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Pole Dancing

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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Mar 26, 2010
Usually somewhere between flippant and glib.
Started a new thread instead of further hi-jacking the other one. :mrgreen:

Cash81 said:
Are there really pole dancing competitions? If so, that's the shit! How does one find out about these and where they're hosted?

Each state holds their own, just google it. Then there is the U.S. Pole Dance Championship 2011 which will be held at Symphony Space in NYC on Friday, Apr 29. The USPDF Amateur division will be held at 1:00PM, and the USPDF Pro division will be held at 7:30PM.

Then there is the International Championships. Last year it was in Japan. Methinks it really should be an Olympic addition!

I Just watched a ton of different ones last night because I want the XPOLE for quite some time but have to figure out if I will have room in my room to use it without taking out the tv with my feet or something lol and yes there really are tons of competitions, it not only is a form of fitness but it is a dance and art as well.

it wont let me link the damn code argh !!!

This was the one I was checking out with Jenne Butterfly - Totally fucking awesome my god :clap:
BodyOfATeen said:
I Just watched a ton of different ones last night because I want the XPOLE for quite some time but have to figure out if I will have room in my room to use it without taking out the tv with my feet or something lol and yes there really are tons of competitions, it not only is a form of fitness but it is a dance and art as well.

it wont let me link the damn code argh !!!

This was the one I was checking out with Jenne Butterfly - Totally fucking awesome my god :clap:

She is amazing on a pole. I could watch her videos for hours. If she ever comes and preforms around here I am totally going.
I love felix cane :D i always hit youtube up to see new vids each week, just type in "pole dancing" :D

I've been watching pole dancers on youtube since i was 15 and wanted to do it since before then.
I love everythin to do with pole dancing, and actually pole dancing is so exhillerating! i love it!

They have competitions here in the UK they hold one at winter gardens in blackpool, but i keep missin it.
I wanted to enter one, but i dunno how the frell you do that at all lol.

I was thinking of doing it for the dance competion program over here in the UK is it "got to dance" coz the ones ive seen
so far are really f'ing good at the moves, they just dont transition very well, and one of the judges actually comments that
the dancers looked awkward gettin into the positions, so i wanna show them that pole dancing can be a beautiful art
when done in a fluid more graceful style rather than gymnastic style moves, obviosuly still throw in some awsome gravity defying stuff lol

LittleJessie said:
I love felix cane :D i always hit youtube up to see new vids each week, just type in "pole dancing" :D

I've been watching pole dancers on youtube since i was 15 and wanted to do it since before then.
I love everythin to do with pole dancing, and actually pole dancing is so exhillerating! i love it!


Me too!! Felix Cane is awesome!!!
I recently have begun taking classes at a pole dancing studio near my house and love it so much. I also love love love watching Jenyne Butterfly do her thing on the pole. In fact, watching her videos on YouTube is what inspired me to learn the artform. I will tell you all that the first day I came back from my pole dancing class my whole core was so sore my ribs felt bruised and I was sore all over for days. I just ordered a pole today and I am seriously excited. I feel like a kid waiting for x-mas. :)
LittleJessie said:
I love felix cane :D i always hit youtube up to see new vids each week, just type in "pole dancing" :D

I've been watching pole dancers on youtube since i was 15 and wanted to do it since before then.
I love everythin to do with pole dancing, and actually pole dancing is so exhillerating! i love it!

They have competitions here in the UK they hold one at winter gardens in blackpool, but i keep missin it.
I wanted to enter one, but i dunno how the frell you do that at all lol.

I was thinking of doing it for the dance competion program over here in the UK is it "got to dance" coz the ones ive seen
so far are really f'ing good at the moves, they just dont transition very well, and one of the judges actually comments that
the dancers looked awkward gettin into the positions, so i wanna show them that pole dancing can be a beautiful art
when done in a fluid more graceful style rather than gymnastic style moves, obviosuly still throw in some awsome gravity defying stuff lol


completely unrelated but you said frell and I almost shit my pants, I think I love you. :love4: lol

More on topic I have really wanted to try the pole but I too fear not having enough space in my room to flail around as I learn and kicking the tv to death. The amount of upper body strength those women have is mind blowing, simply amazing.
I cracked my rib on the pole once a few years ago...OUCH!
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For discussion purposes I'd like to toss in your fellow cam girl BloodyMaryJanes name . As long as I've been wandering around at MFC, I have yet to see anyone actually do any kind of acrobatic moves besides her. She is a true pole artist and athlete and is simply amazing to watch. MJ is also on her way to instructor certification and has mentioned perhaps entering future competitions as well.

