AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Help models and customers with not for profit chat site

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Jun 15, 2012
Hi Everybody,

I’ve been working as a web cam model for several years now, and I am
really appalled at how so many of web sites have just become
accustomed to exploiting their models and their customers. I really
want to try to curve these abuses, and I need your help to do it!
Several web cam models and I have created a NOT FOR PROFIT video chat
site, and I know this site can help alleviate the abuses of these
profit driven sites. This site just NEEDS YOUR HELP to succeed. If
you are a model or performer, please come to the site and create a
Performer’s Account. If you are a chat customer, please use this site
and help publicize it to your friends.

Please don’t be cynical and think this is some sort of get rich scheme
for us. We don’t want to make any money off another model’s work.
The only money we get from this site is from the money we earn as a
model working there from our chat customers. We GENUINELY want to
create a web site that was concerned about its models and customers.
I’m not sure if I can write the URL here, because of rules against
spam, but search for “” on Google or Yahoo, and it will
appear as a non profit video chat site. Detailed information about
the site is documented on the site. We tried to be as transparent as
possible, so you can be assured that your money is being properly

For models, I know it’s asking a lot for you to create an account and go
online on a site that has very little traffic, but we cannot advertise
the site unless we are sure you will be there to use it. So, please
consider it an act of charity and community, and help us grow this
site and participate in its growth. I know you have to make a living,
but if you have some spare network bandwidth, you can work this site
along with your regular sites. This site was created to help all us
models, and we have to make some sacrifices to ensure that we have
viable alternatives to these profit hungry sites. As an incentive the
site is offering a pay rate of 100% for new models, but regularly it
still offers
a high pay rate of 75% or more. A similar post was done in the “Models Only”
area, but I also wanted to post it here in a more accessible area of the forum.

For customers, I know you really want your money to go towards your
favorite model and not some web site owner. This site was created
with you also in mind. The site tries to give as much of your money
to the model as possible. When a model earns a high pay rate, she can
afford to charge you less. You see everybody wins when there’s no
greedy web site owner trying to take a cut of your money.
Like I see you use the older version of modenacam script.
I can setup SMS mobile payment for your site.
Best regards and good luck with the site
I'm confused about how a site where models will go to make money can be considered a non-profit site especially when not every model will be getting 100% of their earnings.
What sort of question is that? Do you mean "how can it be non profit if models do not get 100% of their tip money?"

Or something else? If it's the first, I believe most can answer that for you. Servers cost money.

Taking MFC as an example - they have probably got a mini server farm going in all honesty.

A model connects to the site server and streams her cam to the server. The server then allows users to connect to whichever (model) stream they are after.

So that's bandwidth being used to upload the stream to the server from 1 person, and download to however many are watching.
I would guess a model uses 100-200Mb of bandwidth per hour of streaming video - I honestly do not know - any takers? :D
Now imagine the bandwidth going out by many who are watching said video live... :eek: If it wasn't for their servers, and the models broadcast directly to the users, then you'd probably get somewhere between 2-20 users in your room before your own internet connection cannot upload enough info to satisfy the number trying to watch. It all depends how much you can upload, and how big the video stream is.

The model's video is stored on another server, the video archive, which can be accessed by the company or individuals (via their private show recording). The text of all conversation is stored on a server as well - or more correctly - in a database which is hosted on a server.

Now multiply all this by the number of models you have. Worse still, you aren't done yet. The more models you have, the more servers you need. The more servers you have, the more complicated the load balance between the servers is and distribution. They also need a level of redundancy thrown in - meaning when shit breaks the operation doesn't go down... so that's even more cost.

It may, naively, be forgotten as to what goes on behind the scenes that the models have no clue about. Honestly, I don't have a clue either! The beauty of the entire system is that we visit a website, and see stuff. The beauty of the system from the models perspective is that they turn on their cam, connect to the server, and are broadcast. But beyond all that there is infrastructure and many servers whirring away doing the real work.

and those cost money. If they don't take some of the model's pay to cover that cost, how can it possibly run?

Alternatively - if you meant "how can it be not for profit" - the alternative answer is that at the end of the pay period they get the bill for how much the servers cost and the associated employment time that goes with it (with a reasonable $/hr billing of the people responsible...). Find the costs, find the money made and tokens "earned". Subtract the cost from all the money made, and then divide that by the number of tokens to give "earnings per token". Now pay the girls based on that.

Therefore, the amount you get per token could vary from month to month - it all depends. After all, who is administering the site and how much are they paying themselves per hour to do so - as realistically speaking - not for profit is no profits after all costs paid - which includes earnings. Who sets the wage... as they could pay themselves a very hefty cheque per month and its still not for profit :whistle:

All depends :D
Has anyone else signed up for this... I am very curious... But I kind of want to see what happens first... Ya'll understand why... =/.
Kradek said:
Zoomer said:
Had the same reaction when I read this thread this morning and was going to post something similar until I recognized it as a necro.

In short, TANSTAAFL.

Well spotted - equal date (as in 24th day), never noticed month :D
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