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Nov 1, 2017
MFC Username
I tried to find here some info about it and i just assume there is something about legal stuff around or i just sux on searching...

Anyway, there are tons of girls and women working on many cam sites sometimes even doubled on single one. And my problem and question is: what would be or maybe is (again, i cant find comprehensive source, and sites like mycamgirl and many others have limited info about those im interested in...) the best way to find out if girl (or woman) is working on other sites.

Its not i want to stalk them on all those sites, no, but as i have single account on MFC i try to avoid multi-cam rooms, and as some models have same or similar names on other sites and i can identify them by that, i found some hmm "more creative" just to avoid such detection. I asked some of those "hiders" if they work on other sites and, surprisingly, they said they are work only "here" meaning on MFC only...

Another question is: would be possible to make sticky-thread when girls would be able to announce that they are working only on one site? Or user-based one where such question could be posted?

I aski it, just because i feel it is just not fair in ugly way to lie about such things. I understand that any personal info is a big nono, but should be model name treated exactly same way? And i also understand that from model's perspective "it's just business" but all that understanding thing doesn't change the fact that i feel duped every time i find that i tipped multi-site girl that lied to my face about it...

Is that makes any sense to anyone?

Frank :)

PS sorry if i made some mistakes, i learned english watching movies, so forgive me for poor language skills, if some parts are hard to understand..
Here is a thread on the topic, although this one focuses on models split-camming during private shows specifically, while it seems like you are talking about split-camming during free chat.

There are many possible reasons that she might not want to tell you what other sites she is working on. If I had to guess: she probably gets the highest payout % on MFC, so converting you to a client on a different site would result in her losing money, which makes it seem like a bad idea to her.

i feel duped every time i find that i tipped multi-site girl that lied to my face about it...
I'm wondering how this changes your ability to enjoy whatever it is that you're tipping for, honestly. Why does it matter? Yes, being lied to sucks, but if you enjoy the show then you enjoy the show, no?

As far as a directory of models who don't split-cam goes, I don't know why you'd need one to find them. You could start by visiting busier rooms, where the performers are less likely to have the time to pay attention to more than one site. Spend some time in a new room before you spend your money. It should be easy enough to figure out if she is split-camming on multiple sites.

I'm interested to hear more about your experiences that prompted this post, because I feel like I don't quite understand.
Honestly dual streaming is usually a bad idea. Instead of growing your user base your alienating them. It's like your trying to talk to some one, while they're also taking to some one else on the phone. It comes off as disingenuous, and uninterested.

Honestly it doesn't happen that often. And when it does, it's usually short lived.
I tried to find here some info about it and i just assume there is something about legal stuff around or i just sux on searching...

Anyway, there are tons of girls and women working on many cam sites sometimes even doubled on single one. And my problem and question is: what would be or maybe is (again, i cant find comprehensive source, and sites like mycamgirl and many others have limited info about those im interested in...) the best way to find out if girl (or woman) is working on other sites.

Its not i want to stalk them on all those sites, no, but as i have single account on MFC i try to avoid multi-cam rooms, and as some models have same or similar names on other sites and i can identify them by that, i found some hmm "more creative" just to avoid such detection. I asked some of those "hiders" if they work on other sites and, surprisingly, they said they are work only "here" meaning on MFC only...

Another question is: would be possible to make sticky-thread when girls would be able to announce that they are working only on one site? Or user-based one where such question could be posted?

I aski it, just because i feel it is just not fair in ugly way to lie about such things. I understand that any personal info is a big nono, but should be model name treated exactly same way? And i also understand that from model's perspective "it's just business" but all that understanding thing doesn't change the fact that i feel duped every time i find that i tipped multi-site girl that lied to my face about it...

Is that makes any sense to anyone?

Frank :)

PS sorry if i made some mistakes, i learned english watching movies, so forgive me for poor language skills, if some parts are hard to understand..

