AmberCutie's Forum
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Models who are moms: How much do your kids know?

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Jul 23, 2020
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Hi everyone. I'm a brand new model and a mom of a toddler. His dad is supportive of me pursuing this but feels I should stop camming and making content once our son is around ten because he doesn't want him stumbling upon my content. I need to have follow-up conversation because he didn't say he doesn't want our son to *know* so I'm a bit unclear on where he stands.

For what it's worth, I'm separated from his dad but we are on good terms, share custody, and may move back together in the future. It's possible he will play a future role in my business.

I know that even with sites age-verifying and doing geoblocking where I can, that doesn't mean my son or his friends won't see my content at some point. Even if I were to stop when he was far to young to go online alone, this stuff lives on forever.

With all that said, if you are a mom and a cam model or content creator, how much do your kids know (and what did they know at what ages?) Do you plan to stop working in the adult industry when they reach a certain age? What have you done security-wise to prevent them from finding your vids and streams? What risks have you accepted related to this and do you have a plan to mitigate them?

Lastly, have any of you had your son or daughter find your stuff or find out what you do accidentally? How did that go?

Thank you so much. This community is awesome and the support you all give each other helped me decide to pursue this path after considering it for some time.

:h: Norah
I know that even with sites age-verifying and doing geoblocking where I can, that doesn't mean my son or his friends won't see my content at some point. Even if I were to stop when he was far to young to go online alone, this stuff lives on forever.

There are literally 100s probably thousands of clips and recordings being produced per day. Yes, recordings could technically live on forever, but the likelihood of someone accidentally stumbling across your content in 10 years or whatever, unless you are a huge, huge name, is pretty small.

ETA; Could it happen - yes. Is it likely to happen - no.

In general, idk what I will be doing in 10 years. In general, my goal, regardless of what I am doing for work in 10 years, is to be a sex positive parent, who my child (or children at that time) feel secure talking to openly, and without shame. It's important to me, in general, to raise balanced children, who do not grow up to have an unusual, or shameful focus around their own personal sexuality, or the sexuality of others.
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Sorry to DP, edit window is up.

I also plan on continuing to be a very attentive parent, and I do not want my children to consume porn until they are old enough to do so. Since porn is for over 18 only, I will be doing my job as a parent, and making sure my child does not access pornography until they are old enough to do so. I think that that part is very important to mention also, as this is an important issue.
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I have two boys, 18 months and 3 years old. Of course they have no idea what I am doing. For me to stop camming, I would have to be presented with a dream job or a career that provides me with a stable income and where I am my own boss. I don’t make many custom videos or give out pics. I‘m also conscious of what I do on cam, so if it does happen to get leaked it’s not anything I’d regret. If he’s supportive, you guys should come up with an agreement that where both of you are comfortable with.
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Hi everyone. I'm a brand new model and a mom of a toddler. His dad is supportive of me pursuing this but feels I should stop camming and making content once our son is around ten because he doesn't want him stumbling upon my content. I need to have follow-up conversation because he didn't say he doesn't want our son to *know* so I'm a bit unclear on where he stands.

For what it's worth, I'm separated from his dad but we are on good terms, share custody, and may move back together in the future. It's possible he will play a future role in my business.

I know that even with sites age-verifying and doing geoblocking where I can, that doesn't mean my son or his friends won't see my content at some point. Even if I were to stop when he was far to young to go online alone, this stuff lives on forever.

With all that said, if you are a mom and a cam model or content creator, how much do your kids know (and what did they know at what ages?) Do you plan to stop working in the adult industry when they reach a certain age? What have you done security-wise to prevent them from finding your vids and streams? What risks have you accepted related to this and do you have a plan to mitigate them?

Lastly, have any of you had your son or daughter find your stuff or find out what you do accidentally? How did that go?

Thank you so much. This community is awesome and the support you all give each other helped me decide to pursue this path after considering it for some time.

:h: Norah

My kids are 14, 10, and 8. They don't know anything. I feel like it will be harder to hide with time, but I'm not worried about it. What I do to pay bills shouldn't really concern them.

My oldest looks at porn. Trying to prevent that as a parent in a generation of constant internet connection is hard. Rather than forbid it, I just make it an open discussion so I can keep him healthy and as pure as possible. So even if your child grows up and you can't prevent him from seeing porn, I don't think it means he will find out about you. Cross the bridge when you come to it. He's still so little.

