please someone help! I’m so panicked right now I’m new to streaming only been doing it a couple months and woke up yesterday to being permanently suspended on stripchat for accepting payments outside of the website but I had no clue you could not do it I had a guy going insane at me saying it was going to cost him twice as much on stripchat as it would in PayPal and I still don’t understand why it would but he got so aggravated I just caved as it was going to make my room toxic I’m so guilty about messing up and I would happily pay stripchat there cut it was only for 50 pound but now this all happened and I don’t know what to do been crying all day trying to fix it that’s what has lead me to here they banned me around 11pm on Monday past the Sunday cut off so does that mean I still get payed or not this week also as it was past the cutoff when the suspension happened any advice please any one I don’t know what to do my account name is Theteddybearprincess