Frank if it bothers you so much you should be using Streamate exclusive shows instead. SM has a very very strict no multicam policy for exclusives. Models that get caught on another site on while in an exclusive session get straight banned.
Frank if it bothers you so much you should be using Streamate exclusive shows instead. SM has a very very strict no multicam policy for exclusives. Models that get caught on another site on while in an exclusive session get straight banned.
It seems like he is talking about tipping for things in free chat though, not taking performers into private shows. Still hoping for further clarification on that. But yeah, I agree with what you've said. Get thee to streamate!
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If you get what you're paying for, then what's the issue? You tip for a tease and people on other sites get to see what you paid for? If you're tipping in free chat and you don't want other viewers, then take the model private. Multi-cam or not, guests are always there in free chat every night. Someone is always getting to see something for free. But since you're the one tippping, then you get to choose what you see. As opposed to being a free-loader just staying around, wasting their life hoping for the chance the model does what they want.
Frank if it bothers you so much you should be using Streamate exclusive shows instead. SM has a very very strict no multicam policy for exclusives. Models that get caught on another site on while in an exclusive session get straight banned.

This was my initial reaction - go to a private-based site, take a lady private, boom, you're the sole focus of her attention.
Honestly never herd of a model 'giving away' their privates.

Though some sites have privates and 'true' privates. Where your offered a discount if you choose to allow other people to 'spy'.
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Frank if it bothers you so much you should be using Streamate exclusive shows instead. SM has a very very strict no multicam policy for exclusives. Models that get caught on another site on while in an exclusive session get straight banned.

this is not necessarily true. to split stream on streamate you need a whole different cam. some have dedicated laptops for specific sites. you cannot cast the same stream onto multiple sites. it's more of a copywrite issue instead of a privacy.
this is not necessarily true. to split stream on streamate you need a whole different cam. some have dedicated laptops for specific sites. you cannot cast the same stream onto multiple sites. it's more of a copywrite issue instead of a privacy.

Whether you use one computer or ten of them it doesn't change SM's rule. Can't have another site running if you have accepted an exclusive session. The feed doesn't matter. If the model is responding to MFC tip noises or any other clear signs they are interacting with someone other than the SM customer while in a SM exclusive they will ban her just the same.

Again this only gets enforced in exclusives not in normal pvts. I've not seen a site that cared about split camming during a normal pvt or at least drastically enforced it.
Whether you use one computer or ten of them it doesn't change SM's rule. Can't have another site running if you have accepted an exclusive session. The feed doesn't matter. If the model is responding to MFC tip noises or any other clear signs they are interacting with someone other than the SM customer while in a SM exclusive they will ban her just the same.

Again this only gets enforced in exclusives not in normal pvts. I've not seen a site that cared about split camming during a normal pvt or at least drastically enforced it.

Nope, they own the rights to the footage you stream to their site, not similar-but-not-the-same footage you stream to another site. They can't claim the rights to data that was never sent to them in the first place.
Honestly dual streaming is usually a bad idea. Instead of growing your user base your alienating them. It's like your trying to talk to some one, while they're also taking to some one else on the phone. It comes off as disingenuous, and uninterested.

Honestly it doesn't happen that often. And when it does, it's usually short lived.
Honestly never herd of a model 'giving away' their privates.

Though some sites have privates and 'true' privates. Where your offered a discount if you choose to allow other people to 'spy'.

You say "honestly" a lot. :p

OP, I don't see what the problem is here. A lot of cam models splitcam. Not everybody's a top model making big bucks on one site alone. But oh, wouldn't that be nice! We've gotta eat, and pay our rent too just like everybody else. Would it be nice if viewers on one cam site - in a group effort - actually spent enough on us to meet our daily/weekly goals and financial needs (so that we don't need to work on other sites)? Sure. But that's now how it is for many of us. Regulars stop visiting us and move shifts sometimes end in very disappointing earnings. It's too unpredictable.