On the opposite end, my mom knows I cam and she even follows my cam IG and wants me to help her set up an OnlyFans so she can make some cash 😂😂 If I can accept that, I think my kids should be cool with me, too.
ETA; Could it happen - yes. Is it likely to happen - no.

In general, idk what I will be doing in 10 years. In general, my goal, regardless of what I am doing for work in 10 years, is to be a sex positive parent, who my child (or children at that time) feel secure talking to openly, and without shame. It's important to me, in general, to raise balanced children, who do not grow up to have an unusual, or shameful focus around their own personal sexuality, or the sexuality of others.
Sorry to DP, edit window is up.

I also plan on continuing to be a very attentive parent, and I do not want my children to consume porn until they are old enough to do so. Since porn is for over 18 only, I will be doing my job as a parent, and making sure my child does not access pornography until they are old enough to do so. I think that that part is very important to mention also, as this is an important issue.
My oldest looks at porn. Trying to prevent that as a parent in a generation of constant internet connection is hard. Rather than forbid it, I just make it an open discussion so I can keep him healthy and as pure as possible. So even if your child grows up and you can't prevent him from seeing porn, I don't think it means he will find out about you. Cross the bridge when you come to it. He's still so little.

Thank you everyone for your responses so far. Honestly just talking to other people with kids in this industry is really reassuring. I really enjoy doing this, and its an income stream and creative outcome I need as a single mom who can't pursue my former career any longer. I will definitely continue the discussion with my son's dad. I have no idea where I will be in 10 years either! Probably not independently wealthy though, and I don't want to promise him i'm going to quit a career because of his fears and the stigma.

You guys both bring up good points about teens watching porn! I'm very concerned that the average age a boy first sees porn is 11 and that that's largely how they learn about sex. I actually hope me being in this industry can help me be better at teaching him and guiding him later in his life. I'd love to prevent him from seeing adult content when he's not an adult but I'm not sure if that will be possible.
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**insert bad joke because you set me up for it**
Most would enjoy a DP...

Wait.. what. Damn, I see some of the dudes here really do know how to have a good time ! 😉 I'm totally gonna buy a strap-on soon. So hot! I just can't decide between pink and black. Black's more badass, on the edge/ thrilling (which I know adds to the excitement), but pink has a kind of real cutsie charm/ girl nextdoor type of feel, which is more me. Anyways I digress. Sorry. That was hot!

Also, I love the avatar, I was a huge fan of Keeping Up Appearances. Mrs. Bucket was the absolute best.
I totally agree!! I just rewatched season 1... again. I just love Hyacinth, and also Onslo. They are all great, but those 2 really, especially, crack me up! Hyacinth is a real firehouse of quick one liners. I just LOVE her!
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Ok, so I am def not the norm in this, but here’s me and my rainbow family.

Before I started sex work, my spouse and I discussed it with our parents. When we were finally able to conceive, thanks to sex work, I was able to work from bed without breaking my high risk pregnancy restrictions. Sex work allowed me to become a parent without dying, so we knew it was a must to tell our child and be honest from the beginning.

In the early years, his understanding of my job was simple: “mommy gets paid to take pictures and videos”. A toddler does not need to comprehend more than that.

As he has gotten older, we’ve allowed him to discuss and be part of the decisions and brainstorming regarding my Non-sexual or non-nude videos. This has made it easier to answer questions as they come up, and he automatically assumes anything I cannot speak about in regards to work is something private that he can ask about as he gets older. That helps significantly with him feeling comfortable and knowing when is a good time to ask questions (ie not when Mommy is putting on makeup to go to work, but maybe at breakfast with Daddy and Mommy next day or while we’re doing dishes together , also gives him time to think about what he wants to ask and know before he asks).

He understands that a lot of what I do is adult and private, much like you don’t poop with a friend holding your hand in the bathroom. Right now he’s 7 and old enough to understand privacy, how to wait, and when is an appropriate time to ask hard or uncomfortable questions.

so far for us, this works.

We’re able to answer all questions as they arise (or schedule a time at home when we can discuss), and we keep a continuous discussion revolving about: here’s the info we can share with you right now, here’s some info that you are not quite old enough to digest so we’re mentioning it and putting a pin in it for you to ask as you age cause this topic is age appropriate sooner than another one, here’s some info that is off limits till you’re 18 and we’ll answer what we can now but also expect you to respect our decision to wait and we’ll explain why as best and in depth as we can to encourage your waiting and coming to us with these questions, here is some info you can share with your grandparents to ask them more questions about our career whenever we aren’t around or you need someone else to speak to, and here is the ages and stages puberty/medical talks.

