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Aug 13, 2022
Hello, I've been having issues with a model from Stripchat. They have posted my real name, my private email, my IRL photos I don't want associated with my Stripchat account, and my Stripchat username on their Tiktok in multiple posts. I have asked them to take them down for weeks now, and they won't. I reported them on Tiktok but it gives me an automated no violations found. Would this be considered against the rules for Stripchat if it's offsite? I'm really just looking to get my info pulled from Tiktok - maybe an ultimatum from Stripchat if they don't remove my info they'll lose their model account (though I don't want it to come to that). If anyone has experience with navigating the help system on Tiktok to get something done I'd appreciate any advice there too. I tried both bullying and private info but both came up no issues.
Here's his Tiktok atm with not even half of the posts, where 90% of the messages and emails he shared is me asking to take down my info.

I did the blocking out myself. Everything is there in the open on Tiktok.


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What do you expect stripchat to do? This is nothing to do with their platform. You communicated offsite, you shared your information and the information was reposted on another site that is still not stripchat. Stripchat is not responsable for things that are not on their platform.
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The model has posted conversations and photos shared in Stripchat off site. Stripchat has in their TOS that identifying information can't be shared against a users will, and he got the information from Stripchat (and other sources, but from Stripchat as well). Some of the screencaps are literally Stripchat PMs.

They have my Stripchat username alongside my IRL name and email and photos. I don't think Stripchat would want someone sharing a members username with identifying information even if it's on another site. IMO a model that does that shouldn't be on the platform.
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Again. Stipchat is not responsible for content posted on sites that are not stripchat.

Stripchat has in their TOS that identifying information can't be shared, and he got the information from Stripchat (and other sources, but from Stripchat as well)
This relates to on the stripchat platfrom, they cannot enforce their tos on another site that they do not own.
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Again. Stipchat is not responsible for content posted on sites that are not stripchat.

This relates to on the stripchat platfrom, they cannot enforce their tos on another site that they do not own.

So Stripchat would be fine with a model sharing Stripchat members usernames and linking them with their IRL information? Even if it's offsite? After I begged them to take it down for weeks now.

I'm going at this two ways. I'm contacting Tiktok too ofc.
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So Stripchat would be fine with a model sharing Stripchat members usernames and linking them with their IRL information? Even if it's offsite? After I begged them to take it down for weeks now.
It dosnt matter if they are fine with it or not because they cannot control anything that is not on their platform.
You realize that this is 100% a problem that was caused by you right? you decided to share sensitive information with someone you dont know. You dont get to create a mess and then cry when someone else wont clean up after you.
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It dosnt matter if they are fine with it or not because they cannot control anything that is not on their platform.
You realize that this is 100% a problem that was caused by you right? you decided to share sensitive information with someone you dont know. You dont get to create a mess and then cry when someone else wont clean up after you.

I'm not asking Stripchat to remove what's on Tiktok. I'm contacting TIktok for what's on Tiktok. I just think a model that does that is dangerous to have on the platform.

I'll refrain from insults and jabs. I was just wanting to know if sharing usernames and linking it with real names, emails, photos even if offsite is against TOS or not.
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I'm not asking Stripchat to remove what's on Tiktok. I'm contacting TIktok for what's on Tiktok. I just think a model that does that is dangerous to have on the platform.

I'll refrain from insults and jabs. I was just wanting to know if sharing usernames and linking it with real names, emails, photos even if offsite is against TOS or not.
The TOS only cover things that happen on the stripchat site. They cannot cover anything that happens outside the stripchat site because it would not be enforceable.
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I'm not asking Stripchat to remove what's on Tiktok. I'm contacting TIktok for what's on Tiktok. I just think a model that does that is dangerous to have on the platform.

They can’t ban someone for what they do offsite because they can’t verify 100% it is the model in question doing the posting. Even if there’s videos of him, he could easily say it was you who re-posted his videos and then posted screenshots for the sole purpose of having him banned on Stripchat.
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They can’t ban someone for what they do offsite because they can’t verify 100% it is the model in question doing the posting. Even if there’s videos of him, he could easily say it was you who re-posted his videos and then posted screenshots for the sole purpose of having him banned on Stripchat.

He has posts of PMs from his model account on there. It's the tiktok that's linked on his stripchat profile. I guess I just hope TIktok will do something and that the model won't leak anything of anyone else.

