I have recently uploaded a new bot, Lovense Levels: TNG.
Details page
Show your Lovense toy levels in the main chat.
Not everyone wants to have the Lovense overlay graphic on their feed. This will display your levels in the main chat as close as possible to the original look.
Some broadcasters start their show with Lovense disabled. Once a certain token amount is tipped or a total amount is reached, then the levels are enabled.
This can be toggled on/off in the chat with: lovenseon or lovenseoff.
The levels are shown by default.
Make sure these levels match what you have in the Lovense plugin exactly.
The TNG is short for: The Next Generation.
I am updating and modernizing some of the older bots. I am adding new graphics, new commands, more options......
I hope you like them.
Here is a list of my bots
Here is a list of my apps