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Jennifer Lawrence leaks broke the internet today.

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jan 21, 2013
As we all (probably) know, Jennifer Lawrence is the internet's girlfriend right now. So, it's not much of a surprise that news of her leaked nudes would make various websites go completely nuclear. About a dozen posts about her on /r/celebs hit the front page of /r/all on Reddit all at once, before getting nuked. 4chan's /b is, of course, going insane. I fear to tread the waters of twitter right now.

I'll admit, I'm fascinated by the whole thing. I just wonder where the fascination stems from. What is it about celebs?
For me, the fascination resides with seeing a hot lady naked that I haven't seen naked before.
She is lovely, and its great to see a much more normal looking woman who does not work out much compared to the usual celebrity bodies.


It's kind of scummy post those photos here (or anywhere) since they were leaked by someone who hacked into her personal phone and distributed them without her consent... :?
LilyEvans said:
It's kind of scummy post those photos here (or anywhere) since they were leaked by someone who hacked into her personal phone and distributed them without her consent... :?

Nobody is wanting to acknowledge how shitty this is, for some reason.

I have an acquaintance who basically threw a party on Facebook over these pictures being leaked, yet I distinctly remember him feeling very angry and violated a few years ago when HIS nudes got posted on IsAnyoneUp.
What a winner. :roll:
Please don't let excitement overrule your empathy, people.

A quote from Lawrences rep might be helpful to remind everyone she is a HUMAN who's privacy has been HORRIBLY violated.
A rep for J.Law confirmed that the images, allegedly stolen from her iCloud account, are real.

"This is a flagrant violation of privacy," the spokesperson told HuffPost. "The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.”
It's the reason why I wanted to approach this as more than just "OMG JLaw naked!!!!!" -- why I want to discuss the phenomenon around the cult of celebrity that would spark such a huge reaction, and why I asked the question. The excitement over this (which continues, now, as Kate Upton's leaks are being distributed as I type this) is undeniable. This has become a force of nature, and that in itself is disturbing. This is about more than just seeing a naked attractive girl. There is no lack of attractive naked girls on the internet (the existence of this forum is proof enough of that.) The force of what is happening, because of the status of the people who are the victims of this breach of privacy, is disturbing. I do believe that they deserve privacy, but given their fame, can they expect it? Surely, the fact that these leaks keep happening is proof enough that celebrities really have no reasonable expectation of privacy. But why? So, I'll put the question out there again: what is it about celebrities?


And a strange offshoot of this is the backlash, which includes people posting nudes of themselves as a show of solidarity, under #LeakForJLaw

Some curious shit, man.
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I think with her it is the fact that she in no way presents herself as any kind of sex symbol and so it is something we won't see elsewhere.

I deal with my severe anxiety issues by rewatching tv shows and movies to frankly a rather unhealthy extent. So I sometimes feel like celebrities are actually a part of my life. Not in a stalker way but in the way that they have had a real effect on my life. That is the celebrity phenomenon to me but I'm sure that isn't the case with everyone.

Celebrities are untouchable. They aren't even human in our eyes half the time. So seeing them doing something so human is weird. Magazines are filled with pictures of them grocery shopping and pumping gas!

I, like everyone else in the world, think JLaw is this amazing, genuine and good person. I actually hurt for her that this happened. It seems like being a good role model was extremely important to her and I could see this being really hard on her because of that.
MelodyFaye said:
I think with her it is the fact that she in no way presents herself as any kind of sex symbol and so it is something we won't see elsewhere.

I have to respectfully to throw the
on that. :lol:

Just did an image search of her via Google and she's proudly sporting cleavage and sexy poses galore.

Yes, it totally sucks that celebs get unwanted images of them spread all over the place, but they also need to be way more careful of that than the average schmuck because it kinda goes with the territory.

Personally, I think she's super cool and has that uber sexy girl next door natural look, yet also quite beautiful.

LilyEvans said:
It's kind of scummy post those photos here (or anywhere) since they were leaked by someone who hacked into her personal phone and distributed them without her consent... :?

I don't read the news, and these turned up in tumblr from a normally respectable poster with no reference to their origin.

Bocefish said:
MelodyFaye said:
I think with her it is the fact that she in no way presents herself as any kind of sex symbol and so it is something we won't see elsewhere.