If any of you other girls do pole work, past the beginner moves, I'd love a heads up so I can come see.
SoTxBob said:
For discussion purposes I'd like to toss in your fellow cam girl BloodyMaryJanes name . As long as I've been wandering around at MFC, I have yet to see anyone actually do any kind of acrobatic moves besides her. She is a true pole artist and athlete and is simply amazing to watch. MJ is also on her way to instructor certification and has mentioned perhaps entering future competitions as well.

If any of you other girls do pole work, past the beginner moves, I'd love a heads up so I can come see.

Thanks for the heads up. I tend to see an awful lot of stripper poles on cam in lots of girls rooms but I really never see anyone using them. I'm definitely gonna have to check her out.
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Cammi, thank you for posting BMJ's video! She is extremely talented and should go for competitions. I am in awe over her and must catch her on cam sometime!

I did a search for pole dancing classes and came across something slightly irritating... I found a post that a girl made in a forum, asking about pole dancing classes to lose weight and what was the top answer?

"girl, there are a lot more fun (and appropriate) activities you can take to lose weight and stay in shape! try hip hop dance or tap dance, salsa, or something like that. pole dancing, ew! LOL!"

The ignorance of some people makes me sick! WTF?! :angry4:
I know Canada has a pole dancing competition.

One of their rules is that "The candidate is not employed in the pornography industry."

I don't know if all the competitions have this rule, but its something to look into if anyone would be planning to get into pole dance competitions.

Some women are so acrobatic on the pole it is amazing!
sxycherrypie said:
Fist of all how is pole danceing disgusting a slutty? It is just another form of exercise, FUN exercise in my opinion.

That's what it is, an exercise that's also a beautiful form of art that allows women to express themselves. Women empower themselves through this form of expression and people have the audacity to say it's "disgusting"? I call bullshit on this one, folks!
AedanRayne said:
sxycherrypie said:
Fist of all how is pole danceing disgusting a slutty? It is just another form of exercise, FUN exercise in my opinion.

That's what it is, an exercise that's also a beautiful form of art that allows women to express themselves. Women empower themselves through this form of expression and people have the audacity to say it's "disgusting"? I call bullshit on this one, folks!
To me those are the people who 1 do not like change that is going on for us women and 2 the ones who do not explore thier own sexual side cause it is gross like they are afraid of it. Well laidies like I say if you got it flaunt it!
AedanRayne said:
sxycherrypie said:
Fist of all how is pole danceing disgusting a slutty? It is just another form of exercise, FUN exercise in my opinion.

That's what it is, an exercise that's also a beautiful form of art that allows women to express themselves. Women empower themselves through this form of expression and people have the audacity to say it's "disgusting"? I call bullshit on this one, folks!

Bullshit indeed! Let me tell ya', when I was up on the pole for the first time and feeling exhilarated and happy as all hell I can't honestly say there was anything disgusting about that.
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Those are so awesome! :D I wish I had room for a pole in my apartment cause I'd use the heck out of it. :)
Thanks Cammi for posting one of MJ's vids. I went completely brain dead on those. She has quite a few on YouTube if any of you are interested.

--> sxycherrypie.. you can do them over carpet. the main requirement is finding a ceiling joist to center the pole under and get it tight enough.

