You know it's funny – I'm the crazy guy right, but since I started paying any attention to politics, (>0 years ago) I have said, It is hard for any politician to really stand for what he believes, and get elected. Even 30 years ago it seemed to me there was way to many pressures on our representatives. Their our god dammed representatives, not Jim's who is a local real estate agent and has bought land that is zoned wrong for his auto dismantlers idea. And yea Jim should have his count, and if he represents 20 workers that too should be taken into account. Or even if Jim is offering to invest in the new city park that is running behind budget, then that might be taken into account. But when it is, put the proposal that Jim has his auto dismantler, but Jim has to build a new street to access it, and improve the flood control system that runs behind his property, so the neighbourhood does not flood every year there is big rain, to a vote of the ppl. But it has grown so much more out of control than that. And that is maybe the problem with compromise, you make compromise and everyone is happy, but it is a slippery slop, and the more you compromise the more you slide away from that which you were elected to do – represent the ppl you serve – the individual ppl you serve. So, you tell Jim, Fuck off Jim, if you are not willing to to make some improvement to infrastructure, you don't have my support, b/c I represent the ppl in that neighbourhood, and they don't need your auto dismantler, but they do need a new flood control canal, and Jim says fuck you, and he gives a campaign contribution to your opponent in the coming election, and spends 10 grand on blanketing the area with BS propaganda calling you a closeted paedophile that was born from satins' ass. Meanwhile your fuckface opponent who has not half the integrity of you, sits by ideally and watches, or even supports Jims' smear campaign. He is elected, Jim gets his re-zoning, the ppl still have to race for sand bags every fourth winter, and you have to take your integrity and shuffle off to look for another career, all b/c you were too stupid to see that politics is no longer about who you represent, but what, or who represents your best chance to be re-elected. Is it any wonder politics is full of good for nothing, spineless, douche bags, with no true integrity, who are part of the top 1%, or excel in schmoozing up to the big bucks?