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New Silent Hill

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I've always been a HUGE fan of Silent Hill. So I thought I'd share what a friend shared with me from E3. :D

Sweet, my hubs hadn't seen this yet. I love/hate watching him play the Silent Hill games, they scare the shit out of both of us!
It's sad that Akira Yamaoka has gone but the stuff from the new composer sounds pretty good!

I want this game so so bad. I'm a big fan of the Silent Hill series myself. I'm excited to lean of all the new twists, turns and tie-ins that we usually see in the Silent Hill series'!
I really loved the first 3 Silent Hills. They lost me at 4. (I have a huge rant about 4.. but I won't get into it here.) Homecoming wasn't all that great, but I've heard really awesome things about Shattered Memories... and I need to pick that up for my PS2.

As for this new title, I'm interested, but I'll wait and see when it comes out. I've been waiting since 3 for a Silent Hill that picks up after 2. I loved how 1 and 3 were interwoven.
Looks alright. Never played any of the games though. I did watch that movie, that was kinda wierd. Not sure how much it has to do with the games though.
Last horror game I played was F.E.A.R 2 that one was decent. One that really sticks out in my memory was this game called The suffering. All the enemies were different kinds of execution techniques. Pretty twisted game.
:O :drool: NEED. I'm so excited for this. ^____^ I'm a huge SH fan too. My favorite in the series has been 2. Glossed over 3, didn't really get my hands on 4 after I heard all the weird reviews about (but the story seemed to be up my alley) and kinda forgot about 5. :woops: Let's not even mention the ones on platforms I don't own...
MzMarche said:
:O :drool: NEED. I'm so excited for this. ^____^ I'm a huge SH fan too. My favorite in the series has been 2. Glossed over 3, didn't really get my hands on 4 after I heard all the weird reviews about (but the story seemed to be up my alley) and kinda forgot about 5. :woops: Let's not even mention the ones on platforms I don't own...

3 is great if you've played the first silent hill. Also, Shattered Memories is on the PS2 now as well.
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