AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Protective suspension ban lift to join back in the community!!!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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May 27, 2024
Hi, @punker barbie thank you so much! I really appreciate your help very much, I just have this same very important problem, and it's that I'm still waiting on someone to finally reply to my email I requested to them almost three weeks ago about my main account (mittenbmb0y) on a protective suspension ban. I've emailed to them that I am in great condition, no marks, no bruises, no cuts, no scars or anything and I am sorry and I apologize for my immature and dangerous behavioral actions of myself, but now I realize how serious what I said was very wrong and dangerous but I would never actually, ever in my life put myself or anyone else in harm!

I've been a very well active loyal paying user in the chaturbate community for about 3+ years now and I just want my account back so I can rejoin the community please if you can help me I would very much appreciate it?!

I'm only a 28yo man trying to take classes to become a real estate agent. My source of income is part time at a retail store and in my free time I really enjoy it here on chaturbate, I was thinking of becoming a broadcaster for a second source of income. I just want to know can someone finally reply to me and let me know can I have help to get suspension lifted and also can I join back in the community, please and thank you very much?!
Continually posting multiple threads regarding the same issue will NOT help to resolve things any faster.
Yes, I understand that and thank you for replying to me!

It's just this is a thread I've posted but it's my main account and without it I can't do anything else on the other account.

I've been waiting on a reply for 3 weeks now to get off this protective suspension ban and join back into the chaturbate community but it's hard on knowing about anything without any source of information or explanation.

I apologize @punker barbie @SCRIPTA for the multiple threads and appreciate you for your reply but this Ticket #23443087 can't be the right case, because I don't see any emails in my inbox or spam folders from chaturbate on this date speaking of a protective suspension.

If you can have someone please help me with this case for I can finally have my main account back and I can join back in the chaturbate community, thank you and I would very much appreciate it please!
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I've been waiting on a reply for 3 weeks now to get off this protective suspension ban and join back into the chaturbate community but it's hard on knowing about anything without any source of information or explanation.
What Scripta said, stop posting the same thing over and over in multiple threads or you will find yourself banned here as well. Amber if very kind and tolerant, but she does have her limits. Unfortunately for you, you won't know where those limits are until she shows you the door.

You have received your answer, it may not be the answer you were hoping for, but they have responded. You will NOT be getting your ban lifted. Ever. You have your explanation; you asked for a protective ban and they complied. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. You told Chaturbate that you could not be trusted and they believed you. So stop asking and move on.
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