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My letter to MFC

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The tech issues MFC has had in the last few weeks, plus the discovery of a male model on the site (as discussed in another thread) and an incident that happened on Wednesday as led me to send the following message to the site this evening.

Hello, I’ve been a member of MFC since December 2009 and I really enjoy the site. I’ve made good friends through the site and I almost always have a good time whenever I’m on. Obviously, I’ve shown how loyal I am with the number of times I’ve brought tokens to spend on the site. The fact that I’ve been made a “Platinum Premium” member shows that and I am very thankful to MFC for giving me that title.

However, while I have never felt like I was wasting my money when I give tokens to a model; I have begun to feel like I’m wasting the share of my money that MFC gets. I feel this way because of the numerous technical issues the site has had over the last couple of months. It seems like there’s some new technical issue that pops up every single day. One day it is the chat lagging. The next, the video from each model freezing enough to where we have to refresh the page. And then, there are the full MFC crashes kicking everyone out of the site, members and models alike.

What has been the response from you guys? Bringing in more models (including adult film stars who have added nothing to the site), which brings more traffic to the site, which kills the servers even more leading to more technical issues and more crashes.

Seriously, do you really need to have more models when there are maybe 50 total MFC models that bring in a large majority of the money to the site (meaning a majority of the tokens brought are given to them)? And saying that there are 50 is probably a stretch. Are these constant technical issues fair to them, especially if MFC is their only source of income?

To explain what I mean, I logged on to MFC as a guest just before writing this email. I went to exactly 50 different model’s rooms. I did not discriminate by region or looks or cam rating or anything like that. It was a pure random sample of the over 600 models online at that moment.

What I found that of the 50 rooms I visited, 29 of those rooms had 2 or fewer premium members visiting. In 12 of those rooms, the model was doing absolutely nothing. She wasn’t talking either verbally or in the chat box. She wasn’t even offering anything for tips.

In four of the 50 rooms, the model was either breaking a MFC rule or offering to break one if enough tips came in. One of those models, marica20 was breaking the rule of having a man on cam because the model is a man.

Speaking of rules, I don’t think it helps matters that you don’t actually enforce the rules for models on the site. For example; on Wednesday morning, a model who goes by the name of “MissPhoto” was seen passed out drunk on her cam when her daughter walked into the room to try to wake her up. After a while, the model responded by telling her daughter to “fuck off” and hitting her at least 3 times. After enough complaints came in, MFC pulled her feed off the site and no one was able to access her profile. Those of us who witnessed all of that assumed that you had pulled her from the site completely.

However, as I am finishing this message, I notice that she is back on the site. This really angers me. She drunkenly beat her daughter on cam and I know that at least one member sent you a screen shot of her doing that. How is she still allowed to be on the site!? To me, that should be grounds for her termination as an MFC model! Let me repeat, she beat her kid on cam and MFC showed it! She should have been arrested for that!

It’s frustrating for me as a member to log on to the site and not be able to see my favorite models because of another site crash or some technical issue keeping them from logging on. And if it’s frustrating for me, how is it for the models? I know some of my model friends are extremely unhappy with these constant issues. Some of those models are the very models who are in that elite group of 50 who are getting the most tokens on MFC.

So please, I ask you to try to fix these issues soon. Because they are ruining the good time everyone is trying to have on MFC. Thank you.
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Well done, agree with every thing you said.

And I heard about the "MissPhoto" issue from a regular of mine. I also assumed she was kicked off the site, but it looks like she only got a 24 hour ban. If what she did doesn't get you banned from MFC, what the hell does???
Your letter is excellent & I hope MFC bans that model that you were talking about as no one deserves abuse & I'm so glad that I read
about this . I may only be a premium member but I saw another model
have sex with a guy in her room as a basic & this is what MFC is allowing ? I agree that you're upset & I'll stand up with you as too many models are getting away with murder
Indigoxox said:
Well done, agree with every thing you said.

And I heard about the "MissPhoto" issue from a regular of mine. I also assumed she was kicked off the site, but it looks like she only got a 24 hour ban. If what she did doesn't get you banned from MFC, what the hell does???

I truly don't know anymore, Indigo. I thought it would. Frankie and I were going on about it via twitter and she thought that she was banned (she was the one who told me about her profile not appearing anymore). Looking at MissPhoto's profile, looks like all that changed there was they removed the comments from it. There were a ton of comments bashing her for beating her kid before she was pulled from MFC on Wednesday.

heart42 said:
Your letter is excellent & I hope MFC bans that model that you were talking about as no one deserves abuse & I'm so glad that I read
about this . I may only be a premium member but I saw another model
have sex with a guy in her room as a basic & this is what MFC is allowing ? I agree that you're upset & I'll stand up with you as too many models are getting away with murder

heart, I wouldn't say they're getting away with murder (yet), but I would say that there needs to be stronger rule enforcement on the site. They can't rely only on the members, many of whom are ignorant about most of the rules on the site.
This is eerily similar to what happened on the camsite.
Shitty tech that leads to guys looking for a better site to spend time on. which leads to;
Less traffic and less money for models who in turn look for a better site to work on. which lead to;
New girls mimicing what the popular models are doing to make a name to themselves and get in trouble for it while the big $ makers continue to get away with everything. which leads to;
Pissed off models and pissed of customers because their favorites aren't being treated properly. which leads to; Both Models and customer looking for a new cam site!