I have to respectfully to throw the
on that. :lol:

Just did an image search of her via Google and she's proudly sporting cleavage and sexy poses galore.

Yes, it totally sucks that celebs get unwanted images of them spread all over the place, but they also need to be way more careful of that than the average schmuck because it kinda goes with the territory.

Personally, I think she's super cool and has that uber sexy girl next door natural look, yet also quite beautiful.


Yep, she should know that nothing is safe on the internet, even if you use a password more complicated than your dog's name as security.
Bocefish said:
Yes, it totally sucks that celebs get unwanted images of them spread all over the place, but they also need to be way more careful of that than the average schmuck because it kinda goes with the territory.

The thing is - it doesn't come with the territory; the fact that now people even think this shows how assholes like TMZ and all the tabloids are normalising fucking artists' right to privacy - we must remember that the artists only consented with having their image only in movies/TV/whatever job they do; everything else outside of that is their own personal life and should be respected like all of us.

And those pictures/videos - the story I've been finding so far is that this is from hacked accounts, so it wasn't artists being 'less careful', but it was wilful criminal act done by someone who is now essentially doing blackmail in a large scale (I've seen reports of bitcoin wallet IDs being spread around as 'send bitcoins here to see more').
Unpopular opinion incoming.

I'm always curious as to what celebs look like naked. Actually just people in general, but celebs are more *teehee naked person* compared to my naked neighbor. And as shitty it is for someone to hack into your personal shit and then leak private photos, or even the case when people share private photos without permission. I want to add that I will not be going out of my way to find these photos. But I'm not going to pretend like I won't stare at these photos for like 20 seconds or even enjoy seeing them or attempt to feel guilty because I shouldn't be happy about seeing them because of how they were released to the public.

If that made any sense.
weirdbr said:
Bocefish said:
Yes, it totally sucks that celebs get unwanted images of them spread all over the place, but they also need to be way more careful of that than the average schmuck because it kinda goes with the territory.

The thing is - it doesn't come with the territory; the fact that now people even think this shows how assholes like TMZ and all the tabloids are normalising fucking artists' right to privacy - we must remember that the artists only consented with having their image only in movies/TV/whatever job they do; everything else outside of that is their own personal life and should be respected like all of us.

And those pictures/videos - the story I've been finding so far is that this is from hacked accounts, so it wasn't artists being 'less careful', but it was wilful criminal act done by someone who is now essentially doing blackmail in a large scale (I've seen reports of bitcoin wallet IDs being spread around as 'send bitcoins here to see more').

Yes, I understand what you're saying, but the territory I was alluding to is that their unique celebrity status makes them all that more targeted by hackers. IIRC, the last babe was Scarlett Johanson (sp) that got hacked.

The only positive aspect I see coming from this is that it probably won't hurt her career in any way, it may even help.
LioraVox said:
I want to add that I will not be going out of my way to find these photos. But I'm not going to pretend like I won't stare at these photos for like 20 seconds or even enjoy seeing them or attempt to feel guilty because I shouldn't be happy about seeing them because of how they were released to the public.

If that made any sense.

Made total sense to me.

Once they're out there, why not have a look.


ETA: I have no idea what these images or videos portray... I'm assuming they're just nude images or are they some seriously carnal shit?
I'm really conflicted, yo.

I think she's gorgeous and as much as it pains me to admit it, I probably wasn't going to get to see her naked barring something like this happening. And now it has, and I've seen the photos and I can see that she has all the right bits in all the right places, I can now say that I know what Jennifer Lawrence looks like naked and that's... good? I guess.

But there are a million and one images of sexy naked ladies out there that have been shared consensually and I can look at them all I want without feeling guilty. These pictures, now that I know they were shared without her consent... it just feels kinda icky wilfully looking at them.
First time she made a blip on my radar was when I saw this clip...

After that, she struck me as someone to keep an eye on. :)

Not being a guy that has to see all the new movies... I did see previews of her in 'American Hustle' where she looked to be the sex symbol in that movie but have yet to see the flick.

I also heard she is the sex symbol in the upcoming X-Men flick...


I've also seen her do several late night talk shows and she seems fairly intelligent, always flirty, yet down to earth.

If any of the newly hacked images hurt her career, I will be very surprised, unless they're extremely derogatory.
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mynameisbob84 said:
I'm really conflicted, yo.

