Hi again! I am gonna try my luck here also, maybe anyone can help me with my problem, seems like MfC suport isnt helping at all . So i decided to keep Mfc while online, wich is working really good and i want my earnings in my company bank accout to be all legal. At payment on mfc, when i try euro transfer to my bank, they say we are not working with this bank . So i asked suport wich bank they are working with in Romania to open a company bank acc there, they answered we cannot recomand one, and thats it ,. So now im supose to open to one after one bank acc and see wich one they alow transfer with? i mailed again but no more answer from suport . Soon ill have new payment and i still cant find the way to send money in my account. I was trying to create paxum busness as a second option but they requests so manny i gaved up for now .. if you have any ideea please let me know, on romanian forums noone answering ...I just want wire transfer dont understand why mfc cant explain me what to do, even my accountant cant help me, she told me to ask the site how to get the money ...