MFC will never truely DIE, but give it 2 years and it'll be as much of a ghosttown as is! Mark my words, MFC is on the path towards self destruction unless the powers that be do something RIGHT NOW! With tha being said, those "powers" are just like Race Horse owners; they'll ride a winner til it dies, then start over with a brand new pony. Don't be suprised if the next hot site that all the models will be flocking to is owned by the same dirtbags that'll treat you like kings and queens at first only to stop giving a fuck once the site plateaus on thier money making potential.

One more thing about "Platinum Premium;" With all due respect, is anybody really that stupid to fall for marketing gimics like that?!? Compare it to Best Buy's reward zone card. What? for each $200 you spend in the store you get $5 back in return! WHOOP-TEE FUCKING DO! You do realize that is is just a scheme to get you back in their store right? Casinos were the 1st organizations to come up with "comp club cards!" That right there is proof in itself at how crooked it is! No matter how loyal you are to MFC, their loyalty to you only goes as far as how much MORE money you continue to give them.

I hope they listen because Freq (IMO) is quiet right and that would be a shame.
First of all, I have not heard back from MFC yet. I doubt that I ever will to be honest.

Bocefish, thanks for finding that link. I didn't know that the daughter looked to have appeared topless at one point (according to one commenter from that vid). If any private parts were shown, MFC could be accused of a crime over this.

What I would love to know is if anyone's posted any screen caps or a video of her actions anywhere on the internets. If that can be found, that would be something worth passing on to MFC admins.
geekstick said:
First of all, I have not heard back from MFC yet. I doubt that I ever will to be honest.

Bocefish, thanks for finding that link. I didn't know that the daughter looked to have appeared topless at one point (according to one commenter from that vid). If any private parts were shown, MFC could be accused of a crime over this.

What I would love to know is if anyone's posted any screen caps or a video of her actions anywhere on the internets. If that can be found, that would be something worth passing on to MFC admins.

The fact that her daughter even appeared on cam at all is extremely against the law...
I have had many of my regulars write emails similar to yours, just being frustrated with the site and the crashes and all. They either got a one line response or none at all, the one line response was because they guy kept up on it.

I enjoy MFC, I like the way the site is set up, I like the people on the site. But for me, it is soooo frustrating the way they treat the people giving them money.
Cassidy Nicole said:
I have had many of my regulars write emails similar to yours, just being frustrated with the site and the crashes and all. They either got a one line response or none at all, the one line response was because they guy kept up on it.

I enjoy MFC, I like the way the site is set up, I like the people on the site. But for me, it is soooo frustrating the way they treat the people giving them money.

Same here. I can't count how many times I've felt horrible because it'll crash in the middle of a private or group & peoples tokens will continue ticking away. O_O
In my experience, MFC has gone downhill in terms of customer service and overall reliability. There are issues damn near EVERY time I'm on, whether it be lagging issues, crashing, or cams not loading. I received better support when I was a brand spanking new member, no pun intended. Platinum status don't mean diddly dick.

I recently had problems with cams loading for groups and privates, all the while tokens ticked away. The first few times were no big deal, but it began to add up. One time a cam would not load for a group nor would it let me exit the group show for a while, meanwhile tokens ticked away for a blank screen. When I was finally able to exit, I ended up in some other model's room. WTF! All in all, I lost about 50 tokens cumulatively, so I wrote them about it. My response was the standard form wiki link which I told them I already read prior...trying to resolve the issue on my own the first couple of times it happened. No mention of an apology for having trouble or reimbursement whatsoever.

IMHO, they have become like a drug dealer. Once they get you hooked, they don't give much of a rat's ass about ya. YMMV
Yeah, I have had people who had the same problem you have Bocefish. Go in group and private, cam won't load cant get out, tokens tick away. The people will usually ask for their tokens back and get half back most times. Its sooooo frustrating for me and them, because they don't want that to happen and the admins don't return or are rude in emails back.

One of my regulars has sent emails much like the one the thread started with and they wrote a sentance back with some bullshit I don'tremember with no punctuation, no upper case letters, nothing. He was like they are running a company and should be abit more professional with the emails they write back when they do write them back.

FUCK IT! Let's make our own cam site! HAHA.
I couldn't agree with you guys more about possibly starting your own web site as I do agree with you guys about how customers are getting treated as it's a shame that MFC is playing too many games with it's customers & that's not right.
you all know whats really fucked. I talked to a couple of friends about starting our own site, where we would match models with gamers, and have them play online game with each other, while modeling. My friends told me I was the biggest idiot ever, not a good idea, would never work. That was 9 months ago, well now there is one of these sites. I wonder if they make any money :woops:
In all seriousness, does anyone know what it would really take to open a model-owned/run camsite?
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