If you're spending money on her for extra personal attention (tipping her required amount for a flash, watching your cam, going private), a good model will give you that attention...and will not be sitting there in a private show playing Candy Crush on her phone (unless y'all are doing some sort of ignore fetish show).

I think it's smart for a model to have multiple eggs in her basket, if she's able to handle it. If it results in her neglecting premium members in one of her chatrooms, then yeah, that's a problem. If you're spending money on her for extra personal attention (tipping her for this and that...going to private if she offers it...etc.), a good model will give you that attention...and will not be sitting there in a private show playing Candy Crush on her phone...unless y'all are doing some sort of ignore fetish show. :p
I'm wondering how this changes your ability to enjoy whatever it is that you're tipping for, honestly. Why does it matter? Yes, being lied to sucks, but if you enjoy the show then you enjoy the show, no?

Enjoy? Its not even about that.. in my opinion its just rude to ask for money and than take time and turns on other sites to answer simple question or two.. i mean sometimes i've waited very long time for an answer seeing just couple prems in room.

I'm interested to hear more about your experiences that prompted this post, because I feel like I don't quite understand.

OK. Go grab with some friends a taxi and say to driver to take all of you to a place. Than be OK with that taxi driver when he/she will pickup couple others along, and do some detours just because wanted to make more money... You know, you will arrive at destination eventually but would't such shit piss you off? I know that chatroom is not a pvt, i get that im not only one should be paid attention to, etc., etc. but such behavior can be really annoying.

Nope, they own the rights to the footage you stream to their site, not similar-but-not-the-same footage you stream to another site. They can't claim the rights to data that was never sent to them in the first place.

Funny thing is that with my MFC credentials i can login on other site. I did not investigate it further but apparently share some personal data with MFC. Sooo.. i guess they can be, hm, easy about ownership :)
Wtf even?


There's so much here that doesn't make sense I don't know where to begin.

If a model is in freechat she doesn't owe you he undivided attention. If you want that attention you can take her private.

How the hell do you think that taxi comparison is even remotely relevant or makes any sense at all compared to free chat?
Wtf even?

There's so much here that doesn't make sense I don't know where to begin.

If a model is in freechat she doesn't owe you he undivided attention. If you want that attention you can take her private.

How the hell do you think that taxi comparison is even remotely relevant or makes any sense at all compared to free chat?

If model in free chat ask AND receive multiple tips and still give a fuck that is not right. Maybe "models" see that differently, but I dont. Its fucking rude.

Mollie Marie is talking about streamate in response to SMuser and you didn't even take the time

Why the hell i should be even remotely interested in any other site? I only talk about MFC and ppl there. If i would be curious about other sites i can always go and see for myself...
If model in free chat ask AND receive multiple tips and still give a fuck that is not right. Maybe "models" see that differently, but I dont. Its fucking rude.

Why the hell i should be even remotely interested in any other site? I only talk about MFC and ppl there. If i would be curious about other sites i can always go and see for myself...

One it's FREE CHAT. If you don't like it leave their room. Models don't owe you shit in free chat.

And MAYBE if you actually read the replies in this thread you might see why she was talking about streamate.

Interesting you think models all owe you their attention in free chat but you can't take the time to even read the replies to this thread where people took the time to make suggestions to you.
@Frank Kodis I have no issues if a model is multi-camming during freechat, which is where I tip most often. Nearly everything I tip is during freechat("free" just means you aren't in a private). Why? Because it's all part of her show. For me, it's about her enjoying her time on cam as well. If I want to have all of her attention, I take her into a TruePrivate and paying the premium amount for it if she does privates. While it's my money, and I spend as I like, I also view it as she needs to enjoy it too. Otherwise, it's not that enjoyable to me.

Where I do have issues, is when we go into private (I only do TruePrivates) and she muticams there. I have made it very clear to the models I know who do it that I don't tolerate it, and I expect them to turn it off. They shouldn't have to be told it, as it should be respectful to turn it off anyway. But, some don't and I've closed the Private and blocked them (all I have to do it remove them from Friend or Bookmark since I block anyone else from PMing me). They might get an email response if they send me an email asking what happened. So far, this has happened with three models. Two of which were models I used to visit their rooms often. The third was one I had only been in her room a time or two.