About the 'sleezy factor' of this... lol. Sure its BS but it's really easy to understand why and how its seen it that light. They are called 'stripper poles' for a reason and its not because they use them in church fully clothed. :lol: :lol:
Despite the acceptance and our evolution here beyond the puritanical views of sexuality, the vast majority just doesnt have the capacity to separate the athleticism, talent and artistry from the sexuality aspect. Personally, I do see a different aura when a dancer is in the silly sky high platforms Vs the ballet flats or bare feet in shows. [and so theres no misunderstanding.. heels= sexuality. Flats = artist /athlete.] :twocents-02cents:

Did anyone happen to see "Americas Got Talent" last go round? There was a guy pole dancer that made a great showing. Everyone liked him but the homophobic Brit judge Pierce Morgan.

SoTxBob said:
Thanks Cammi for posting one of MJ's vids. I went completely brain dead on those. She has quite a few on YouTube if any of you are interested.

--> sxycherrypie.. you can do them over carpet. the main requirement is finding a ceiling joist to center the pole under and get it tight enough.

About the 'sleezy factor' of this... lol. Sure its BS but it's really easy to understand why and how its seen it that light. They are called 'stripper poles' for a reason and its not because they use them in church fully clothed. :lol: :lol:
Despite the acceptance and our evolution here beyond the puritanical views of sexuality, the vast majority just doesnt have the capacity to separate the athleticism, talent and artistry from the sexuality aspect. Personally, I do see a different aura when a dancer is in the silly sky high platforms Vs the ballet flats or bare feet in shows. [and so theres no misunderstanding.. heels= sexuality. Flats = artist /athlete.] :twocents-02cents:

Did anyone happen to see "Americas Got Talent" last go round? There was a guy pole dancer that made a great showing. Everyone liked him but the homophobic Brit judge Pierce Morgan.

ok cool thank you cause I have a pole on my wishlist which may take a while for me to get lol just wanted to know =D thanks bunches!
i cant wait to get a pole for my cam room. i danced for 9 years so i deff think itll make for a great fun time on cam since i know tricks and have some grace with it.

ive seen a lot of cam girls barely do anything with theirs and its just depressing. watch some how to videos and have fun with it. if you dont want the pole ill take it! haha.

felix is my fav dancer of all time. everytime i see her dance on her youtube it litterally brings tears to my eyes.
Pole dancing is one of those things that I wish I could pull off doing, I love the way it looks. I took classes once upon a time, and that pretty much taught me that I haven't the upperbody strength for it... plus my boobs got in the way. LOL.
SoTxBob said:
Personally, I do see a different aura when a dancer is in the silly sky high platforms Vs the ballet flats or bare feet in shows. [and so theres no misunderstanding.. heels= sexuality. Flats = artist /athlete.] :twocents-02cents:

Did anyone happen to see "Americas Got Talent" last go round? There was a guy pole dancer that made a great showing. Everyone liked him but the homophobic Brit judge Pierce Morgan. [/color]


Disagree... Felix and many others wear their heels in competitions and I would definitely put her in the 'artist/athlete' category. They make it easier to pivot - but they are also a cheat for people who forget to point their toes. HAhah! I find dancing in heels both easier and harder than dancing in bare feet. Kinda weird.

I dislike that there needs to be a Division between 'adult/stripping' pole dancing and 'athletic' pole dancing, for while the two are often separate, there is also the possibility that you can do both at once. I am not death defying yet by any means, but i think the two can cross over, big time. BloodyMaryJane dances in a very sexual way, but she incorporates many acrobatic and contortion elements, also. I think this is the best type of pole dancing too!

And those of you saying you "dont have the upper body strength," well, you might not have it Yet, but get on that pole every day for a couple months and you will be AMAZED. hahah! I love pole dancing, and BMJ is the reason I started. I'm getting a lot less wimpy as we speak. *flexes her tiny pipes* See? See? i can do chinups now! lol.
These videos are amazing!! They really make me want to get my ass in gear and get a pole, with some mats underneath too lol. At least while im still learning how to use one anyway.
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I know this thread is old but I'm reviving it and I don't want to waste space on Amber's forum for a repeat thread.

I am constantly trying to find the newest pole dancing videos and this one is just.....Wowza! She is out of this world and took my breath away. Every hair flip, pivot, split and maneuver was executed just beautifully. I will always love, respect and admire Jenyne Butterfly but Amber Ray is my current fav.

This video is of her performance at this years Miss Pole Dance.
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