At some point all of these topics intersect, will intersect, or run parallel in such a fashion that it is important to discuss them together at times. It’s why we metaphorically pin the medical stages talk next to work talk. We also try to plan these talks and info tidbits before he gets curious and asks because it can prevent awkward feelings or. Sometimes we get a better jump on it than others!

I have used actors and characters on tv to help explain my job too, with the major difference being that I work alone and control everything. He’s seen enough actors perform multiple roles that he understands one person is not all those things. Important for us, because I have played a few villain roles and he’s seen me in costume- good to point out that Mommy is still Mommy and not evil costume lady.

There isn’t a clear guidebook on this, but I follow a lot of sex positive and gentle parenting on instagram to help keep a gauge on what he needs to know at what ages. It really helps and allows us to create parental check ins to determine when we need to boost another info drop to stay ahead of his curiosity.

Whenever I have any major doubts, I speak to my parenting support network (mainly my spouse and other sex worker parents) about what to do. Almost always the answer is to talk to my kid and answer his questions before they come up. I would rather him learn about porn from me first a bit too early, than to learn about it because some selfish little perverted shit at school ruined my child’s innocence with lies and misogynistic abuse. Better that Mommy and Daddy potentially embarrasses him a pinch privately at home by encouraging him to wait, so that he can then seek out healthy, body positive pornography when the time is right because he has been prepared.

Hopefully this makes sense and has no major typos because I just woke up.🙃
Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire are sex worker parents that share a lot of info on this. Might be better checking out than my sleepy not awake yet advice!
I would ask that you keep in mind...."Facial Recognition Technology". Its getting better and better all the is curious to see if they can find images of you online....they take any pic of your face, upload it to a site which is capable of searching based on your face.....and then they get a list of images, videos that match you face. So, ANYTHING that you do online may be searchable based on image and forever.

I agree that the deluge of adult content being uploaded would make it difficult to randomly identify you.......but, "Facial Recognition Technolgy" will make it really easy to find content going forward.
Ok, so I am def not the norm in this, but here’s me and my rainbow family.

Before I started sex work, my spouse and I discussed it with our parents. When we were finally able to conceive, thanks to sex work, I was able to work from bed without breaking my high risk pregnancy restrictions. Sex work allowed me to become a parent without dying, so we knew it was a must to tell our child and be honest from the beginning.

In the early years, his understanding of my job was simple: “mommy gets paid to take pictures and videos”. A toddler does not need to comprehend more than that.

As he has gotten older, we’ve allowed him to discuss and be part of the decisions and brainstorming regarding my Non-sexual or non-nude videos. This has made it easier to answer questions as they come up, and he automatically assumes anything I cannot speak about in regards to work is something private that he can ask about as he gets older. That helps significantly with him feeling comfortable and knowing when is a good time to ask questions (ie not when Mommy is putting on makeup to go to work, but maybe at breakfast with Daddy and Mommy next day or while we’re doing dishes together , also gives him time to think about what he wants to ask and know before he asks).

He understands that a lot of what I do is adult and private, much like you don’t poop with a friend holding your hand in the bathroom. Right now he’s 7 and old enough to understand privacy, how to wait, and when is an appropriate time to ask hard or uncomfortable questions.

so far for us, this works.

We’re able to answer all questions as they arise (or schedule a time at home when we can discuss), and we keep a continuous discussion revolving about: here’s the info we can share with you right now, here’s some info that you are not quite old enough to digest so we’re mentioning it and putting a pin in it for you to ask as you age cause this topic is age appropriate sooner than another one, here’s some info that is off limits till you’re 18 and we’ll answer what we can now but also expect you to respect our decision to wait and we’ll explain why as best and in depth as we can to encourage your waiting and coming to us with these questions, here is some info you can share with your grandparents to ask them more questions about our career whenever we aren’t around or you need someone else to speak to, and here is the ages and stages puberty/medical talks.

At some point all of these topics intersect, will intersect, or run parallel in such a fashion that it is important to discuss them together at times. It’s why we metaphorically pin the medical stages talk next to work talk. We also try to plan these talks and info tidbits before he gets curious and asks because it can prevent awkward feelings or. Sometimes we get a better jump on it than others!