I'll put in a ticket and see what happens but I understand if they can't pin it on him even with everything going on. Thanks for the help everyone.
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Have you emailed StripChat support? If the content was originally uploaded to StripChat you could ask them to send a DMCA take down notice or your could send one yourself.

StripChat bans models for accepting off site payments, which is an activity that does not happen on their site, so I'm not completely buying the "they can't do anything" argument. Getting them to care enough to do something is a different matter.
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Have you emailed StripChat support? If the content was originally uploaded to StripChat you could ask them to send a DMCA take down notice or your could send one yourself.
Isnt tiktok a Chinese company? I know they were being forced into a sale but dont know if thats gone through. If they are still Chinese, then DMCA dosnt apply.
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StripChat bans models for accepting off site payments
That's not exactly true though. Stripchat will ban models for taking offsite payments while they are live on the stripchat platform and arranging that payment on the platform. If you want to send me $ outside of stripchat while I am not working on stripchat then it's outside of their tos. This is why they dont ban models for simply having clip stores and only fans etc, because this would all be taking payments off site.
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I usually keep things to site. But this model I've helped for a few years now. 90% of the time without getting a show or anything, just to help out. Built up over a few years. The first few months was only on CB, then his account was banned for documents. So we just stuck to WhatsApp and direct payments. He just made his Stripchat after I stopped helping. It wasn't an imaginary romance. More like a friendship. We gamed together and we know each others family and friends. Watched anime and other nerdy stuff. I still have his mom on social media. Things just had a falling out and I was most of his income. So I think he's holding the posts over my head so that's why I was hoping I could just get the posts removed without getting his model account banned. To be honest if the answers were more directly towards him being banned I was just gonna link this thread to hopefully scare him to take them down.

But lesson learned the hard way.
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what did you guys fallout over?
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what did you guys fallout over?

That I was going to start cutting things down monthly but I wasn't going to do a rugpull and leave them with nothing instantly, it'd be an overtime thing. Things got aggressive fast. I have like 30 accounts between Instagram and Whatsapp from his buddies (he used their phones to message) blocked after they didn't take things so well. And once they realized I was serious they started posting my stuff on social media.


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Am I understanding this correctly guys? Is the OP of this thread trying to get a model fired, when they both broke the rules of the site by having outside contact? I am confused

It sounds like 2 people who are both out for revenge in that case. Also there are exposure fetishes, this guy could have literally begged the model to do all that, then had post nut clarity

Not saying model should have done it, but.... Maybe I'm not understanding this fully? It's a lot to read, and I'll be real if I'm gonna put my free time into stuff, it's usually not spending hours reading stuff for randos (more for people I already know and care for). So correct me if I somehow missed stuff. Definitely not claiming, or trying to trick anyone into thinking i have read this whole thread. Because I assure you, it was a quick, partial skim, at best.
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Am I understanding this correctly guys? Is the OP of this thread trying to get a model fired, when they both broke the rules of the site by having outside contact? I am confused

It sounds like 2 people who are both out for revenge in that case. Also there are exposure fetishes, this guy could have literally begged the model to do all that, then had post nut clarity

Not saying model should have done it, but.... Maybe I'm not understanding this fully? It's a lot to read, and I'll be real if I'm gonna put my free time into stuff, it's usually not spending hours reading stuff for randos (more for people I already know and care for). So correct me if I somehow missed stuff. Definitely not claiming, or trying to trick anyone into thinking i have read this whole thread. Because I assure you, it was a quick, partial skim, at best.
Not sure.

From my reading of it:

OP is long time supporter of model.
OP has decided for unknown to us reasons to cut back on spending / support on the model.
OP gave model a heads-up that support would be diminishing over a period of time (but not *immediately* reducing to zero).
Model got pissy and doxxed OP on Tiktok.

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Not sure.

From my reading of it:

OP is long time supporter of model.
OP has decided for unknown to us reasons to cut back on spending / support on the model.
OP gave model a heads-up that support would be diminishing over a period of time (but not *immediately* reducing to zero).
Model got pissy and doxxed OP on Tiktok.

Sounds like what I read minus the very 1st part missing; OP and model met on site then both broke rules to have off-site contact

Then the very last part that seems missing; OP is our for blood just like model now. If you sandwiches everything you wrote between those 2 points I just made, then that is my understanding of the entire situation. So sounds like I didn't skim as bad as I thought lol cheers love that.
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Isnt tiktok a Chinese company? I know they were being forced into a sale but dont know if thats gone through. If they are still Chinese, then DMCA dosnt apply.
The sale hasn't gone through yet, it is still being fought in the courts. However, many companies will honor DMCA notices, particularly when they are already in a fight with the US government and are trying not to piss them off further. I am not sure where the OP is located, but US TikTok data is stored on US servers and I'm sure it's the same is true in Europe; TikTok will try to play nice with regulators.

