AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

MFC is down again...

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It was terrible yesterday. All day from morning to night :whistle: there was lagging with the video and audio cutting in and out. I have heard a rumor that the model's software was updated and causes many glitches.
I heard that the glitchy part of the software is when MFC is up. They still haven't been able to repeat that bug though.
Weird, I was on until 12AM and it was working fine. Well, fine being the usual issues but at least online.

Every girl I watch on MFC has cam/audio lag/freeze issues. It's an MFC-wide issue. If one more person comes in and tries to blame me and my hardware for it I'm going to go insane! :snooty:
AmberCutie said:
Weird, I was on until 12AM and it was working fine. Well, fine being the usual issues but at least online.

Every girl I watch on MFC has cam/audio lag/freeze issues. It's an MFC-wide issue. If one more person comes in and tries to blame me and my hardware for it I'm going to go insane! :snooty:

I know what I need to do tonight :p

And Amber, wouldn't that be more insane??
pyrite1965 said:
AmberCutie said:
Weird, I was on until 12AM and it was working fine. Well, fine being the usual issues but at least online.

Every girl I watch on MFC has cam/audio lag/freeze issues. It's an MFC-wide issue. If one more person comes in and tries to blame me and my hardware for it I'm going to go insane! :snooty:

I know what I need to do tonight :p

And Amber, wouldn't that be more insane??

I found out (from a prem) today...

those who earn more are given more bandwidth. O.O

In the words of the lady who told me this:

"So, effectively, if you don't earn money you are prevented from earning more."

Not sure how true, but I don't think she was lying...
I'd believe it, Luna.

Oh Amber when the site crashed and I posted this it was a while after I left your room to game :p

So I think you were off by then.

I haven't seen any updates in the last two days; however the updates last week caused a couple new bugs, but nothing too bad. Besides they actually -fixed- some issues.
LadyLuna said:
I found out (from a prem) today...

those who earn more are given more bandwidth. O.O

In the words of the lady who told me this:

"So, effectively, if you don't earn money you are prevented from earning more."

Not sure how true, but I don't think she was lying...

Keep in mind that a lot of premium members like to make shit up to sound important...
AmberCutie said:
Keep in mind that a lot of premium members like to make shit up to sound important...
Agreed. People speculate about something they have no clue how the processes are executed nor any of the logistics associated with it. Quite entertaining to watch all the pissing matches on the site.
AmberCutie said:
LadyLuna said:
I found out (from a prem) today...

those who earn more are given more bandwidth. O.O

In the words of the lady who told me this:

"So, effectively, if you don't earn money you are prevented from earning more."

Not sure how true, but I don't think she was lying...

Keep in mind that a lot of premium members like to make shit up to sound important...

Agreed. I really wish those type of prems would just enjoy the nudity and fun and quit pretending they run the site or know how it operates from the inside out. o_O
I, personally, would rather deal with the shithead premiums than the pushy basics who think they're so high and mighty, and think that we can't SEE HOW MANY TOKENS THEY HAVE. Which is um. None, lol.
This is a quote from a chat I had with a basic once. I shit you not...
(I was pushing to get tokens so I could take my top off.)
Me: Just 40 tokens to get these bad girls out! You won't regret it!
Basic: What will you do for 700 tokens?
(At this point I thought, "Bahahahaha. I'll have a little fun with this.")
Me: Hmm. Maybe if you take me to private, I'd commit a little bestiality. While I'm at it, maybe I'll fuck a corpse too! Would you like that, baby?
Basic: ...Are you serious?
Me: No, I'm not fucking serious. And obviously neither are you, if you think I'm stupid enough to believe that a BASIC MEMBER has 700 tokens.
AmberCutie said:
Keep in mind that a lot of premium members like to make shit up to sound important...

I have a hover board and a flying delorean, I ride a t-rex to work, I know all of Pi, me and matty mcconaughey cruise highschools for chicks, this one time at band camp...
AmberCutie said:
Keep in mind that a lot of premium members like to make shit up to sound important...

Which is why I said "not sure how true this is... but I don't think she was lying".

I was thinking over it last night, and thought that from other comments she said she had gotten something backwards.

We all know that those who have grainy video and bad bandwidth on THEIR end will have trouble making money... maybe she just got cause and effect flipped. While I wasn't sure how true that one was, I DO know that those who have more people in their room end up first in the roster unless the member has it set to something specific. Which, of course, brings even more people in and so on and so forth.
I've been keeping an eye on my bandwidth since I was new. My highest was a solid 800, and then it dropped to 300 for a while, no clue why but I was still climbing in the list, but now it's a steady 600 and I'm not moving.

When I was new I was much lower in the lists of course. And I have had the same secure connection. Granted, my new roommate actually uses the internet but he's very limited while the camera is on. Still, if I was sure it was him I'd enforce a throttle.

So I'm pretty sure it's not the case. But you never know. MFC is like that.
LadyLuna said:
AmberCutie said:
Keep in mind that a lot of premium members like to make shit up to sound important...

Which is why I said "not sure how true this is... but I don't think she was lying".

I was thinking over it last night, and thought that from other comments she said she had gotten something backwards.

We all know that those who have grainy video and bad bandwidth on THEIR end will have trouble making money... maybe she just got cause and effect flipped. While I wasn't sure how true that one was, I DO know that those who have more people in their room end up first in the roster unless the member has it set to something specific. Which, of course, brings even more people in and so on and so forth.

The roster/homepage is organized by camscore, unless a member has it set to friends first, alphabetical, etc.
Hey guys
I remember a couple weeks ago it took me 20 minutes to log in but good things sometimes take time. It does get frustrating but in the end it's all worth it because I'm able to just talk to some of my best friends without asking for a private or have some basic go nuts. That's why I go into private message knowing some of the premiums can get annoying too & it's well worth it knowing the stuff that happens on other daytime shows has turned me off.
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