AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Possible glitch?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Sep 3, 2023
I am only allowed to view 18 models on the search page WITHOUT the option to view more. Basically models that are not 1 of the 18 that I can view are being hidden. Example: I search "BBW" it has 201 results but I am only able to view 18 of the 201 "BBW" models without the option to view more. I can get screen shots if that would help
I am only allowed to view 18 models on the search page WITHOUT the option to view more. Basically models that are not 1 of the 18 that I can view are being hidden. Example: I search "BBW" it has 201 results but I am only able to view 18 of the 201 "BBW" models without the option to view more. I can get screen shots if that would help
That sounds odd. Have you contacted SC support?

Either via the site or via email at
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Hey @loco4you
Is this still happening?
Does seem odd.

If you haven't already contacted our Support team, please do so and report it as @Ozzie_ noted above.
All evidence/screenshots of issues you experience are very much appreciated when reporting things to our Support team.

How to contact the Stripchat Support team:
- Send an email from your registered email account to:
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- Click on the following link:
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I’ve had this happen before, usually refreshing the browser screen causes the rest of the thumbnails to show up.
Then I have the same "glitch", in which either the front page fails to completely load or only about a third of the thumbnails show up. Same thing happens now and then with the "14 similar models" under a model's profile. On very rare occasions the public chat also stops echoing my tips and messages, but they seem to actually go through. A reload of the page will always fix it 🤷‍♂️
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