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Nov 17, 2012
U.S. site to map revenge-porn victims​

A defunct website that hosts "revenge porn" is coming back from the dead, and this time it will tell users exactly where to find its accidental porn stars.

Hunter Moore, 26, rose to fame with his site, where people could submit naked pictures or sex tapes of their exes for users to publicly scrutinize.

It shut down in April when an anti-bullying group bought the domain.

Now Moore's reviving it at a new address. This time, people will be able to submit their victims' addresses, which Moore plans to map.

"We're gonna introduce the mapping stuff so you can stalk people," Moore told Betabeat."I know, it's scary as sh--."

Moore believes Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which says websites aren't responsible for user-submitted content, will protect him.

University of Maryland law professor Danielle Citron told Betabeat Moore could still face cyberstalking charges.

"Section 230 explicitly does not immunize federal criminal law violations," she said.

Wow...what a wonderful human being <sarcasm drips>...I think I am going to have some friends help me find his address and publish it on the web...see if anyone wants revenge on him? Just a thought?
how the fuck is this guy not in jail?
what a totally retarded douchebag!
this has nothing to do with teaching people a lesson... he's even openly telling people to stalk
how on earth could the goverment allow this.. and then worry about porn sites like mfc?
TashaDutch said:
how the fuck is this guy not in jail?
what a totally retarded douchebag!
this has nothing to do with teaching people a lesson... he's even openly telling people to stalk
how on earth could the goverment allow this.. and then worry about porn sites like mfc?

While I think he is a despicable person, I feel the people that send him the content are truly the ones that should be punished and despised.
Just Me said:
TashaDutch said:
how the fuck is this guy not in jail?
what a totally retarded douchebag!
this has nothing to do with teaching people a lesson... he's even openly telling people to stalk
how on earth could the goverment allow this.. and then worry about porn sites like mfc?

While I think he is a despicable person, I feel the people that send him the content are truly the ones that should be punished and despised.
Well there will always be angry people coming out of relationships wanting to hurt the other person, not that it's right, but he doesn't even have that anger - he's just enabling their childish revenge. He's worse imo, without a place to post it a lot of it wouldn't happen.
Jupiter551 said:
Well there will always be angry people coming out of relationships wanting to hurt the other person, not that it's right, but he doesn't even have that anger - he's just enabling their childish revenge. He's worse imo, without a place to post it a lot of it wouldn't happen.

i completely agree with that! while you could easily be very angry with someone that left you or whatever.. it doesn't mean that those feelings reflect what you might feel the next day..
to some extend people should be protected.. i don't think angry/hurt people are able to fully understand the possible outcome of posting shit like that over the internet..
imagine teenagers! hormones and all.. i can't really get pissed about that.. while i can get totally pissed at a guy that uses that kinda emotions to try to be... well what? funny or something?
TashaDutch said:
while i can get totally pissed at a guy that uses that kinda emotions to try to be... well what? funny or something?
because he wants to slut-shame women is my guess
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Some people simply lack any kind of a "kindness gland." Their lives are caught up in being nasty for nasty's sake. Most of them are merely annoying--like the many bloggers like Parez Hilton or whoever runs that "idontlikeyouinthatway" blog. They write negative stories about famous people for no particular reason I can fathom--except it gives them a feeling of self-importance I guess. THIS guy, however, takes that idea up several notches to actually taking joy in hurting people--possibly even endangering them.

If what he does isn't illegal, it should be.
I think it's a lack of empathy - he cannot emphathise with people whose lives are being ruined, or maybe he's so self-absorbed he's able to just compartmentalise and ignore the damage he enables.
Jupiter551 said:
Well there will always be angry people coming out of relationships wanting to hurt the other person, not that it's right, but he doesn't even have that anger - he's just enabling their childish revenge. He's worse imo, without a place to post it a lot of it wouldn't happen.

I agree that is simply despicable. I assume the law professor is right and his actions violate some of the many cyberstalker laws. I'd hate to be Mr. Moore's lawyer good like finding a jury that wouldn't convict him.
ok turns out the guy is has tiny shred of decency and he wouldn't be giving out addresses.

It turns out the whole reason I called Hunter Moore in the first place was because of a lie — or a “semi-lie,” as he preferred to put it.

Earlier this week, the king of the now-defunct revenge-porn site “Is Anyone Up?” announced that he would be returning with a new site,, featuring his tried-and-true formula of jilted lovers sending in naked photos of their exes, along with links to their social media profiles and Moore’s unique brand of body-snarking. Only, in an interview with the New York Observer’s Beta Beat, he claimed that he was also going to introduce a mapping feature “so you can stalk people.” That inspired a flurry of media attention: Moore was back, and more villainous than ever! There was a barely concealed puritanical glee in even the disapproving chatter about this brave new world of punishment-porn, and a gruesome awe at just how far he was willing to take this Web-smut version of the “Saw” franchise.

But when I called Moore on Friday to talk about his new venture, he told me the joke was on us: He’d been “drunk and coked out” during that interview. He’ll only reveal the addresses of people who personally wrong him, he said. (Not that he was in a rush to correct the public record or anything.) Well, phew — except, in the past, Moore seems to have included in that category those who ask him to remove their photos from the site or threaten legal action.

He goes on to talk about the joy's of trolling for those of you who care.
I think the simple fact that it uses his name as the url shows the reasons why he is doing this.
The guy wants attention and fame... and he knows that "shock" is the best way for a no-body to get it.
Would not be surprised if he is skirting as close to the legal edge as possible - as it's the only way he can cause a shock, get noticed/named, whilst remaining a free man.
Legal, Smeagle
This mutt is doing this for the money and getting his name in the press.
Nothing more ...nothing less and I think Jupiter posed the statement that "lack of empathy" is a key in this. (Thanks for line Jup) and Nordling for the "lack of kindness gland" (well said old stick, well said).
In the process he is going to get people injured or worse.
The people who are unfortunate to have to this done to them are going to maybe never feel safe? Always looking over their shoulder? Worried that this will be with them the rest of their lives?

I think that now the "cat is out of the bag" on this website.
He is going to find it much more difficult to keep the site functioning at any level.
There are people out there that see this exactly for what is.
One of the most base, vulgar forms of cyber-bullying, and there are people out there who won't tolerate this.
I am not saying me or anyone I know, I am just saying.

The universe works in funny ways sometimes. She can be a real cold hearted bitch, when she wants to be for the right reasons.
I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying: karma, or life, yin and yang sometimes likes to toss a fly in the ointment, a good old monkey in the wrench. :)
hey girls, as u know [site name banned*3] is one of the illegal websites who keep posting without permission..not everyone wants free commercial there...some of us cam just cuz we dont have a choice not for doing this for the rest of our take it down.. i personally discovered the real names of my posters keep a distance from them..send me a message and i will tell u, as long as the investigation allows me to vote for this and leave FBI do the business: ... t-of-women
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