Ultimately, it's your money. Spend as you like. If you don't like a model who multicams, don't tip. But, if you do decide to hangout in a room for even a little while, please tip something as you're obviously enjoying.
Frank, this is a job first and foremost. It's 100% about the money. Camming is hard. It can be hard for a model to make a living just a one site. It's also super tiring and it's less tiring on your body if you do multiple sites at once.

If you find out a model is duel casting, and it bugs you that much, hit next. Not everyone can pay attention to multiple streams at the sametime.

Try looking at it in a different perspective, and maybe you will be less annoyed. But if you are in a true private and they are still duel casting, I'd understand your frustration. That's crummy. But freechat is literally for everyone's eyes and MFC has zero rules against it.

Want to add that there is a couple taxi services that ride shares. It's called Uber and Lyft. It's more economical for the driver and better for the environment. If you want your OWN taxi you can pay for the more expense services that does one person at a time.
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OK. Go grab with some friends a taxi and say to driver to take all of you to a place. Than be OK with that taxi driver when he/she will pickup couple others along, and do some detours just because wanted to make more money... You know, you will arrive at destination eventually but would't such shit piss you off? I know that chatroom is not a pvt, i get that im not only one should be paid attention to, etc., etc. but such behavior can be really annoying.

What you're talking about is more like being pissed that your waitress is taking care of her other tables. She has a section. She's going to take care of all of her tables. The only exception is when a big party comes in and she's taking care of just them and no other tables. Want the model's undivided attention? Be a big party - take her private.
LOL at this entire post. So you don't pay enough money to get private treatment, but you think she owes you private treatment anyway just so she doesn't hurt your precious feelings? Lol lol lol lol...

Tip: she's lying to you because she's a paid actress. That's not "rude." She's doing her job. It's like calling out a corporation for making contracts with multiple companies, rather than owing them to be loyal to just one - um, that's not how business works! The whole point is to make as many business contracts as possible with as many clients as possible, in a way that you can simultaneously satisfy them all. That makes you a successful entity. This is not rent-a-wife. You pay a total stranger to jack off in your jammies. If what she does on air pleases you, you stay. If not, head off to another model. But assume all of them are multi-camming, have multiple regulars (probably who pay more than you) etc. If they're good at their job, they're doing it in a way that you never know. If they're less experienced, or care less, that's when you figure it out. But everybody is there to make max $/min expended, they're not there to treat you like a king just for fun, or give you 100% attention for a few dollars a day take-home. If you don't like the way she does it, follow someone else. You don't OWN a model just because you pay her a few dollars to do something in a public show. Or even to pay a few more dollars to do something in a private show. She owes loyalty to nobody on this Earth but herself, the same way you don't. She's a person with needs of her own, not a mindless blow-up doll. Did you ever think that maybe she thinks the way YOU interact with her is "rude"? But it's business, she doesn't say anything to ask you to be more polite or more her emotional ideal either, she just accepts that this is the way it is. You're not going to treat her like she's a human being with feelings, and so she's not going to treat you that way either.

Hosting websites take a big cut, and then taxes take another huge cut, so what she is left with is a tiny fraction of whatever you spent on her anyway. If you don't like the business model, stop wanking to paid models. But if she's there for pay, it's because she needs the pay - so she'll do what she has to do to make a living without killing herself or burning herself out because this is an extremely draining job - just like anyone else on Earth with a job does.

