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MFC slowing down?

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Inactive Cam Model
Sep 2, 2016
So the past week or so i've been seeing less and less people on. do you think its just because its summer or..?
I did before, but now that it's September and it isn't getting much better, I don't really know. =/
I'd say it's people having their last hurrah before Labor day (which is now behind us). I feel like it picks up on cam in the fall/winter but televised sports cuts into things a bit, so be aware of that.
Its the normal cycle girls n boys..... end of summer, Univ & schools are starting back up, etc etc.
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I believe that cam sites on a whole are probably averaging about the same level of activity as they have for this same time year over year. What has changed is the number of sites and the number of models continue to expand.

I mean you even have some models that become exclusive to certain sites, and if they have a following large or small it takes members away from these sites or thins them out.

Personally I've only really enjoyed the layout and general vibe of MFC, so I don't site hop, but my absolute favorite model has never left the site. Other models that I occasionally tip and or like have left to other sites and I didn't follow.

I know it's different from a models perspective because she is one person to every x# of members. But, just like she can't be on everyday the same happens to members/regulars.

TLDR - More sites + more models + life in general = slower shifts
MFC will always be slow for some, busy for others. I find it far more helpful to stop thinking about whether the site is slow or not, and focus on what I can do to keep it busy. Otherwise you're left with excuse after excuse for why "MFC is slow" which eventually takes all of the power out of your hands and turns into a vicious cycle. Summer: guys are vacationing with their families. Fall: back to school, football season. Winter: Christmas, New Years, etc. Spring: moar sports? There's always going to be a big event going on, a new videogame out, families to attend to, and just life in general.

It's self-defeating to dwell on it, I think. There are tons of guys on MFC looking for something that someone isn't offering at any given time.
Every September is usually pretty quiet for me. Camming is fickle but also has little cycles throughout the year. Don't fret.
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I wonder if there are any tip tracking service that might be able to shed light on how this year compares to years past. In a cool chart.
I dont think it's been dead at all.
You're not a model... so...

Yeah, a TON of SM girls that are generally really successful posted that SM was dead as hell yesterday, I know my hourly was 1/6 of what it normally is and I also know I'm not the only one.

But slow days are really a day to day thing, I don't think any big sites like MFC or SM are slowing down in general, slow days just happen from time to time.
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