So this is my first post I'm so excited about starting this new journey of my life I've been a dancer for about 5 years I'm off of apples and some other things but that was when I was younger and didn't know any better I've always been a very open minded person when it came to my sexuality so I think this little gig for now it would be a good fit I like the fact that I can control the things that are happening to my body compared to and I was a dancer because everyone knows that he's been a dancer one day its creepy old man the next day is so young virgin either way it's someone who you don't know touching on you feeling on you trying to see what all they can get away with and granted in different situation I'd be more open to it in a safe way but because it was my job and it was so personal I didn't enjoy it after a while but I'm glad to come across the community where I will be able to get more advice and just have other people to talk to you you understand what the lifestyle is like working in the sex industry wish me luck