AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Ladies, I'd like some input regarding cam equipment.

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Mar 3, 2010
I'd like to put a page on my site that covers equipment needed to be a cam girl and break it up with budgets in mind, ie low, mid, high, professional.

I assume most anyone can get started with the integral cam on a decent laptop, but I'd like to hear from your side what equipment you use, pros/cons of specific equipment, street price, and your overall satisfaction. Did you have to buy special wiring for the live feed, did it come with everything in the box, etc? That kind of stuff, like a tutorial on equipment selection. What have you actually used for equipment?

For computer stuff, what should a cam girl look for as far as processor speed, graphics card, RAM, etc? What is your setup like? Do you have one computer for music and the other for the cam software? Knowing what you know currently, if you had to start over from scratch, what would you buy?

This page on my site will compliment the Tips for Models page.

Thanks for your insight in advance.

Webcams (best I've found at least): Logitech Orbit & Logitech 9000

PC Requirements: I've been able to run the MFC software with a *really* shitty PC & done it successfully. As far as music goes I'd recommend using the same PC you use for camming to load/listen to your music. I currently have to use two separate PC's and it's a pain in my ass mostly because it's just one thing I have to fuck with when I should be paying attention to my room. With some cam sites though your PC specs do matter so I'd run at least a dual core with 2 to 4 GB of RAM.

Internet connection: DSL or higher. NEVER expect to be able to run a webcam through the internet with dial-up. As a matter of fact I'm going out on a limb and saying dial-up should be taken away. It's useless for most things (ie: gaming, websurfing...)

Lighting: You should use the one over head light in your "cam room" if one exists & one to two side ones. I'm not sure what type of lights, I just use a standard floor lap so someone else more lighting savy like Amber or Alex can you fill you guys on that one. You can have the best cam in the world, but if your regulars can't see you it doesn't make a difference.

Hope this was somewhat helpful. :)
I use the Logitech C500 webcam. It has good quality and a built in microphone. Bought it for 50 dollars at Best Buy.
I'm sure sometime soon I'll invest in something a little more expensive, but it's a good starter cam!
Excellent. Keep it coming.

I used to run a business several years ago that built custom computers. I'm working out the possibility of building a series of "cam girl" packages complete with everything you need to get setup, for a low, mid, and high price range. Computer, camera, lighting, and cables all for one package deal. That was actually my wife's idea.
  • Helpful!
Reactions: RedVelvetCake - thats my webcam, it needs serious updating methinks. It has HD function, but it is not supported by MFC. Cost me $137.00 from Best Buy.

As far as PCs go. I used to run MFC on a shitty desktop that had only 1.5 GB of RAM. It sufficed but I do not recommend it. I would say for starters have at least (what Frankie said) 2 -4 GB. Especially if you plan to run your music from the same source.

For lighting, I would recommend using flourescent bulbs, the white light transfers better. Especially as overhead lighting.

I just recently switched to a new laptop, and so I have the notebook's Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD as my vid card and Intel Core2 Quad Processor. On a side note, my opinion really, but if a model doesn't already have one, I recommend buying a laptop in conjunction with owning a desktop. Set up is more sensible, especially if you are prone to do shows outside of your cam room (shower, hotels, backyard, public park :p, etc.)
Aww. I'm not that light savy. It was Amber's suggestion to get two of the 3-light stand thingies. They work great. However I have a light shining down on me clipped to my desk about two feet above the camera. This way there is a slight shadow in the right places but you can still see everything. Then above and behind me, there is a very high ceiling light.

Wattage is important in your bulbs. Anything too bright and you'll have a headache forever. Besides you'd be too bright to look at. Too low and you'd either be off-color or not so easy to make out. Also as awesome as they are, florescent lights make people look colorless and ill.

I'm probably going to get one more light under my desk soon'ish. This way when I'm on the floor, there isn't a shadow between my legs in any position. But this one will be turned on/off to save power and what not.

As far as internet goes, if you have multiple providers, look for the one with the highest upload limit.

I actually liked running a Desktop next to my Lappy (camera) when my desktop was working (needs a new motherboard now.) It let my pc-thingies keep going that I wanted to. Granted a model should probably not let herself get distracted by things, but hey, <_<

Oh I also made a thingy that I use to hold the camera sometimes.

It's pretty much a flagpole stand, with a clipboard attached to the adjustable/lockable plastic part on the flagpole. This way I can get my camera in any angle on the days I need to; plus it easily snaps onto and off of the board.