However, my point was that the OP will likely get further pursing the DMCA avenue rather than trying to report the posts as violating community standards. Admittedly, still not great odds though

That's not exactly true though.
Not exactly, but SC (or any cam site) can ban anyone for whatever reason they want, and this was, apparently, data shared on SC.

Am I understanding this correctly guys? Is the OP of this thread trying to get a model fired, when they both broke the rules of the site by having outside contact? I am confused
The OP doesn't want to be doxed on TikTok. It also looks like the doxing started after the OP said they would be spending less on the broadcaster. It sounds more like blackmail than an exposure fetish.
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The sale hasn't gone through yet, it is still being fought in the courts. However, many companies will honor DMCA notices, particularly when they are already in a fight with the US government and are trying not to piss them off further. I am not sure where the OP is located, but US TikTok data is stored on US servers and I'm sure it's the same is true in Europe; TikTok will try to play nice with regulators.

However, my point was that the OP will likely get further pursing the DMCA avenue rather than trying to report the posts as violating community standards. Admittedly, still not great odds though

Not exactly, but SC (or any cam site) can ban anyone for whatever reason they want, and this was, apparently, data shared on SC.

The OP doesn't want to be doxed on TikTok. It also looks like the doxing started after the OP said they would be spending less on the broadcaster. It sounds more like blackmail than an exposure fetish.
Ok you guys. Sigh.

I guess it has to be 5 o'clock somewhere, so I'll cut you a little slack. Exposure fetish is blackmail lol My God 🤦‍♀️

Noones arguing with you. I'm simply trying to point out what is likely the full story here. Nevermind, forget I spoke lmao. Carry on as was 🤣🤣 this horrible model, oh the horror!! 😂😂 🤣🤣

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The sale hasn't gone through yet, it is still being fought in the courts. However, many companies will honor DMCA notices, particularly when they are already in a fight with the US government and are trying not to piss them off further. I am not sure where the OP is located, but US TikTok data is stored on US servers and I'm sure it's the same is true in Europe; TikTok will try to play nice with regulators.
TBH I was assuming that TikTok would be using Chinese servers because the CCP isnt exactly known for sharing / giving away access to their data.
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TBH I was assuming that TikTok would be using Chinese servers because the CCP isnt exactly known for sharing / giving away access to their data.
TikTok agreed a few years ago to store data from US users on US servers, and they are doing the same in the EU. It was part of their effort to appease US and EU regulators.

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It isn't some exposure fetish. I don't kink shame but not my style at all.

I don't want blood, I just want my stuff off Tiktok. I've been asking them to take it down for weeks now. If you translate the screenshot above one of the emails is me saying to take it down or I'll report the account. It's a shitty situation, and I did learn a lesson from it. What else can you do 🤷‍♂️

Just gonna ignore any future threats and move on. They end up looking like an asshole in the end.
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Totally. Posting on a public forum and trying to get the model canned absolutely doesn't reek of revenge! Oh that's right; you just care about your fellow users (a bunch of internet randos you don't know,) so much that you want to protect them. I know what you can do; what all the sites warn you to do, repeatedly, in the first place... Derp. Ie not pressure models for off site contact. Nor provide off-site contact yourself. It's not neuroscience 🤣 you're welcome.

I'm a member, on every main camsite too. These warnings are fucking everywhere.

You'd literally have to have your head up your ass to miss them.
It's soooooooo fucking novel and unique for a member to want to cut the site out financially, then get in over his head, and beg for the site's help like a toddler /s

Sorry guys, I don't agree with what this model did, even if it were exposure fetish, and post nut clarity. But this member seems trashy af too.
And that's all I gots to say in this thread. Ciao mfs! 😂
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I never pressured the model for off site contact. And I know of the warnings. Trust me I'm literate, and I said lesson learned. Don't play to my scolding fetish for free /s

I personally don't consider asking if it's against the TOS as begging. I admitted I'll try Tiktok after people let me know. I accepted it. No grovelling here.

I'm gonna bow out of this thread now. Nothing else can be said that hasn't already.
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