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life after cam modeling

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Sep 30, 2011
After seeing threads asking models what their lives are like off MFC & what models do with their money. I was wondering what comes after MFC and a job for a cam model. I've heard some girls say they were in college, but I've gotten to know some that are "professional" cam models, with them seeing MFC as a career. After getting to know a few girls on MFC, they don't seem to be working towards acquiring a skill set that would permit them to earn a decent living outside of the cam industry. Like most modeling based jobs, I'm assuming a cam model only has a few good years to make a reasonable income. After seeing posts that some of the more successful models are making significant investments into new homes, expensive cars, etc. I was curious if some of the "professional" cam models have plans after MFC.

How long do you expect to be able to earn a good living?
What are you're long term goals?
Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?
For those that have made investments into a home, how scared are you of cam scores going down? Or losing your "fan" base?
Well, who says they HAVE to earn a living outside of MFC? :) Some models do well enough with camming for them to achieve their financial/life goals. I think that if they can do the job HAPPILY and SUCCESSFULLY, that's freakin' awesome. :thumbleft: AND it's a well-paying 'work-from-the-comfort-of-your-own-home' job.....sweeet!!! I say go for it and do what makes ya happy, and don't worry about the silly people who have a problem with "adult industry workers." Lol.
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To me, MFC is definitely a short-term thing. I'm there to make some extra money - and for the fun of course. ^^

I just started studying English and German. In a couple of years I want to translate TV shows and movies for a living. That is my dream job and I'd like to be able to make enough money with it to lead a comfortable life.
Personally, I couldn't imagine having camming (and nothing else) as a job. It just wouldn't be enough for me.
Consider some of these numbers in the USA:

Unemployment: 9%+
Unemployment for college grads: 4.2%
Unemployment for college grads in the technology field (programming, architechture, etc) @2%
Number of computer science grads needed each year to keep pace with needs @50,000
Current national number of computer science grads each year @15,000
I would really LOVE to get into photography. I absolutely love taking pictures... of people, places, fuzzy little animals, sunsets, anything sweet and everything sexy.

I have become accustomed to being my own boss over the past couple years and photography is also something that would allow me to continue to be self employed. It's something I think I could slowly transition into over a couple years as I gain experience and a clientele. Then one day, when I am completely done with cam'ing, I'll have something that not only I can do full time, but something that I love doing too :)

I am looking into taking some classes in the near future, just gotta find the time!

(And I do agree with Paris that there are successful models of every age. Younger models have an obvious advantage but there are certainly advantages that come along with being an older model as well!)
A model friend of mine who's been on MFC for I think about 3 years now is quitting in about March to start her own business (nothing to do with adult industry).

I'll be sad to see her go but I'm also really happy for her that she's moving forward -because she'd expressed more than once she didn't want to do this for too long, and it takes a lot of courage to make a change like that after a few years.
I'm saving up to go back to school. My dream job is genetic engineering both wild and domestic plants to be more pest resistant, or invasive non-native pests in terms of wild plants, but anything with genetics and botany will make me happy.
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Gonna rock it for as long as I can! I genuinely have fun camming so I don't want to imagine a future without it, lol! I'm not entirely sure what I want yet outside. I used to know, like it was a stone cold fact, but the benefits of camming make me look beyond the job and into how I want to be managed, too. I think opening a few places would be great! I'm a foodie, so they'd probably be food-related joints. I'd love love LOVE to open a headshop with a hookah bar. Maybe even have a little coffee shop and eatery included. Microbiology, photography, and genetics all sound dandy, but ultimately I want to live on a giant catamaran and sail the seas. I'm a dreamer :h:
Also banking on Virtual Reality kicking in during my lifetime. Almost. There. ...

I genuinely hope that wherever I am at whatever point that I am happy. Currently, I'm quite pleased as punch!
I want to act. You can do that at any age. I also want to stay at home with my future children and maybe open up an in-home day care so that I can make extra income and have play dates for my children. :)
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Rosemary said:
Also banking on Virtual Reality kicking in during my lifetime. Almost. There. ...

Yeah same, give me a wet-port directly into my cerebral cortex, jack me in and don't come back til I start to smell dead :lol:
Jupiter551 said:
Rosemary said:
Also banking on Virtual Reality kicking in during my lifetime. Almost. There. ...

Yeah same, give me a wet-port directly into my cerebral cortex, jack me in and don't come back til I start to smell dead :lol:

Fuck. Yes. Just pull my brain out and stick it in a robot. I'll be chillin' in Tahiti next to my Dinosaur watching meteors fall across the shadows of unknown planets in the distance. :dance:
Or I'll be at Hogwarts damnit D:<
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Right now, I'm funding myself to live in Taiwan, where I am going to college and learning Chinese. After I learn Chinese, I plan to move to Germany and learn German. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this set of language skills, but knowing English, Chinese, and German I'm sure I can find something to do...

Also I get to travel the world at the same time :thumbleft:
RavishMeAlice said:
Right now, I'm funding myself to live in Taiwan, where I am going to college and learning Chinese. After I learn Chinese, I plan to move to Germany and learn German. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this set of language skills, but knowing English, Chinese, and German I'm sure I can find something to do...

Also I get to travel the world at the same time :thumbleft:

Damn, there is a joke here somewhere, but I just can't find it this early in the morning.