My advice is to get over yourself. Or if you really can't deal with the reality of the business, and that it IS a business, then stop getting your kicks online, and get those needs met by interacting with real humans who actually give a shit about your personal feelings. When you pay somebody for their interaction with you, you can't be surprised then when it's all about the pay and not about what you do or not perceive to be "rude" - a.k.a. her earning a living in the smartest way possible. You don't pay her enough obviously to be entitled to her undivided attention while on cam. It's the nature of the beast - pay more, get more attention. Pay less, get less attention. Are you in a private limo, or an Uber? Sounds like you're paying Uber money and expecting limo treatment. Them's the breaks. And for each model, "limo" money will vary, so you may have to pay more or less depending on the model to get her focused on you. But if she's smart, why wouldn't she be also streaming that elsewhere for pay if she can do so simultaneously?

If you could get paid twice for each hour of work that you do, and you had a very physically and emotionally exhausting job, wouldn't you choose to take that double pay so you could spend more time with your family too? Smart people spend their time wisely and don't worry about offending a few big-headed guys with shallow pockets. You can't please everybody, in a job where everybody is incredibly demanding and selfish and there are hundreds of strangers pawing at you a day. So, you learn to please just the people who get you where you want to go, and let the rest sit around pouting. It's a job. It's not volunteer work. Models don't owe you anything but the wanking material you are paying for. If you want a girlfriend who will be focused on only you, I suggest you focus on being consistently very kind to a woman in real life, who is actually invested in you as a human being. Online porn is not the place to have your emotional needs met for human connection. It is porn with strangers.

Whoever pays the most, or provides the most interesting interaction, gets the most attention. Whoever pays her enough to cover all her bills for the day, gets 100% attention that day. If not, you share. Like everybody else. You attitude on this post is so obviously ME, ME, ME! So is it really any surprise that her attitude is also Me, Me, Me? Why should she be held to a higher moral standard than you are? We all do whatever we can to pay our bills. Those of us who are smarter, do it in a more efficient way. That's not rude - that's genius!

It would be dumb for her to take your advice and get paid less per hour, for the exact same amount of work, just so you - a total stranger- feel less offended by her doing her job. She doesn't owe you to live in poverty - are you going to be there for her when she gets evicted, or her kids can't go to college, or she gets disfigured in a car accident, or she can't pay for retirement when she's old and wrinkled? She has to strike while the iron is hot, and her body can still make money. There is limited time to do that, and she needs to save every penny she can get, as fast as possible. If you find that rude, there are plenty of guys out there who don't mind, and understand that she's just earning a living like everybody else.
I've only recently started split-camming in public/free chats, but only when it is slow (as in I can manage quality time with the guys there and not leave people feeling neglected or ignored). I tell my guys what's going on,I sign off other sites if I accept a private session, and I don't accept privates when guys are tipping in public. My main site is Chaturbate but if it's slow I'll open my MFC room also (which usually has under 20 guys at any given moment).

I'd say that most models are doing their best to keep everyone happy and have transactions that leave all parties satisfied. Sorry you are having this issue.
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So I have a question along these lines....
Ive considered offering spy shows.... no/little typing or communication back and forth they just spy on whatever I have going on via skype... maybe its cam... maybe im doing laundry, just the luck of the draw. If you didn't know that they were there would you care?
I know the model I visit frequently split cams, and sometime does it when we are in a vanilla pvt. We joke that my sneaker and skirt fetish is safe in LJ's public chat. I'm sure she shuts down the other sites when things get too steamy as she doesn't want to give away too much, but I know what she does for a living and I don't have a problem with it. When we are in a private I get a first class GFE so I'm a happy camper.

I also know for a fact (or at least strongly suspect) that she responds to other's PMs while in private with me. How do I know this? Because she responds to my PMs when she is in a private with others. Kinda hard for me to hold that one against her :)

But one question the OP asked that hasn't been addressed; what is up with models that have two accounts on the same site?!? Split camming I can understand, but what is the point of splitting the revenue on a single site?

Than be OK with that taxi driver when he/she will pickup couple others along, and do some detours just because wanted to make more money... You know, you will arrive at destination eventually but would't such shit piss you off?
You need to come take a taxi where I live. All the taxis work on the "zone system" and that is exactly what your ride could be like.
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