I have used actors and characters on tv to help explain my job too, with the major difference being that I work alone and control everything. He’s seen enough actors perform multiple roles that he understands one person is not all those things. Important for us, because I have played a few villain roles and he’s seen me in costume- good to point out that Mommy is still Mommy and not evil costume lady.

There isn’t a clear guidebook on this, but I follow a lot of sex positive and gentle parenting on instagram to help keep a gauge on what he needs to know at what ages. It really helps and allows us to create parental check ins to determine when we need to boost another info drop to stay ahead of his curiosity.

Whenever I have any major doubts, I speak to my parenting support network (mainly my spouse and other sex worker parents) about what to do. Almost always the answer is to talk to my kid and answer his questions before they come up. I would rather him learn about porn from me first a bit too early, than to learn about it because some selfish little perverted shit at school ruined my child’s innocence with lies and misogynistic abuse. Better that Mommy and Daddy potentially embarrasses him a pinch privately at home by encouraging him to wait, so that he can then seek out healthy, body positive pornography when the time is right because he has been prepared.

Hopefully this makes sense and has no major typos because I just woke up.🙃
Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire are sex worker parents that share a lot of info on this. Might be better checking out than my sleepy not awake yet advice!

You are mom goals for me 💕
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Ok, so I am def not the norm in this, but here’s me and my rainbow family.

Before I started sex work, my spouse and I discussed it with our parents. When we were finally able to conceive, thanks to sex work, I was able to work from bed without breaking my high risk pregnancy restrictions. Sex work allowed me to become a parent without dying, so we knew it was a must to tell our child and be honest from the beginning.

In the early years, his understanding of my job was simple: “mommy gets paid to take pictures and videos”. A toddler does not need to comprehend more than that.

As he has gotten older, we’ve allowed him to discuss and be part of the decisions and brainstorming regarding my Non-sexual or non-nude videos. This has made it easier to answer questions as they come up, and he automatically assumes anything I cannot speak about in regards to work is something private that he can ask about as he gets older. That helps significantly with him feeling comfortable and knowing when is a good time to ask questions (ie not when Mommy is putting on makeup to go to work, but maybe at breakfast with Daddy and Mommy next day or while we’re doing dishes together , also gives him time to think about what he wants to ask and know before he asks).

He understands that a lot of what I do is adult and private, much like you don’t poop with a friend holding your hand in the bathroom. Right now he’s 7 and old enough to understand privacy, how to wait, and when is an appropriate time to ask hard or uncomfortable questions.

so far for us, this works.

We’re able to answer all questions as they arise (or schedule a time at home when we can discuss), and we keep a continuous discussion revolving about: here’s the info we can share with you right now, here’s some info that you are not quite old enough to digest so we’re mentioning it and putting a pin in it for you to ask as you age cause this topic is age appropriate sooner than another one, here’s some info that is off limits till you’re 18 and we’ll answer what we can now but also expect you to respect our decision to wait and we’ll explain why as best and in depth as we can to encourage your waiting and coming to us with these questions, here is some info you can share with your grandparents to ask them more questions about our career whenever we aren’t around or you need someone else to speak to, and here is the ages and stages puberty/medical talks.

At some point all of these topics intersect, will intersect, or run parallel in such a fashion that it is important to discuss them together at times. It’s why we metaphorically pin the medical stages talk next to work talk. We also try to plan these talks and info tidbits before he gets curious and asks because it can prevent awkward feelings or. Sometimes we get a better jump on it than others!

I have used actors and characters on tv to help explain my job too, with the major difference being that I work alone and control everything. He’s seen enough actors perform multiple roles that he understands one person is not all those things. Important for us, because I have played a few villain roles and he’s seen me in costume- good to point out that Mommy is still Mommy and not evil costume lady.

There isn’t a clear guidebook on this, but I follow a lot of sex positive and gentle parenting on instagram to help keep a gauge on what he needs to know at what ages. It really helps and allows us to create parental check ins to determine when we need to boost another info drop to stay ahead of his curiosity.

Whenever I have any major doubts, I speak to my parenting support network (mainly my spouse and other sex worker parents) about what to do. Almost always the answer is to talk to my kid and answer his questions before they come up. I would rather him learn about porn from me first a bit too early, than to learn about it because some selfish little perverted shit at school ruined my child’s innocence with lies and misogynistic abuse. Better that Mommy and Daddy potentially embarrasses him a pinch privately at home by encouraging him to wait, so that he can then seek out healthy, body positive pornography when the time is right because he has been prepared.