I think she's gorgeous and as much as it pains me to admit it, I probably wasn't going to get to see her naked barring something like this happening. And now it has, and I've seen the photos and I can see that she has all the right bits in all the right places, I can now say that I know what Jennifer Lawrence looks like naked and that's... good? I guess.

But there are a million and one images of sexy naked ladies out there that have been shared consensually and I can look at them all I want without feeling guilty. These pictures, now that I know they were shared without her consent... it just feels kinda icky wilfully looking at them.

I don't know, mayne. I don't feel bad about it. I don't have a rational explanation for why I don't feel bad about it either. Nude celeb pics and vids are just cool to watch.
DuoShi said:
mynameisbob84 said:
I'm really conflicted, yo.

I think she's gorgeous and as much as it pains me to admit it, I probably wasn't going to get to see her naked barring something like this happening. And now it has, and I've seen the photos and I can see that she has all the right bits in all the right places, I can now say that I know what Jennifer Lawrence looks like naked and that's... good? I guess.

But there are a million and one images of sexy naked ladies out there that have been shared consensually and I can look at them all I want without feeling guilty. These pictures, now that I know they were shared without her consent... it just feels kinda icky wilfully looking at them.

I don't know, mayne. I don't feel bad about it. I don't have a rational explanation for why I don't feel bad about it either. Nude celeb pics and vids are just cool to watch.
That's how I feel too
There's actually a really refreshing thread about this on reddit right now.

It kind of makes me sad that people don't feel bad about it. Is it just because she's a celebrity? What if it was your sister, cousin, or best friend who had her PRIVATE PERSONAL nude pictures leaked to the ENTIRE INTERNET against her will by some turd who was making money off of them. I bet a lot of people would feel differently about it then.

There was a HUGE UPROAR about IsAnyoneUp, but for some reason this is okay? I don't get it. I really don't.
NoelleBright said:
It kind of makes me sad that people don't feel bad about it. Is it just because she's a celebrity?

Compared to everything else going on in the world... I had zero knowledge of this until this thread.

It makes me sad that people of voting age give more of a shit about Beyonce and crap like this than real world issues.

Bocefish said:
NoelleBright said:
It kind of makes me sad that people don't feel bad about it. Is it just because she's a celebrity?

Compared to everything else going on in the world... I had zero knowledge of this until this thread.

It makes me sad that people of voting age give more of a shit about Beyonce and crap like this than real world issues.


I don't disagree with you, what you're saying is literally part of the problem.
If there wasn't such an issue with celebrity worship/obsession this probably wouldn't have happened. It still isn't right to strip her of her humanity just because she's a celebrity. It's part of a bigger problem.

It IS also possible to take issue with this and other "real world" issues at the same time.
I always assume naked stuff is leaked on purpose. Maybe I'm cynical, but what famous person is going to put their nudies on a cloud and trust it? She's not a derpy teen. I smell a PR move.
NoelleBright said:
It kind of makes me sad that people don't feel bad about it. Is it just because she's a celebrity? What if it was your sister, cousin, or best friend who had her PRIVATE PERSONAL nude pictures leaked to the ENTIRE INTERNET against her will by some turd who was making money off of them. I bet a lot of people would feel differently about it then.

Another unpopular opinion incoming. I don't really deal with "What if" type scenarios. I just can't put my head into a situation like that knowing that people I actually care about wouldn't take pics like that anyways. As far as my lack of concern revolving around her being a celebrity, that isn't the case. I'm just the type of douchebag that doesn't care about something that happens to people I don't know unless it's major.
NoelleBright said:
It IS also possible to take issue with this and other "real world" issues at the same time.
It IS also possible to take issue with this and other "real world" issues at the same time.

100% agree.

My sad meter just doesn't register all that high about hollywood drama nudity. YMMV
Bocefish said:
NoelleBright said:
It still isn't right to strip her of her humanity just because she's a celebrity.

OK, now I want a link to view for myself where said humanity was stripped.

She was probably talking about the larger reaction, not yours specifically.

Jicky & Aedan, it wasn't just Jennifer Lawrence's photos leaked, there were multiple celebrities who really don't seem to have much relation to each other. I don't think it's a publicity stunt, unfortunately.
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