This article consists only of real facts.
Hi everyone, My username: Victoria_Voltaire on Chaturbate. I broadcasted on Chaturbate for 2 years until i got banned because of hairstyle. *Yes, it's ridiculous for me too!*
For the first time i faced with ban on AUGUST 9. I won't write the whole story *but if it will be needed i'm able to provide all information* about how many days i spent to resolve it but thanks to @punker barbie for help. In brief: i needed to verify my identity (make a photo where i hold my passport and piece of paper)
SEPTEMBER 7, the date when i faced with a ban for the second time and received an email:
My ban has not lifted and i needed to write a lot of messages where i explain CB Support that i'm the same person but have another hairstyle. I also asked them to review their records of my broadcast from 19.08.2017 when i had straight hair.
I don't have my own records of my broadcast but it's not a secret that there are a few sites
which record models without their allows. But this is the only one way how i can confirm i'm the same person.
In a few weeks Support of Chaturbate finally answered me and required to verify my identity (for the second time) by providing photo where i hold my passport and piece of paper. I needed to make THREE different photos until Support confirmed my identity. Seems everything should be okay after it, but No, after all of it they started requiring an international passport ID.
An absolute nonsense to require documents which not every citizen of any country has.
For age varification on Chaturbate and for verify my identity i used the same passport. Passport of my country which issued by government of my country (EUROPE).
Also, i just want to show you how Support of Chaturbate works.
This is the first time when i faced with a ban (before i met @punker barbie and she helped me)
I hope this article will help to resolve an issue
and we will not have longer a misunderstanding
between me and Chaturbate
and we will not have longer a misunderstanding
between me and Chaturbate
Hi everyone, My username: Victoria_Voltaire on Chaturbate. I broadcasted on Chaturbate for 2 years until i got banned because of hairstyle. *Yes, it's ridiculous for me too!*
For the first time i faced with ban on AUGUST 9. I won't write the whole story *but if it will be needed i'm able to provide all information* about how many days i spent to resolve it but thanks to @punker barbie for help. In brief: i needed to verify my identity (make a photo where i hold my passport and piece of paper)
SEPTEMBER 7, the date when i faced with a ban for the second time and received an email:
My ban has not lifted and i needed to write a lot of messages where i explain CB Support that i'm the same person but have another hairstyle. I also asked them to review their records of my broadcast from 19.08.2017 when i had straight hair.
I don't have my own records of my broadcast but it's not a secret that there are a few sites
which record models without their allows. But this is the only one way how i can confirm i'm the same person.
In a few weeks Support of Chaturbate finally answered me and required to verify my identity (for the second time) by providing photo where i hold my passport and piece of paper. I needed to make THREE different photos until Support confirmed my identity. Seems everything should be okay after it, but No, after all of it they started requiring an international passport ID.
An absolute nonsense to require documents which not every citizen of any country has.
For age varification on Chaturbate and for verify my identity i used the same passport. Passport of my country which issued by government of my country (EUROPE).
Also, i just want to show you how Support of Chaturbate works.
This is the first time when i faced with a ban (before i met @punker barbie and she helped me)
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