Hopefully this makes sense and has no major typos because I just woke up.🙃
Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire are sex worker parents that share a lot of info on this. Might be better checking out than my sleepy not awake yet advice!
You are mom goals for me 💕

You are SUCH mom goals! Wow. Thank you so much for this detailed post. I'm also a believer in gentle parenting (not that I always succeed) and really so much of what you said is an extension of that. I think stigma and fear play into a lot of my concern. I don't think what I do is harmful to my son in and of itself, but I don't want him to suffer because he had socially ingrained ideas about it and then found out. That happened to me with some things my dad told me about himself before I left for college. That said, my parents didn't keep me in the loop in age-appropriate ways all along so it was a huge shock and trauma.

I also really resonated with the bit where you said you'd rather he find out about porn a bit too early FROM YOU than "because some selfish, perverted little shit at school ruined my child's innocence with lies and misogynistic abuse." heck yes!

Thank you for the recommendations of Jet Stting Jasmine and King Noire... checking them out now!
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You guys both bring up good points about teens watching porn! I'm very concerned that the average age a boy first sees porn is 11 and that that's largely how they learn about sex.

Yes, I would like to point out there is a difference between accessing it once and a while, and watching it so regularly that the chances of finding an amateur porn star, on a free tube site is likely.

I thought most electronics you can buy kids, have those parent programs built in, where you can limit what they access online, on a regular basis?

I totally hear you about the concerns that boys will learn about sex from unrealistic porn that dominates the market. That's why I think it's so important to raise children in a sex positive household, where sex, porn, anything related to nudity and sex energy, can be talked about openly and in a grounded, realistic way (at an appropriate age of course). All that stuff that dominates tube sites, is a bit of a crock of shit, and has a lot of hardcore in it, which most people (well most people who I have dated and/or hooked up with anyways) are not into at all.[/QUOTE]

ETA; Another parenting tactic which I plan to use, and that I have already started are sports and/or other hobbies. When any child has enough that they are interested in/ passionate about to do, that they have fun with, they are less likely to have time for stuff that's out of their age range/ unchecked curiosity. However, we (as parents) have to help them find themselves in that way, and expose them to different things, to see what they end up liking (obviously). A busy teenager is a teenager less likely to get into things they shouldn't. That's my theory anyway. But they are only gonna be busy and happy if they have genuinely found what really interests them. Otherwise, it leaves them open to boredom... getting into stuff like porn, drugs etc. A bored teenager w a bunch of extra time on their hands = bad news. A busy teenager that's been able to find their own passions, and make like-minded friends who share those = good news.
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I would ask that you keep in mind...."Facial Recognition Technology". Its getting better and better all the is curious to see if they can find images of you online....they take any pic of your face, upload it to a site which is capable of searching based on your face.....and then they get a list of images, videos that match you face. So, ANYTHING that you do online may be searchable based on image and forever.

I agree that the deluge of adult content being uploaded would make it difficult to randomly identify you.......but, "Facial Recognition Technolgy" will make it really easy to find content going forward.
Hopefully, facial recognition technology will not be something most teenagers have much interest in, access to, or spend their free time learning about, in the future. Could it technically happen, at an inappropriate time - yes. Is it likely to, if your child is watched closely, has a lot to keep them busy, and isn't given unlimited funds and time to buy, and get into whatever they want - no.
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Porn and Parenting is the insta brand that Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire have started to help de-stigmatize parents in porn.

Knowledge is the single best weapon you can give anyone. It can be wielded for good or evil. It is the best protection I can give my child. Knowledge.

He doesn’t understand sex or know why it happens, but he can understand that there are things he doesn’t know and he knows I’ll be right there to answer all of his questions as I can. What I cannot answer, we either google together or discuss why/when/where/how we’d like to resume our conversation to answer his question more in depth with accurate information. Reassures him that his curiosity is not bad or unfounded, just needs a small timeline adjust so his questions can be answered accurately with the best, most up to date information possible.

