leave my room to see the answers!!!) Also really nice when I have people who know how I like to run my chat give others a brief rundown on how to ASK for things and remind them that BB is not something I enjoy being called. People are less likely to go against the grain when they feel like the odd one out so having the backing of a few members in my room helps cut down on thick-headed behavior a ton.

I don't tolerate arguments or insults in my room. I don't care if they're trying to "defend my honor" to a troll. I'd much rather they just ignore the person and let me kick them. No acknowledgment needed.
I can't tip because I simply don't have the money. It's been about 3 years since I was laid off from my job and about 3 months since my unemployment has been exhausted, so it's pretty clear that my financial situation isn't very bright right now. With our broken economy and no desire to go to school, It's made landing a job that much harder.

The models I frequent don't demand tips but I still feel bad for being a freeloader. I do miss tipping the models I love, contributing to countdowns and joining in on group shows. :sad10:
jebbaz said:
I have to be careful, I have more than once tipped myself into financial trouble.

U cant tip yerself bb.
honestly i even have on my profile that i know financial situations vary. i appreciate any tips that someone can give.

I do like the convo.. if a member cant tip my main thing is that they should be respectful. at all times.
if you cant tip then dont beg, if you like what you see then by all means feel free to compliment... but begging irks the shit out of me lol
my tokens... is for tips or private... and when tip. for play blackjack or other things...
but i see in topic some models " if no rich dont enter in my room"... this is rude in my opinion..
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