Camera; Logitech 9000 again. I have a camcorder and have tried that before, but I didn't like it much and the battery dies quickly. The fans didn't like it and they see things better than me, so we stuck with the smaller more portable 9000. But you could zoom and pan/tilt like crazy.

Um. I don't see how a camera isn't supported by MFC. Maybe if you told us what's up with it we can help you?
Most any camera should work if you have it selected as your feed.
Yeah, I did a bit of looking around, and I used to work at geek squad, so in addition to my already decent tech knowledge they often hammered in product info as well. The Logitech 9000 is, and has been for a while, the best webcam money can buy I think. It's possible that you could get an actual camcorder of higher quality and configure it for webcam usage, but that's exponentially more expensive for only a marginal improvement in quality. Unless you can afford an internet service with over 2mpbs upload, the 9000 will be fine.

Also, it's hardly any more expensive than the other webcams out there. Most retail for $30-$50, and the 9000 can be had for around $70. I dunno about other members, but taking those little steps to improve the quality of your show as a model goes a long way in my book.
Thanks, Serge. It does seem like the 9000 is "the" cam to get. It's a lot more affordable that I had thought. One thing that makes my heart sink is a gorgeous model with a crappy camera.

For a dedicated cam system, do you think it would be better to go desktop or laptop? For starters, I'm thinking of just using the barebones systems, then filling it up with cam optimized hardware. Perhaps one of each, desktop being the more budget conscious choice and the laptop being a little higher end. I'm going to talk with Newegg to see if I can't get some kind of bulk discount if I buy components by the 50 or 100 unit lot.
AlexLady said:
Um. I don't see how a camera isn't supported by MFC. Maybe if you told us what's up with it we can help you?
Most any camera should work if you have it selected as your feed.

I believe D0mino was refering to the HD function not working with MFC.

Tubby, AlexLady is right about one thing: As far as camera working with mfc, if it's a webcam, it's pretty much plug and play... the program that mfc created for us models to use finds the camera for us.

As far as lighting goes, I found mixing one really bright reading light with a softer lamp works pretty well, for the most part. I would like a better bright one for nighttime, but the softer lamp puts back in the color that the bright light takes out during the day.

My set-up:

1 t-series gateway laptop
1 logitech quick-cam pro 9000 (I believe it runs at $90, though I could be very wrong as mine was a gift... Very good cam, the only reason to get a more expensive would be for a remote to do zoom and switching cam angles on-command.)
1 external monitor

The laptop allows me to bring members on tours of the apartment, and bring the camera into the bathroom for shower shows.

The external monitor allows me to have bad-eyesight and keep the chat and pm windows big without cluttering up the screen too bad- also allows me to keep a text doc open to jot down random notes, copy-paste urls, and such.

I like my set-up. The only thing I wish for is a pole and lessons on dancing and such... but these things will come, with time. Oh, and better eyesight, so I could maximize the ridiculous amount of desktop space two monitors allows.
Frankie said:
Webcams (best I've found at least): Logitech Orbit & Logitech 9000

PC Requirements: I've been able to run the MFC software with a *really* shitty PC & done it successfully. As far as music goes I'd recommend using the same PC you use for camming to load/listen to your music. I currently have to use two separate PC's and it's a pain in my ass mostly because it's just one thing I have to fuck with when I should be paying attention to my room. With some cam sites though your PC specs do matter so I'd run at least a dual core with 2 to 4 GB of RAM.

Internet connection: DSL or higher. NEVER expect to be able to run a webcam through the internet with dial-up. As a matter of fact I'm going out on a limb and saying dial-up should be taken away. It's useless for most things (ie: gaming, websurfing...)

Lighting: You should use the one over head light in your "cam room" if one exists & one to two side ones. I'm not sure what type of lights, I just use a standard floor lap so someone else more lighting savy like Amber or Alex can you fill you guys on that one. You can have the best cam in the world, but if your regulars can't see you it doesn't make a difference.

Hope this was somewhat helpful. :)
hehe yes it was helpful :D

i wantssssssssssss this camera the logitech 9000
As an alternative the Philips range of 2 megapixel cams are pretty good as well.

HD resolution and very good framerates

But I think MFC only supports 640x480 resolution video. Their server struggle enough without models streaming HD video..
I personally found that the new Logitech HD C910 had some contrast and color issues. May be different for everyone according to their lighting/room situation. Just didn't work for me.
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