When i was still new i didn't give any thought about those things. I have always thought that being a cam girl is a job. Just that it's a job that you cannot be proud of.

Then as i get older i've started to think. What will happen to me if i reach the age of 30. With the way of how the cam works now i also knew that this can't be a lifetime job. Once you get old people will know you and they will get tired of you and i don't want to get old in cam.

But then whenever i see those graduated students with no job or those parents who are working in their job yet still have not enough. I always think that this is ok too. I earn more than those who have normal jobs hehe
lolita968 said:
When i was still new i didn't give any thought about those things. I have always thought that being a cam girl is a job. Just that it's a job that you cannot be proud of.

Then as i get older i've started to think. What will happen to me if i reach the age of 30. With the way of how the cam works now i also knew that this can't be a lifetime job. Once you get old people will know you and they will get tired of you and i don't want to get old in cam.

But then whenever i see those graduated students with no job or those parents who are working in their job yet still have not enough. I always think that this is ok too. I earn more than those who have normal jobs hehe
Are you planning to spontaneously combust at 30? :think: It's probably best not to do things that you can't find a way to take pride in. :shifty:
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lolita968 said:
Then as i get older i've started to think. What will happen to me if i reach the age of 30. With the way of how the cam works now i also knew that this can't be a lifetime job. Once you get old people will know you and they will get tired of you and i don't want to get old in cam.

You'd be surprised just how old some models are. ^_^ Don't set an age limit on yourself, but then again, when you do start feeling like maybe you're too old because you're getting wrinkles or something like that, then retire with grace.
I'm setting aside 35% of the money I make here for taxes and another 30% to save for college. So that sort of answers your question :) MFC is a great, easy way to make fast money. It's putting that fast money into long term goals that's the tricky thing.
Right now camming is my income. I make enough to support my family just fine. :)

As for how long I plan to stay camming, it sort of depends on how things go in my own life. I have my B.S. in Psychology, & I'm planning on going back for my Masters soon. A lot more jobs will open up for me after my masters degree, I'm just not sure if I should wait that long to get a "real job" in my field or not. I could be doing this just for a year, or for several years as long as it stays lucrative. My plans are pretty fluid right now. I know I won't be making this my profession though. I have big plans after my Masters. :)
JoleneJolene said:
Crazy hill person! Seriously, no joke. :-D
it's the year 2061, two teenage boys have below conversation in a small village.

“Do you know that old red witch who is living on the hill?, who comes down once a month to buy food?”

“man, I was in the grocery with my little sis once when she did come down, my sis did have nightmares about it.”

“yeah, she is creepy, but what I wanted to show you, this is her 50 years ago.”

“haha, whats that?”

“a 2D movie clip, I found it on my grandpa's tablet my dad did found when my grandpa died.”


“yeah thats a old, foget it, thats not the point now, look, I have it converted with Movie2Hologram, here she is.”

“ohhhhhh, thats hot, I like vintage Holograms.”
RedHerby said:
JoleneJolene said:
Crazy hill person! Seriously, no joke. :-D
it's the year 2061, two teenage boys have below conversation in a small village.

“Do you know that old red witch who is living on the hill?, who comes down once a month to buy food?”

“man, I was in the grocery with my little sis once when she did come down, my sis did have nightmares about it.”

“yeah, she is creepy, but what I wanted to show you, this is her 50 years ago.”

“haha, whats that?”

“a 2D movie clip, I found it on my grandpa's tablet my dad did found when my grandpa died.”


“yeah thats a old, foget it, thats not the point now, look, I have it converted with Movie2Hologram, here she is.”

“ohhhhhh, thats hot, I like vintage Holograms.”

Wow! You nailed my long term life goals on the head! :lol: :clap:
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I'm currently working towards my associates degree in Massage Therapy. In less than 2 years I will be able to open my own practice, if I choose. To be honest I see camming as real world training for how I will operate a successful business. I'm still new to camming and I don't know how long I'll want to do this, but right now I'm learning how to advertise myself effectively to customers and maintain returning customers by using my skills to satisfy their needs. When ya think about it, the only difference about being a cam girl and being a massage therapist is that it uses different body parts (unless there's a happy ending involved ;) ) .
the nice thing about camming is that I still don't know what route to take in post-secondary but I know that whatever I decide, I will have enough to pay for tuition and to support myself. I am taking my time with school because I want to make sure that I can commit fully to whatever I decide to take and not have to work full time just to coast by with no time for schoolwork.
You mean the lottery tickets I've been buying don't count as Long Term ?

I plan to stop camming at 25. By then I hope to be in real estate and have a head start in a phone sex career. I was doing phone sex before I started camming so I know I'm capable of doing it.
How long do you expect to be able to earn a good living?
I will keep camming as long as I'm making more than I would be making at "regular job".

What are you're long term goals?
I would like to work as a cam model until I've established a career after college, and then I'll always have it as a back up plan if some financial crisis comes up. Who knows, I might even continue doing it on my spare time.

Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?
I like to focus on what I'm doing right now. Like trying to get back into school by the spring.

For those that have made investments into a home, how scared are you of cam scores going down? Or losing your "fan" base?
This doesn't apply to me... But I would never make such a commitment while camming. Your position in this industry can change very quickly, for better or for worse. I don't think it's smart to assume.
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