I think for me, the biggest key is explaining why or why not I can discuss certain things with him. I never lie. If he asks something I cannot answer, like that time he jumped in the shower with me and said where do babies come from, I answer honestly- “great question! But we’re trying to focus on washing our hair and genitals right now so that dinner isn’t late. Let’s discuss this with Daddy after we’re dressed so he can help answer questions you may have that I don’t have the answers for.” Or about those times he asked why my fake penises were drying on the counter, my response was “Mommy doesn’t have a penis, so I have to buy mine online or from the store”- in kid brain he goes “yup, checks out. Mommy is a girl and has a vulva and vagina. A store might sell fake penises. Now Mommy has a penis. Problem solved” he doesn’t have the awareness or capacity just yet to wonder WHY the penises are really there, but it sets a good foundation for the expounding of that topic later on.

I think the biggest trick is to just talk to your kid(s) and keep talking to them. Never lie about why answering something makes you uncomfortable or why you want to discuss it at a later time.Keeping that trust as a reliable source of information can shape or break a familial relationship like this hard in the long run.

Personally, I never could speak with my parents about anything. Not sex, not love, not babies, not relationships, not drugs, not drinking. Even now, at age 28 going through menopause after hysterectomy even though my mother is 51 and had a hysterectomy with precursor menopause signs, I still cannot speak with my mother about my sexual health or the devastating state of my vagina after surgery and medical negligence. She’s about to experience the same health changes I’m currently experiencing for the third time in my life!!!! and I cannot speak to her about any of it because of how she treated me as a child.

I think our own experiences with sex ed largely shape our adult romances and relationships, and it deeply affects our relationships with parents and care givers later on too. I remember these things about my own childhood- being shamed and humiliated in front of hundreds at church for my first period, and then again when I had my first miscarriage- and how not having my mother or father as a safe person to turn to and speak honestly left me isolated and learning all of this on my own. All these memories affect how I speak to my child about my work, his body changes, puberty, sex education, all of it. I know how horrible it was for me to learn anything about anatomy- even the non sexual parts- so I do my best to research and stay honest and a safe space for him to be heard and communicate. I always approach delicate topics like this with a calm and wait and see approach to gauge what he needs to know and is ready for.

Sometimes kids ask things and they really mean something else, so I always return his questions with a few more questions to narrow down the topic before I start explaining things.😅
Sorry to DP, edit window is up.

I also plan on continuing to be a very attentive parent, and I do not want my children to consume porn until they are old enough to do so. Since porn is for over 18 only, I will be doing my job as a parent, and making sure my child does not access pornography until they are old enough to do so. I think that that part is very important to mention also, as this is an important issue.
Hopefully, facial recognition technology will not be something most teenagers have much interest in, access to, or spend their free time learning about, in the future. Could it technically happen, at an inappropriate time - yes. Is it likely to, if your child is watched closely, has a lot to keep them busy, and isn't given unlimited funds and time to buy, and get into whatever they want - no.
Yes, I would like to point out there is a difference between accessing it once and a while, and watching it so regularly that the chances of finding an amateur porn star, on a free tube site is likely.

I thought most electronics you can buy kids, have those parent programs built in, where you can limit what they access online, on a regular basis?

I totally hear you about the concerns that boys will learn about sex from unrealistic porn that dominates the market. That's why I think it's so important to raise children in a sex positive household, where sex, porn, anything related to nudity and sex energy, can be talked about openly and in a grounded, realistic way (at an appropriate age of course). All that stuff that dominates tube sites, is a bit of a crock of shit, and has a lot of hardcore in it, which most people (well most people who I have dated and/or hooked up with anyways) are not into at all.

ETA; Another parenting tactic which I plan to use, and that I have already started are sports and/or other hobbies. When any child has enough that they are interested in/ passionate about to do, that they have fun with, they are less likely to have time for stuff that's out of their age range/ unchecked curiosity. However, we (as parents) have to help them find themselves in that way, and expose them to different things, to see what they end up liking (obviously). A busy teenager is a teenager less likely to get into things they shouldn't. That's my theory anyway. But they are only gonna be busy and happy if they have genuinely found what really interests them. Otherwise, it leaves them open to boredom... getting into stuff like porn, drugs etc. A bored teenager w a bunch of extra time on their hands = bad news. A busy teenager that's been able to find their own passions, and make like-minded friends who share those = good news.
My then 16 yr old son found me when he created a twitter account and at the time I was a newbie with Twitter and foolishly put my phone number to twitter not knowing they share it , but apparently there is a feature where if you connect your facebook to twitter it will suggest friends based on your friends list and if there is a phone number attached, this is how my son found out, he took it very well though and we joked a little about it but we have not talked about it since. lol
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