aww shit, I'm drunk. We'll see how this goes.
I'm a guy who loves a good debate/argument, I prefer these things way more in person. In person there can be context, a joke, a smirk that shows unfathomable sarcasm, and sometimes an elaborate dance of language. When two willing participants walk away from a great debate, they can both feel like they've won, or at least made their point known. I also grew up in a time where winning the debate was of the utmost importance, and whoever argued better won, in a sense. Sometimes text, and even more so the internet lacks said context. That said,
I love a great debate. Yet, sometimes, in this day and age I find myself less likely to participate. It seems too often, if someone disagrees with you, not only is your point wrong, but there must inherently be something wrong with you, perhaps your upbringing, your thought process, or worse, you shouldn't have an opinion, because a club foot can't walk away from an argument.
Recently there was a wonderful discussion on ACF, and to be frank, while I refreshed like a motherfucker, I kept my opinion the fuck out of it. The world is changing, and I kinda agree with that, I want everybody to feel at home in their skin, who or where ever they identify. Yet I also believe that, it may not be the world's direct answer to have to bend over backwards for them, not because they don't deserve rights like the rest of us, but because it's harder for a business to change it's rules than anybody else. Fuck, I'm way off topic.
What my intent was here, mostly I'm proud of how well the forum handled the argument. Some folks think there was an attack on the trans community, while I'm not saying that didn't happen, the accusations of it's happening far preceded it's actual happening. Make no mistake, non access wasn't an assault on the trans community as much as it was a lack of trust for the member community's ability attempt to gain access to a forbidden section. Some of you claimed it was something different in your quest to be right, and while your quest was righteous, your methods weren't. And even sometimes, the worst assumptions of the trans community were made by the trans community themselves. At the end of the day, Amber (and thank God she apparently was way ahead of this) was already making steps to alleviate this. But know, this wonderful person who runs this wonderful site, owes us nothing, and I don't envy the position she's been put in at all.
Outside of some genetically argumentative folk, I think we all want to be a more inclusive world, but these changes aren't in minds only, they involve real bathrooms, and entire reordering of website forums and what could be extensively explosive reactions from existing clientele. Change can not be brought without revolution. It just sucks that some people who lit the fuse, couldn't give a shit about the outcome, or at least give a fuck about the effort in putting out the fire.