good day to the admins! I really need help, my old account was permanently banned because I was pressured that my account might be get banned the time that they request me to send another ID last october 2022 the time they already have biometric. so I sent an ID that was not valid because i was so pressured for giving me 10 days a deadline until i can send new ID that's why i send an ID that is not valid so i get permanently banned, It's a misunderstanding. I work as a model for years since 2018 and I am very a good model and I always follow the rules except on my one mistake by sending an ID that is not valid and my old account "angelic_facexx" was permanently banned on october 2022 . then now i am trying my luck to make another account "angeIic_asian08" but i am not yet sending any ID's on the age verification form or biometric (scared of getting account banned again as expected i am so broken hearted seeing the word), i email the support first and i admit my mistake and i also attached my legit and original ID's: passport, national ID, postal ID, and driver license for them to give me a chance but they didn't replied yet and i dont expect response anymore because of my permanent banned. thats why i am trying my luck to get help from here and i hope you can help me because i really need to work at chaturbate for me to live and to help my mom who have a cancer. Is there any a chance for me get age verified after making new account and sent my ID's via email to the chaturbate support? i really hope you can help me, thank you